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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Lol. Zay is crazier than Bob Woods! Yes sir. Take care of those who love you most!
  2. Not hard to understand. Because, relatively speaking, very few of us Dads raised kids single. I did. But there are many more mommas than daddy's present in children's lives. And dads like me expect nothing in return. I think there have been an NFL player or two who bought a house for Mom AND Dad.
  3. I respect you for loving your community, so I will say nothing further, except Go Packers and Go Bills!!!
  4. Good for Momma, and good on Tre. I truly hope and suspect he won't squander that money, because his career could end tomorrow. You go boy! Full disclosure: I make well above average, but still live paycheck to paycheck. Managing money is difficult for a lot of us
  5. I was totally with until BK and MC, yungn.
  6. As close as I am, I've never been to KC. But I see it the same way as you...I hope to see a game there in the near future for their attractive game day experience. I've said that for years but can never pony up and find a traveling partner willing to pony up for NFL ticket prices. Other than their BBQ reputation, I have no incentive to visit if not for foolsball. OK has just as good BBQ as anyone, so...boo to KC.
  7. It must be her lack of teeth. I hear some men dig that. That's a Nope for me.
  8. Never been to Nashville, but ive been to Memphis a couple of times for drag racing, and had a great time on Beal street So, I have jumped the shark. My last two posts were not about NFL cities. GO BILLS! Probably in the top ten in my inexperienced opinion. They have a good fishing lake nearby, so I think I could enjoy myself.
  9. Glad you liked that. I am taking a left turn, to brag on my (non NFL) city... Clapton's version is better (he once called Tulsa home) but here is the original https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DO6MbPWzIFUk&ved=0ahUKEwi68Yms4bDcAhWIHnwKHTyFCsYQ3ywIOjAC&usg=AOvVaw12ZVQMsRc8sVlyDEnklzV8
  10. Have you ever been to heaven? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Ddm6qw_yeo6o&ved=0ahUKEwizprOj3bDcAhXov1QKHRHSBOcQuAIIWDAI&usg=AOvVaw3q-1vvsdCpdUCeQ_Eqz_bG
  11. I have only driven through. Southern Illinois and all of Indiana looked boring AF to me. So, yes, the several hours I spent in Indiana, and the 30 minutes I spent driving through their capitol was as boring as any place I have ever ventured through. Don't get me started on Ohio! What a boring drive through! I have never been to, or through Cleveland or Cincinnati, so I give them the benefit of doubt. I get the impression that I could have fun in either of those cities.
  12. I do not have high standards for my favorite sports team. Win more than lose is the low bar for me. Anything less sucks, anything more is fun.
  13. Dallas is surrounded with great bass fishing lakes, much like Tulsa. Even if you don't like fishing, the boat parties there, and here, are epic! Also has a great music scene, good food, and culture. I hate to give Dallas props, but it is certainly not boring.
  14. NO and Cleveland. I never thought of them as boring. I mean, jeebus, one city lives under water and the other has a burning river. Not boring.
  15. Thank you for summarizing my random thoughts. I am not so good at communicating, especially when thumb typing. I would agree that Green Bay is near the top of the list of least attractive destinations, but they have good fishing nearby, right? So, not the most boring.
  16. Tulsa is awesome!!!! We gots sattelinte and everything!!!! And beer. Oh, wait, maybe I have had a couple too many;-)
  17. HA!! Kinda how I feel about Dallas. Texas is cool except for all the Texans! Lol! It ain't boring though.. I have read no convincing argument otherwise. Indianapolis is the most boring, least desirable travel destination of all NFL cities, unless you are going for a game - which still looks ****ty IMHO.
  18. But is Boston boring? Pshaw! I think not. Never been ther myself but it is the top of my go to list!
  19. So pick one. In your humble opinion, what is the most boring NFL city. I know you have been to a few...
  20. Jacksonville has a beach, no? Any 0lace with a beach is okay with me.
  21. Technically yes. I have only driven through. But it seemed boring to me. That is why I asked the question
  22. Absolutely! I'm sure most folks think Tulsa sucks, but if you have a good guide, we rock! So, short of friends and a football team, which NFL city is your least desirable destination?
  23. I saw NiN with marylinn manson. It was actually a terrible concert, imo, but I still dig both bands.
  24. What city is the most boring though? Indianapolis, right?
  25. Yes, overall city. We all know the football aspect. Where would be 32nd city you would visit for anything other than foolsball?
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