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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I grew up riding dirt bikes. Finally got my dream bike (2011 FJR1300) and realized I was no longer fit to ride. Alcohol on two wheels bad.
  2. How do you know I haven't already? This is not a new thing. Who (hetros) among us hasn't sniffed a ladies underwear and been thirsty for more? Thats good stuff. Natural Male nature even. May I have another?!? I love the taste of kitty. Full disclosure: it has been a minute!
  3. I totally stopped watching NFL from 1995 to 2008. 2008 sucked hard, however, my Buffalo Bills fanaticism has increased Every Single Year since then. My Fantasy Football/work mates love to give me ****. I just take it and tell them to pay me promptly at the end of the season. GO BILLS!
  4. Because? Eating is bad? I'm no nutritionalist and I haven't stepped foot in a gym in 25 years, but carbs and protein (bagels and cheese) are good for an active body, no?
  5. Whatever it takes. I am doubtful of its efficacy, however. Everyone knows that gaffers tape is the remedy. ****, I can build an airplane with sheet metal and gaffers tape... and a little bit of caulk - but it has to be silicone.
  6. I cannot state on the internet any illegal activities I may or may not have (absolutely not) tried, experimented with, or openly embraced in any phase of my of life. I can say that I don't regret any of it (except for one time, that one thing at that place, with those people). I had a lot of fun, pushed a lot of boundaries, and learned a lot about life. So, to answer the OP: the only "phases" in my life is the crap I quit doing. That certainly does not include fornication, pharmaceuticals, and loud upbeat, rebellious, mind expanding music!
  7. Nor your finest TIL post. Thats okay, I still like this thread and most all of your other TILz. But....Diamond Shreddies? C'mon man!
  8. How do you know I haven't already?
  9. I suspect the BBMB shutdown was a factor. This place has not been the same since. Too much posting, not enough reading? Regardless, Astro nailed it as usual, so I don't mind one extra click to get his reports! He did give an early shout out to TSW! Thinking further... I'd bet the other place pays better than TSW. Let's continue to support our homegrown training camp reporter! You go boy! Go Bill's! Go Astrobot!!!
  10. I just picked a random thread for this: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DNHTnYGAcLUs&ved=2ahUKEwjV9OnoiM3cAhUTEHwKHSuVCuEQwqsBMAB6BAgKEAU&usg=AOvVaw3Nx1LyCWWOeDQ7rq6PiXlP You want make sexy time?
  11. Fireball is in Oklahoma... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DulluAsZEVNM&ved=0ahUKEwigt6rC6cfcAhXmiVQKHfjOAZcQo7QBCBwwAA&usg=AOvVaw0RCdQ6xn0K7Y80BURRUu0n
  12. FYI, Josh Allen is also from California. And came from money. And has had concussions. Just sayin'
  13. That is a damning list that succinctly answered my previous post. I have Dallas Cowboy fan friend who is happy as heck to have Dez off the team. IDK, but I don't think Dez is done yet.
  14. Dez is an interesting character. I almost feel that Dez, and guys like TO, are good for the game. Selfish? Yes. Driven to be their best? Another yes. Forgive me, because I don't know much about Dez, but has he ever had troubles with the law? TO was/is a headcase, but he also pushed himself to be great. I don't think Dez is in TO's class, talent wise nor narcissism level, but he still has supreme confidence. I would not hate Dez if Coach/GM think he still has something in the tank. I like crazy MFers!
  15. I did not claim to be tough though.
  16. In my keeper league, if you want to keep a player, and you drafted him in the 4th round last year for instance, you lose your third round pick this year, 2nd next year etc. If you picked a player up on waivers last year, you give a 7th this year 6th next etc. BUT a player can only remain out of the draft pool for 3 years max so if you had a guy for three years, no matter what, you lose him. One guy is getting screwed in our upcoming draft because he traded for Leveon Bell midway thru last season, and did not realize Bell was in his third keeper year, so he must re enter the draft. This guy traded a good receiver (IDR who) who was in his first year out of the pool, so the other guy has him for two more years, potentially and only gave up a player he couldn't keep this year anyway and who was originally a lower draft pick. Obviously, if you want to keep your 1st round pick from last year, you give up this years first. He cannot be advanced a round. Now, auction leagues is where it's at. Of my 3 leagues, the auction is the most competitive. We reserve a meeting room at a local hotel and have helluva a party. The auction draft typically takes 5-6 hours. It can take 5-10 minutes to go around the room a few times for one player.
  17. Bam! There it is! "19 and 0 baby" is my very favorite TBDism, especially when written by the OG OP!
  18. Tough like a punching bag maybe.
  19. GO BILLS!
  20. Nobody wonders. Nobody cares. You're a self acclaimed farmer playboy tough guy. Go milk yourself.
  21. that was a good one. I hadn't heard that in a minute. Nice!
  22. That one is already crossed off my list. To the OP...yes, I make lists. Shopping lists in particular. To do lists are great, for me, short term. If I don't accomplish certain things, it wasn't that important. Prioritizing my lists is where I struggle. I'm very impulsive, so "vanity lights" gets quickly overridden by "scrape the popcorn ceiling, paint the bathroom ceiling, while your at it paint the rest of the bathroom and buy new bath mats, and oh, the left faucet is leaking - do that". My bathroom vanity lights are the ugliest part of my master bath 8 years later.
  23. Malkovich malkovich https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DQ6Fuxkinhug&ved=2ahUKEwjt2b-i473cAhXJrVQKHUhwAyoQ_-MBMAN6BAgBEA8&usg=AOvVaw39HknTCutfbJ1W_WHCqgHf
  24. Lawd o mercy! Shivers....She is still better looking than those 10 hookers in Jacksonville, though. LOL.
  25. I agree that some men are pigs and say uncouth things, and some on this very board have toward Mrs Pegula, but not me. She is a respectable, married mother and deserves respect, among many other attractive qualities. She fits the requirements of the OP though.
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