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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I read this whole thread just to see a DC Tom post, if you know what I'm sayin. GO BILLS!!!
  2. I am hoping for a tie. That would make three weeks in a row for tie games in the NFL and surely another obscure, ignominious accolade for the Buffalo Bills.
  3. I'd be broke by Tuesday.
  4. Well, I'm glad I did not drop in FF!
  5. Dammit. All I managed to catch is a cold. Coughing, sneezing, Burning sinuses, sore throat and headache. No fishing today.
  6. Me. Buffalokie will have the most catches this Sunday! Guarangoddammteed! Catfish are jumpin. I will come home with no less than 10 catches for 40 lbs, and I am being way, way, way conservative. Probably more like 40 catches for 10 lbs, lol!!!
  7. I am going to do you all a favor and go fishing instead....sure fire way to guarantee a great freaking game!!!
  8. You wanna know how I know you're not from around here?
  9. Not a GIF but you must click.... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DUXE-9MBV-Hw&ved=0ahUKEwiZ5rK8wrvdAhVJFTQIHXnjCRMQo7QBCBwwAA&usg=AOvVaw316oITKeeAmS6hcZnXIUkE "That baby buffalo is as !@#$ed as a bucket of prawn in the hot sun" Those cunts from down unda have a way with words that make me smile.
  10. I met a Nicole at the bar a while ago...she arrived at the bar on horseback. The bar is inside city limits in an affluent part of town. She was young (to me...30ish), wealthy, and very good looking. I got her digits and we texted a few times, but upon meeting her again at the same bar I figured out she was looney. She showed up with three big ol dogs on a leash...at the bar., and had nothing to talk about except all her many, many pets. She is good looking and single for a reason. Never had a job, extreme daddy's girl, not very bright, and cared more about her animals than her humans. I still regret not hitting that though. Big boobs, big house, big bank account. Anyway, that is my Nicole story.
  11. I have three bets of Josh Allen vs any other rookie QB, in fantasy football points. Two guys chose Rosen, one guy picked Darnold. For selfish reasons JA needs to start this week.....and not get killed.
  12. Sum Ting Wong https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DAmclgO6w0C0&ved=2ahUKEwix2KDFn7TdAhVRFjQIHaNPBy8Q3ywwAHoECAkQAw&usg=AOvVaw2cyOjPYPsPyNeMWv-P7tcM
  13. The scene of all the fans screaming in the bar...that was me, but I was the only one. The whole place looked at me like I was an idiot until I bought a round of shots. I will always remember that moment though! FFS my bar tab wound up to be over $100! Amazing, no. Awesome, yes! HELL YES! Go watch bowling if that did not excite you.
  14. A message board for fountain pens? Huh, whatever trips your trigger I guess. LoL
  15. I had a few too many brewskis during my FF draft. I bet three different people: "Josh Allen vs your pick of rookie QBs" in fantasy points. Two guys took Rosen and one guy took Darnold. They were only $10 bets, but it is more about bragging rights to me as I am famous as a BB homer in our league. BB fans are viewed as a weird curiosity round these parts. Interestingly, I only picked Allen QB and Murphy RB as homers this year. Way late in the draft, obviously. Oh, and Haushka for my final pick. Anyway, I want J.A. to start right away!!!
  16. In general, I found my bimmer to be maintenance friendly. Very thoughtfully designed. The flip side is that it required a lot of maintenance and parts are ridiculously expensive. But yeah, changing the battery, oil, filter,etc was easy peasy. Even brakes, struts, etc were relatively easy. Electrical systems...not so easy.
  17. I hear that! I just picked up my boat 30 minutes ago and I am 1000.00 dollars poorer. (BOAT = Break Out Another Thousand.) Tune up, valve job, plugs, water pump, fuel lines and filters, aerator pumps, bilge pump, ignition switch, and a few other small things. I could have done that all, but I sure wouldn't be fishing this weekend!
  18. Good choice! I. !@#$ING. LOVE. PRIMUS! Omg! Hadn't heard, nor thought of Henry Rollins in ages . LOve it! The weirder, the better!!!! I used to love Supertramp. You ruined it. Thanks a lot, Phuket
  19. Yes. I met every requirement. I did not see/hear a 'too old' req, but yeah...no.
  20. Bubba Gump Shrimp Corporation is doing fine, thank you. Maybe that is a BS analogy....but is it? There are PLENTY of rich folks who did not get rich for their grey matter.
  21. I will be at my mom and stepdad for dinner. I'm sure everyone is going to be thrilled when I take over the TV!
  22. Yeah, This is my first time to check this thread, and as expected, it appears that I will need to wade through lots of irrelevant posts...if I cared enough, which I don't. Anyone have a good link to an injury list or something?
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