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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I love defensive games!
  2. Could it be that Belly uses this as much as a learning tool as as a teaching tool? He not only sees what other coaches missed, but also likely sees things he missed or did not think of himself. The smartest people in history stood on the shoulders of other smart people.
  3. He is no Slippin Jimmie, that's for sure!
  4. I bet you can.
  5. I am a sucker for hope and this story, or at least the headline, makes me hopefuller.
  6. Penthouse Forums...yes...I member.
  7. Huh, I told that story too? Yes, yes I did kick that *****ers ass up through his shoulders. Thanks for asking. The proposition to bang another man's wife came a year or so after, hahah!!! Kind of ironic, huh? Thing is, I had ol boys request. My neighbor did not. And I had better judgement than to violate a God sworn oath.
  8. June 27 1994: 117F where I was, at a lake 30 miles north of Tulsa. Record high for the state was set that day at 120F in SE Oklahoma. Feb 10 2011: -27F at my house in the southern Tulsa suburb of Jenks. Record low for the state was set that day at -31F just north of us in Nowata. Nowata was the coldest place on the planet that day. I fact checked myself because this sounds unbelievable, but Oklahoma, no doubt has the most extreme weather differential in the US, if not the world. Floods, droughts, tornados and blizzards are all typical Okie weather, and I love it!!!! Show me another location with a 151 degree high/low temperature differential. New: I can't find any reports to substantiate, but three or four years ago in the month of July, it was reported (as I remember it) Oklahoma set a national record for the highest daily high/low average for the entire month at some temp in the low 90s. That is high plus low divided by two, then averaged for the month. I remember very high humidity that month too. I am thankful for my swimming pool and big shade trees!
  9. It happens. I have been approached for that very deed. At a new years eve event at a swanky downtown hotel. A fairly young attractive 30ish man strolls up to me standing in line at the bar while my date was in the potty and coolly gives me the swingers spiel. His bride was totally hot and evidently submissive to anything he wanted. He wanted to watch. I was flabbergasted in the moment and politely declined...one of those "why not" moments you look back on, LOL.
  10. I, like you, dont know how to post videos or gifs. But this link is in-line with your post ..... Looks. Phuggin. Phun!!!! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DiqCkICXWdWI&ved=0ahUKEwjIs8mJm5TgAhVEOK0KHdSSDn4Qo7QBCCUwBA&usg=AOvVaw2pZ8jvfGELBCctMrjKd9AV
  11. I have banged women in every single car I've ever owned, and on one motorcycle, until the car I currently own. Ironically, this car would be the most comfortable. Since age 16, that is 13 cars that I can remember off hand. Oh yeah, and two boats!!!! My ex wife and I made a point of deflowering all our new cars, lol.. Open houses were fun too, hiking trails, parks, but that is another tale. Oh that one time with that one hottie in the bar parking lot with her bouncing up out of the sunroof....that Bimmer pulled a lot of tail after my divorce. I bought this car at age 40 if that tells you anything.
  12. 46. I have 15 and 20 year olds... At age 36 (dirty sex) I was freshly single and killin it. Got hooked up with a fine 24 year old and stuck with her just long enough to stick it to her. I felt, still feel lik, a jerk. I felt like less of a jerk with the other 30/40/50 somethins.. Been celibate for nearly three years now. Not by choice, but lack of give a ***** has overcome.
  13. I thought about elaborating on that point, but think it is also creepy to discuss that too. But. Any female under the approximate age of 25 is no go zone in my mind. Plenty of fine "MILFs" out there showin it, since you asked.
  14. Lolz. I saw a one legged goose next to a pond while playing disc golf last year. I clearly saw its stump of the missing leg so it wasn't just tucked up. The flamingos at the zoo all stand around on one leg with the other leg tucked up. That chick would freak out to see a whole flock of tall, one legged, pink geeses! And, nope. I feel like a creep even thinking about ladies that young.
  15. No *****, my mom came out of the hospital missing one leg. Amputated, above the knee, due to complications during knee replacement. One month before her retirement. That was three years ago, now. Prosthetics and rehab were ...lets say, not effective... My mother who was the rock of this dysfunctional family is now invalid and "waiting to die". Hallelujah, holy *****. Good luck brother.
  16. Why? I agreed with you. Jet fuel (kerosene) cannot melt steel except in a very highly controlled environment. Not the case in a plane crash. Did I miss some sarcasm?
  17. Same here! Threw me for a loop when my son and his girlfriend popped up, Lolol!!!
  18. Shop, shop, shop. Buy a used truck, loaded to the max with under 100k from an old guy. In 2004, I bought a hard loaded 2001 V-10 F250 Lariot with 85k for half of blue book. Old man gave it to his middle age son, who didn't need it and was supposed to give it to his own son but decided 16 yr old grandson didn't deserve or need a truck of that class. I sold it 6-7 years later for exactly what I paid. If not for 4.00 gas prices at the time, I would've kept it. I miss that madmofoin truck!
  19. Ha, you dont think you'll be upside down on a new dodge?
  20. Jet fuel is just highly refined kerosene. It can only melt steel when it, and lots and lots of oxygen are highly compressed then combusted at the perfect stoiochometric ratio and exhausted in a highly focused jet. But you are generally correct with your implication - it's just kerosene.
  21. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DCMNry4PE93Y&ved=2ahUKEwja7NP66frfAhUjMXwKHX3WDLYQyCkwAHoECAsQBA&usg=AOvVaw2vxUdX1vkRPHU-gmCWTCKp
  22. Fishing. That's a sport, right? I used to be into water skiing and wakeboarding, which I still do from time to time, but hell, that is too much abuse on myself anymore.
  23. I want the AFC to win. Skewer me.
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