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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. TMI: As a fellow middle aged high volume beer consumer, I understand. I'll never trust another fart. I stuffed my briefs in the bottom of the trash can though - wrapped in many layers of paper towels.
  2. Those "bottoms up fill" cups are terrible, unnecessary, gimmicky technology. And that robot is lame too. I want to see a two hand robot hold a cup at the perfect angle underneath a traditional tap with one hand, while gently pulling the tap handle with the other, and wipe the foam spill from side of the cup with a clean towel after a perfect pour, compliment me on my wristwatch (or whatever), and say "enjoy the game, be safe GO BILLS". Otherwise GTFOOH with you $50K replacement for a $10/hr human and instead hire a $20/hr human with etiquette.
  3. Well, if you want to drive two hours east, I will meet you at BWW in Tulsa, but I sure as hell ain't coming to Enid, LOL.
  4. I love point 10! Honestly, literally NO ONE KNOWS how this season will end (except for the Bill's are eliminated).
  5. I will root for Da Bears. Thems my NFC team.
  6. Some day... I love all of you maniacs, and I hope to party on game day with you sometime soon! Be safe and represent!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!
  7. On the couch, next to Pops, 1000 miles away. That was THE game that made me a true blue diehard Bill's fan.
  8. I hate to be the first reply (but yes I unfortunately clicked and read the article). The dude in the article is sick. OP, why do you feel compelled to keep linking this crap? You are beginning to creep me out.
  9. Aren't you the guy who asked for dating advice literally two years ago? Good on you nonetheless.
  10. Good one! I was born on the 27th, so couple of days late, but still the best Christmas gift this family ever received!
  11. I work with my step dad. He and I once got in the elevator alone, and as soon as the door closed I ripped a good one! Another buddy from work was behind me in the stairwell when I let one rip. Both of those enclosed spaces had great acoustical effect LOL!!! Those were both loud but not too smelly. My favorite was when my i pulled the bed covers over my then girlfriends puppy and let out an extremely stinky SBD and the puppy started yelping like its tail got slammed in a door! GF was unaware and frantically lifted the cover to see what was the matter....I will leave her reaction to your imagination....
  12. I am very forgetful, but the worst is asking a lady her name, then forgetting her name in 10 seconds. I have STML pretty bad. What were we talking about? Yep.
  13. Well, this past Sunday, Josh Allen surpassed both Rosen and Darnold in fantasy football ball points, so I'm going to win money on three FF draft day side bets. I threw out "Allen vs your pick of rookie QBs"...two guys picked Rosen, one picked Darnold. No one picked Mayfield, lol. Everyone in the room heckled me, but I will sure rub it in their noses if the trend continues!!! Edit; Full disclosure: I drafted Allen with the final pick (mr irrelavant) in one league and not at all in the other, and I only started him once, so far.
  14. I know zip about this this abuse issue. This thread was the first I heard about it. I tend to give folks the benefit of the doubt, and Mr. Hunt is innocent until the court says otherwise. So, yes. Can never have too many good RBs.
  15. DJ all the way.
  16. Exactly. Dont ***** with a wrestler. I am a lanky guy (pitcher and swimmer in HS), who had friends on the wrestling team (little guys). I was a scrapper and did well in boxing situations, but I got messed up whenever a wrestler of any size got ahold of me.
  17. Lesbian lemon lime.
  18. Pure luck is fun.
  19. I watched five different races. All kinds of engineered marble tracks. Under water even. The commentator is awesome. LOL: Know how I know you know I'm a nerd?
  20. Looks fun. Reminds me of my sister and me having toothpick races down the street gutters in the rain.
  21. How do yo know I haven't already?
  22. There were three of the electronic billboards on my drive home, that I noticed, paying tribute. I have never seen that before. Each on I saw had a different cool photo of the ol man in some sportsman aggressive superhero pose. I am not a fan, but I respect his larger than life persona. RIP brother.
  23. dammit. I picked dez late in FF draft thinking he would be picked up sooner than this. I dropped him two weeks ago. This also sucks because I have Michael Thomas in two leagues and Dez may take away opportunities. M. Thomas has been keeping my otherwise shabby team in the hunt. but Dez is Okstate, so o hope he kicks ass!
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