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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. OMG, JA is an Apple man. I am SO done with this team!
  2. This is the topic, people! And I agree. I also think JR is a DB in addition to a chitty, weak, scrawny-ass QB.
  3. Good post. That is just as true.
  4. This question was quite a good meme back when "El Pugal" first bought the team.
  5. IMO: The first paragraph is partially correct: Not being able or willing to stop ONCE YOU START is a more precise indicater. of course things can get worse from there. Your second paragraph ("All day, every day") is patently false. Yeah, it often devolves to that, but I am a very productive member of society and have held the same job (a great job - the job I grew up destined for) for 18 years. I am an alcoholic and there is no way i could've kept my job if i did not show up and perform at a high level every day.
  6. I changed my vote because this makes sense.
  7. Emma stone would be the third best looking lady I ever had. I doubt she compares to number one in bed. To answer the Q: yes she's hot
  8. He had several 'warm ups' before.
  9. I can out drink any college kid, then and now.. It has been a while, but I love to shotgun a beer with anyone. I gots a problem.
  10. 13: that is not too far fetched. That retard eats McD daily and could do it to spite the Bill's, claiming that we hired the wrong McD and that the other red headed McD would win multiple, multiple SBs. Bigly.
  11. 1) funniest was Beck 2) most dissappoing was NIN with MM. 3) my bucket list bands have passed their glory, but metallica in their prime would have been awesome. I saw them, but both they and I were too old to still thrash. 4)AIC.
  12. I will take door number four. Maybe number six.
  13. You missed my point. NO MORE WILLIAMSES! While some of them (Kyle, Marrio, Aaron) are/were good players, the Bills have sucked with them. Tounge in cheek....what evs.
  14. I wish I could convince either one of my kids to punch someone! Or at least piss someone off enough to get punched themselves. I have probably received or delivered a good fist at least once a year since I was five years old. Mostly received, LOL, because honestly, I am not violent. My dad is. I just seem to enjoy chaos and conflict and i won't back down, ever. A smack in the face is fun after the bleeding stops.
  15. Now that my weekend schedule is firmed up, I can let y'all know that I will not grace your presence at Hammers. Sorry to let you down. I will definately (maybe, hopefully, unlikely) be there for next years TBDHOT. Fingers crossed. Crack a cold one for your Okie comrade!
  16. I dig the William's meme, but it does not seem to have occurred to anyone yet that Williamses have been the biggest stars of our terrible team for a long time.
  17. LOL. Every other game, in perpetuity it seems.
  18. Just like J allen is showing signs of improvement as a QB, this post gives me hope that you too may improve as a poster.
  19. Or, maybe, just maybe, name calling is the bigger Dbag move? You cared enough to reply. Just sayin. Settle down gentlemen.
  20. We swept the NFCN. Total anomaly. Unfortunately, I see the Packers competing with Detroit for last place for the foreseeable future. IMO, Rodgers career will end with a whimper, sooner than later. At least he has his superbowl ring, and every one of Olivia Munn's tight little rings.
  21. Bowles is an obvious choice, but I would not be surprised if he gets another year to see what he can do with a (potentially) legit QB. I think Marrone will be retained for the same reason. Jax will draft a QB in round one, I believe. Vance Joseph in Denver is my lock to be fired.
  22. Only you can answer the question. I highly recommend reading the first 164 pages of the AA "Big Book". If you are an alcoholic, or on track to become alcoholic, I believe you find your answer. If not, it is still a valuable read and may help you with any number of personal issues. My name is Buffalokie and I am an alcoholic.
  23. A fave: Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer. A least fave: 12 days of Christmas. God how advertisers have ruined that one!
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