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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. What is better than roses on a piano? Diane Lipa on a burrito.
  2. Vague Title. Tell us what the thread is about or I'm not clicking.
  3. McCarron provided a fifth round pick, so we have that going for us, which is nice. A fourth for Anderson seems unlikely.
  4. Definately! Can't wait to take my teenage kids! Tripped balls at the drive in for the original! I won't tell my kids that part, but that movie was freaky as hell that night. I bet these new flicks are gonna be terrifying!
  5. Sure, if I was 15 years younger I guess. I feel like a creep even thinking about ladies that young. What a drag it is getting old!
  6. I can confirm that Obsession attracts kitties. I ran out about 5 years ago. I thought about buying some the other day when I walked past the scents at the store, but it seemed too pricey at that moment...I think a priority adjustment may be in order. I haven't snuggled with a kittie cat into too too long! What's sexier than roses on a piano? Dua Lipa on an organ!
  7. LawdOmercythatsafinelady!
  8. This was a great game. My kind of game. Win or lose, I found this game very entertaining.
  9. Lily Rich and Coolio...
  10. I. Want. That hat!!!. Srsly!!! If anyone will be there that night and can hook a brother up, PM me, pleeez!!! I will pay a premium. OKSTATEBABY!
  11. So many smartass replies...but I will simply ask do yo mean as announcers? Sam J is cool in anything he does so I think that's a great choice. Tarntino, and Uma? Now, hold up now. You, the studliest man west of Tokyo, are chatting with DUDES you dont know on a football message board, while on a date with a super hot FEMALE nimphomaniac? I am shocked that Cher and Hillary are on your mind! Not that there is anything wrong with that.
  12. That is a good goal! I wish you well! So far my retirement is right on track with my plan. LOLOLOLOL! I have around 10k saved in a 401k after 31 years of working. Only 300 more years to go and I can retire as a millionaire! Maybe 301 years because I still have a year left to pay on my 401k loan ? ...and if you dont...do a cryogenic burial and try again?
  13. Yeah, drum brakes are a huge pain! I did the rears on Dad's '97 Ram this past spring. I was starting to worry that I would never get them back together. But I learned that there is a tool for rehooking the springs so I fabricated my own and it worked okay after trial and error. The real tool would make it much simpler and if Ihad one I wouldn't hesitate to try it again. You can probably borrow at at the parts store. I sold my f250 because I needed some serious suspension maintenance and I don't have the large tools required.
  14. I have not seen this weeks episode. I must comment that last week (letters for Huell) was damn near a jump the shark episode for me. I am a big fan of BB and BCS, but the lab build should not have taken so many episodes. The dump truck full af handwritten letters was stupid...a couple of dozen, maybe. Let's move along already! Good counter point to my argument above.
  15. My 4 ft bubble level confirms.
  16. I am not a SP regular, but I remember the first time I saw it. My ex wifes GF had a bunch of episodes recorded on VHS. We were all stoned, and laffed our ashes off....then !@#$ed. Good times!
  17. That's what I'm saying. The claim is "dropped passes". That excludes defended passes and bad throws. Even if you include those, the stats shown above seem suspicious.
  18. Uhm, maybe i do not understand that graphic...Redskins: 1.1% drop rate? Only one in every 100 catchable passes get dropped? I call BS. Bill's 9.4 dropped passes out of 100, or roughly 1/10 does not sound too unreasonable to me... I realize our receivers drop too many, and 10x more than average by that chart, but those numbers do not make sense to me. What am I missing?
  19. I would like to have the option of WGR (or whoever) on gamedays, but I get blocked if the Bill's are not broadcast on TV in my area. I've tried iheartradio.com and radio.com. Suggestions?
  20. I agree. R. Woods is a bad ass. I grabbed him in all FF leagues and he is steady eddy. I wish we kept him!
  21. Yes. I got the kids. I got the house. Mine was a horrible situation, and I had no choice except to be cut throat. Good luck brother.
  22. Ha! I set myself up for that one, dammit.
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