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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I'd buy him a drink and say "how do you do". Of coure Okie manners and NY manners are not the same, so I would not expect everyone to agree.
  2. I will admit I hated it then. Along with this:https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DPGNiXGX2nLU&ved=0ahUKEwiatdXbkMDbAhUSKawKHQecBnUQ3ywIOjAC&usg=AOvVaw0ErTORvLeBPjFRjDbEeNmr But I have grown along with the rest of the world. The music supercedes.....and those guys courage 30 years ago is admirableb to me now. Dammit I wish I could figure out how to imbed videos instead of just a link@!! The Cars are one that I underappreciated back in the day. I absolutely love em now. I was a metal head then. I still am now, but I do dig now a bunch of those other eighties bands that a despisised then!
  3. Excellent choice!!! But that doesn't look anything like the band I saw in concert, lol, per my very, very impared memory. Nonetheless...great tune, and great effin band!!!!
  4. Dude was one of the best players on our team. He has troubles like the rest of us. Good guy according to most people who actually know him. Be well Richie! Get it together, and keep it together. For yourself, not a bunch of fair weather fans! Peace!
  5. That comes pretty close my answers! I would add something fro Suicidal Tendencies And Ozzi.
  6. I know there are a lot of bicycle enthusiasts on this board (I'm looking at you Chef Jim), so I thought I'd share what's happening in Tulsa this weekend. Tulsa Tough has become an unexpected phenomenon over the last 10 years. Here is a video from the final day of the 3-day event in 2012: be ready to pause at 2:15! https://player.vimeo.com/video/43947788 I hope this embeds/links properly. I don't start threads very often. Like I said, that was 6 years ago. The event has now grown into one of, if not THE top Criterion racing event in the nation. Its yuge I tell yah! And oh so much fun. Think of a three day all-day tailgate party. I had never even heard of this until 2015. I am not a cyclist. I just really enjoy the spectacle of it all. When I went for the first time I was like whaaaatthehellllisgoingon? This is crazy. I go every year now. 3000 Crit racers. 6000 tour racers 100,000 spectators. http://tulsatough.com/site/sections/10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_Tough
  7. I thought, and still do think, that my towns 25M footbal stadium renovation was ridiculous. But we also got a 20M pool, 10M basketball court 10M music building and 20M science academy for our bond money. That campus is pretty freaking incredible. Still are not paying teachers a competitive wage, which is my biggest B word, but Jenks HS is stolk head and shoulder above any other district academically than any other district in my state.
  8. I don't give a crap about his video game habits. Making a priority out of fishing though, makes me like JP more.
  9. You need to see a dentist if chopped up peanuts are breaking your teeth.
  10. Yessiree BOB! I would dive into the pool and/or her headfirst. (Please tell me she isn't underage. If so, I take it back! Except for the pool.) I would LOVE to take that plunge! I've gone higher. Unfortunately, my depth is limited.
  11. I luv luv luv PB&J sammiches. When I travel, collecting per diem, I can darn near live on PB&J and milk. This thread made me hungry. Checked the fridge and we are low on grape jelly, so I had one Sammy of half grape, half apricot, and one Sammy of half grape, half strawberry. Big glass o milk. Smooth JIF. Doesn't get much better than that. Yum.
  12. I'm typically a smooth PB guy, for PBJ sandwices, but I dig crunchy when making PB cookies.
  13. Promo, please go back to your old avatar. It's hard to keep up with the OGs, and you r 1.
  14. I model French panties. And my sister says I'm a great French kisser
  15. I love home depot. That is a happy place for me. I usually get very good service at my local store, and I know the layout very well. I'm a handy mofo, so I don't typically need their advice, but when I do, more often than not I get courteous, knowledgeable service. I am there several times a week. Matter of fact, I need to go get some pool supplies now and return a few items from my water well installation.
  16. I have not blown snow ? since my twenties, but I have foggy memories of very good times. Have I ever mentioned the fine, fine hooker that lived across the street? Way more fun than opening the pool! Now the hot tub, on the other hand, is always open!
  17. Thanks a lot. I just had to watch for a minute after your post.
  18. Cool of th Eagles to offer Foles a choice. That Superbowl win earned him a lot of love and respect in that town, and surely in that front office. Good on them. Only if that's what Nick chose. See above.
  19. That is weird! I distinctly hear two different words simply by think about one or the other. The weirdest part, to me is that the two words have a different number of sylables.
  20. I was denied the purchase of a hand gun 13 years ago, and I am so thankful.
  21. Yes. You are correct. Seek help SHC. And quit PMing photos of naked buff cowboys.
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