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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. How do you know I havent already? Tribute to "would ya". Seems that those threads have been moderated out.
  2. Cops worldwide steer clear of them boys from Oklahoma. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DuJOWe02uBIw&ved=0ahUKEwjc_sHUrOPbAhX1CTQIHY8KDHoQ3ywIODAC&usg=AOvVaw36QwjTth_0srLZCZ4LC19W FYI: Most Okies roll a fine joint. This song is not about Oklahomans, it is OK State vs OU and other rivals. The band is from Stillwater.
  3. I'm pretty sure you first posted "only 3" but I am certain there was at least 5. Mendella in effect before our very eyes!
  4. I get that dude. But with like five different threads about the weather..... Did I mention that today was the hottest/coldest/rainiest/cloudiest (without rain)/lighteningest day in history, somewhere?
  5. How is rain historic? So, it rained a lot, in a short period of time. It flooded, I presume because I didn't read the link. Has that never happened before?
  6. So, how exactly do you describe a really cloudy day? It was really, REALLY cloudy. Like I couldn't see the sun. And it didn't even rain!!!! Man, those clouds were cloudy! Cloudyest, darkest cloudy clouds I ever saw! It was almost as astounding as that super duper wet rainstorm the day before. Wettest rain I ever heard!!!!! Edit to say that the word 'cloud' started looking weird the more I typed. I think I just got Gugnied.
  7. Yes. His family moved to buffalo and at age 19 he knocked up my 15 year old mother. Got stationed in Plattsburgh. I was born on base. Moved back yo T-Town when I was a baby. Mom's family always hated him, but he was a Buffalo Bills fan anyway. Here I am.
  8. Tulsa. Where tornado alley, and the bible belt cross roads. The end.
  9. I am still fairly thin, but my athleticism has fallon way off the pre 40 days. How much does it cost? Can I be athletic without exercising too much?
  10. Lol. Waah! Today was a brisk 93 here. I bit a cool front is moving through with rain expected. The predicted high temp for the remainder of the week is 90, and I am happy with that. And, yo don't understand what real humidity is until you've experienced 95 degrees with 95 %RH. Yes, that sucks, but I'll take 100 degrees over freezing any day!
  11. Yes. Too long of a story, but I was set up by my then soon to be ex and her scumbag boy toy. She had a restraining order put on me while I was in Hono working, which is when I was informed another man was living in the home I was paying for. Fast forward. I'm home a couple of weeks later and been granted emergency custody of the kiddos, but I had none of our belongings, or clothes for the kids. She calls and tells me she will put the kids clothing in bags in the driveway. I drive there on my lunchbreak, and no sooner do I pull up, bam, three cop cars. Remember the restraining order? Yeah, I said some things like I'm gonna do such and such and blah blah blah while I was still on the road. I was never a true threat. So, I go to Tulsa County. I was a little scared, mostly because of the now uncertain custody rights, but also because, while I had other short stays at municiplr jails, David L Moss correctional is no !@#$ing joke. They later filmed a season of "Locked Up" there, if you think I am BSing. I was a little scared, but I was VERY agitated and pissed off!!! Went through processing. Jail issued underwear, socks, orange suit and all. The homies and the vatos actually treated me respectfully for the 10 hours i was there, but I get the feeling that i was just being set up again. Fast forward again: the judge figured out exactly how I got set up and awarded me ownership of the house. So I am there one afternoon, after weeks of cleaning, painting, prepping for sale, and after shitbag had broken in a couple of times to graffiti freshly painted walls (when they got evicted, they moved next door with his sister. Yeah.), when I was leaving that day and he and some of his friends were out front next door and started talking ****. I gave him the come at me bro hand gesture, and since his friends were present, this time, he didn't back down. He charged all the way across his yard, into my yard, and met a hard right hook. IDK how the cops got there so fast (maybe they tried setting me up again) but within a few minutes, I had beaten him bloody and sensless and almost had him in a python chokehold, (i would have ended him right then, but praise god others intervened) all the while his buddys and family kicking and trying to pull me off. As soon as I sae cops, I rolled off and laid on my back spread eagle. I was immediately handcuffed, but believe it or not, by this point the local cops understood the situation and threw me a bone. They asked maggot **** if he wished to press charges (for assault), to which he replied yes. Then they asked ME if I wished to press charges for trespassing (fight took place in MY driveway) , to which I answered YES! Then the officer in charge told us we could both be arrested, or both walk away. Shitbag made the first wise choice in his life and we both were set free. Anyhoo, sorry for the long post, bit that was my only serious run in with the law, and I got to kick the ever living piss out of the devil himself, and get away with it. I never had another bit of trouble out of him or my ex again. Won full custody, awarded house and all belongings, and I've since become successful, and relative to them, well off. Yay me.
  12. I disagree. Fist fighting doesn't belong in team sports. I dislike hockey for that reason, among others. Now, tennis, badminton, curling, Etc...that is some mono a mono conpetition and hand to hand combat should be encouraged!
  13. I don't see that as a negative comment toward The Bills. He would like both teams to make the playoffs, but wants to beat us if it happens. Nothing nefarious at all. That would really suck for us, though.
  14. Elizabeth Hurley just booked her flight.
  15. More cow bell!!!! Less train horn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Illinois boy calling me a flatlander, LOLz. Preserving is not the same as restoring, btw. Crybaby hill is not a mountain. Its a hill. But still higher than anything within 200 miles of you. Yes I am aware Tulsa has a port, sport. You and I have discussed it before. Your are on a Buffalo Bills sight, downtalking wild, free range Bison. Would you prefer to hear that there are no Asian carp in our water, and that we have 10x the shoreine as you. Thanks for ruining my thread. I was fine here all by myself, talking to myself. I am not a rider. I have sensitive taint. ODK how they do it.
  17. So, in addition to going to some super cool bicycle races, yesterday I visited The Tall Grass Prarie Nature Preserve on th Oklahoma-Kansas border. It was gorgeous! I saw lots of Bison very near and far. A small herd crossed the road and blocked or path, and we saw several larger herds off in the distance. Bought a bison cookie cutter in the gift shop shaped exactly like The Bills logo. Can't wait to make blue and red "Buffalo" cookies for our parties this year. The best part is that I was on the clock and on the company dime the whole trip. Overtime and all. About those Bicycle races, since I am talking to myself here, I'm off for night two. Different course, more in the arts/music district as opposed to last night's bar scene. It' Gonna be fun! BO GILLS!
  18. Well, this thread was a bust, but I am reviving it anyway. Tonight's races were friggin awesome!!!! T-Town, and NE Oklahoma, is now the biggest bike event outside of France. And the Party was incredible. Still got two days to go!
  19. All I wanted was a pepsi!! Truth be told, I didn't like Institutionalized, tho, I listened to it a lot. Asleep at the wheel....now, 30 years later, I can still trip on that video. Drugs no longer needed! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DauiAKIbVCxc&ved=0ahUKEwjEr6zl2cXbAhVEbK0KHZanDbgQo7QBCBwwAA&usg=AOvVaw2JiakNPP_TD49tHdqSenhI
  20. Driving through Illinois. Second place: driving through Louisiana. Two terrible car problems! Of course, Tom would rightfully say that those were operator errors.
  21. Yuck. Another Yuck. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1w7OgIMMRc4&ved=0ahUKEwiNz_fixsLbAhVB44MKHfhPCawQ3ywIOjAC&usg=AOvVaw0oybsoJJjrGMB213AN0E8l The end. Can someone please explain how to embed videos, photos, etc?
  22. I took a dump last time I was there. Big deal, they found my mud. Dammit. Beat me to the punchline!
  23. Very good post. I like TO. You cannot say he was not driven to be his best. Whether he was his best is arguable, but he damn sure balled on the field. Much like Richie, TO had some issues, but on the playing field he was awesome. I have issues too, but on my field (job) I'm a bad mofo. I think someone should start an 'All Star Crazys" thread. TO, Richie, OJ, etc...
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