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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. How do you know I haven't already? Lol! I honestly made an identical decision a few years ago....very rich. good looking divorcee who was terrible in bed, or the smoking hot kennel girl...something about a chrome trailer hitch... They were both psycho. The one I chose was psycho and dirty instead of psycho and rich. Best of luck to the lady jackpot winner, though!
  2. No, I have not watched Da Bears this year. They are 'my NFC team' so, I root for them against anyone else, but not this sunday!
  3. I totally buy it. I have spent a lot of time in that area (el paso) with gun nuts/"hunters". Grampy had three loaded shotguns on his gun rack of his 1969 scout. He hunted birds and always had a wild ash spastic dog.
  4. How do ya know I haven't already?
  5. How do you know I haven't already? I have a super hot GILF on speed dial.
  6. How do you know I haven't already? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/76acf67a-f46c-41ca-bd99-cc4fcf625110&ved=2ahUKEwiwyt-erLTeAhUlJTQIHVBmB3EQwqsBMAB6BAgJEAU&usg=AOvVaw3VX27eXyU-ClJX51ohtAx5
  7. I like your spirit bro! I like your spirit bro! I just tipped one for Chef Jim's dad, and I will hug my dad tonight. The old man lives with me now, and bugs the ***** out a me, often, but I love him very much. Thanks for this thread. Cheers to your dad!
  8. Cool story, but gross, LOL!
  9. Begs the question... did Pops really do time in Attica? He looked like a tough SOB! I got stories about my old man, but I refuse to break his secrets. As a man who has shrugged off many punches to the face (and delivered many) I like your Pops' analogy! It only hurts if you let it hurt! No *****, I have a cut on my cheekbone and a black eye right now from getting headbutted while trying to break up a fight at a halloween party last weekend! I forgave the dude and we are hopefully better friends now. I have several similar friends.
  10. Is that Jay Clocker guy still around?
  11. Me too, for selfish reasons. I have numerous bets against my fantasy football opponents that "Josh Allen will score more FFpoints than any other rookie QB". Luckily no one took Mayfield for that bet...two Rosens and two Darnolds. I still have a chance!
  12. Not that I remember. I will be a little late this morning though.
  13. I can't decide which team I hate more. Tuck Fexas, and double Tuck Florida
  14. Tastes like chicken
  15. Playoffs in their first year of the rebuild. Flashes of excellence.... These dudes deserve some time, IMO.
  16. I said it when Allen left the game.....Jerry, Kyle, Tre, Poyer, Hyde..... any one of those dudes can chuck the ball better than Peterman.
  17. The fishy smelling one? Tastes like chicken.
  18. LAMP! I was quoted $1550.00 for front end suspension on my 09 Maxima! I have a four day weekend so I shopped around for parts and found THE MAN at Advance Auto Parts!!! He got me strut assemblies and control arm assemblies for 400 less than list price!. (Cool ass heavy metal manager!) I have one side done so far. When I am done, and pay for an alignment my total will be 700ish. I saved almost $900!!! Admittedly, I am out of practice...couldn't find my 1/2 inch ratchet, and I am missing a my 20mm wrench, but I made due with a big crescent, lol. These cars are engineered so well nowadays that repairs like this are pretty easy if you have the time and desire.
  19. 1. I inherited my Bill's fandom from my okie father, who lived in Buffalo only for his junior in high school at Kenmore East, who knocked up my Buffalo native mother. 2. Bill's fans. 3. Our last win???
  20. I feel good about a great defensive perfomance today, and offense beginning to show promise. Special teams, LOL! Peterman, LOL! Seriously, !@#$ that guy! I only LOL to keep from crying. What a !@#$ink Billsy lost. Jesus Herold Christ on a rubber crutch.
  21. I like good defense. Generally speaking, I like watching a defense dominate a game. A good defense is priority 1 in my book. But, if you have **** on offense, who cannot capitalize on even a mediocre defensive perfomance, your team still loses more often than not. So, I dont know what is better: A great defense with average to piss-poor offense? Or the reverse? Methinks it does not matter. To have a good team, at least one side of ball has to be average or better, while the other side is good or great. Disclaimer: I am considering abandoning this drunk post. Not very articulate...3.2.1...duck it. I love you man!
  22. There it is! If you didn't say it first I would have! We win big this week!!! Oh yeah, Teck Fuxas, and every Fuxxassan! Fixed that for you!
  23. Google "Trip balls". A man in his 60s, who lived through the 60s (or 40s through the 90s in my case), oughtta know. Like far out man! ?
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