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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Nope. Live in GFs who contribute nothing, deserve what they contributed. You think this woman cleaned house, cooked dinner for the family...managed her lovers finances???? Nope. Anything less than 10 years, in any capacity, is just a roomate.
  2. Nope. Been there, done that. Hell, my wife of 9.75 years got squat. My live in, 5 years later stood no chance.
  3. Georgia does not recognize e common law marriage. https://www.gadivorceonline.com/gapages/Alimony/commonlawmarriage.asp And most other states require more than 'just living together'... you gotta file taxes together, share an insurance policy, share a mortgage, etc...
  4. His love, respect and compassion of people different from himself was Tony's best quality, and as you said, made himself loved by that very same cross section of humanity. I send much love, respect and compassion toward his grave and choose to be as full of love, respect and compassion toward my fellow earthlings.
  5. That is a good read. Anthony reminds me a lot of myself and, to me, validates why I enjoyed his shows so much. I always wanted to drink some beers, smoke a joint and have dinner with that dude! Only difference is I have held the same job for a long long time. Other MFers making more pay for less work come and go, but I do what I do because I love it and I am thankful for a comfortable life. If I had more money, I would take care of others and fritter away the rest.
  6. I don't watch much TV. Last nighy I sat down and hit the TV guide and saw some nfl program on ESPN, so I gave it a shot. It was freaking terrible. I sat through 10 minutes of commercials trying to give it a chance, but same ol same ol. Two polished suits, one meathead, and a hot chick blabbering about nfl contracts. It was the worst. Until espn starts showing sports again, they are dead to me.
  7. You wanna know how I know you smoke pot?
  8. I voted creamsicle. My first choice would've been powder blue. I do prefer the old Patriots helmets, as well as Denver, Miami, Philly, and Atlanta's old helmets, but their uniforms, old and new, do nothing for me. Buffalo Bill's current blue top, white bottoms, white helmet with charging bison are my all time favorite!
  9. That is a pull out. I had a Kenwood pullout in the 90s. Later became detachable faces. My daughter is 15 and I've been letting her drive some. I have a Maxima and the other day she commented on what an awesome sound system it has (it is froggen incredible) I explained that we used to have to install aftermarket systems, and how mine got stolen twice. Completely foreign concept now.
  10. I was thinking of a similar response, but you pretty much nailed it.
  11. As is the HQ for Missile Defense Agency.
  12. That is cool! I never saw a car stereo like that.
  13. Dangit. You beat me to it!!!
  14. Been there, done that.
  15. I've never figured out how to post a pic. 1980 Honda XL125 for my 11th birthday. I rode the heck out of that bike!!!
  16. Where have you been? You still don't know the difference? People like you... BTW, you should know better than to say "never".
  17. Of course, ? You wanna hit taco bell bro?
  18. I'll bet that most all you naysayers are pubicans. The party for 'less guvment, more freedom', or so your party is based on. Hippo krits. Guns good. Grass bad. LoL! FU all! Yeah, so what's your point? Black market? Like where I buy my camels and Budweiser? Taxes...whole different debate!
  19. Feds still rule my business, so, no I cannot partake. But to those who now can, I salute you!!!!
  20. ......in Oklahoma!!!!!!!! Afroman. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dd8AuMOGx_KY&ved=0ahUKEwiV1Omk9PLbAhVohlQKHZinAm0Q3ywIMzAC&usg=AOvVaw1t9v5o3A7_k5hq_z6WfZD- Willie and Snoop. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DraND-7ODiNo&ved=0ahUKEwiX98Sl9fLbAhURKH0KHUQPDLAQo7QBCB8wAA&usg=AOvVaw1U1cwSjDKl7RBumlt0f5lE
  21. TIL there is another boat owner on TBD trying his own boat repairs! PM me! I've replaced all wiring, circuit breakers and switches and gauges. Just applied powers an hour ago and the Bilge pump now works for the first time in years. Moving on to live well pumps and aerators....
  22. In. I debated with myself whether to post, but I decided to not go anonymous with hopes of encouraging others to give a little. VIVA LA PONCHO!!!
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