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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Well, I do now understand what turn around is, and that was a fine explanation. I am an excellent multitasker, so I was able to check out that lady's WOWZERS and still get the point of the ad/ed. That young lady is smokin.
  2. I just watched his highlight video. I saw blazing speed and good vision, but I also saw wiiiiiiide open running lanes and terrible defense. What i did not see is any sort of defense that Dr Love will experience in the NFL. This dude is fast and great in open field, but so was CJ.
  3. Dr. Love. That would be a cool name. I wish him the best in that endeavor, but he could play a few years too. That would be very good for his future business, especially if he makes a name for himself as a stud NFL RB.
  4. The wind started before noon today here in tornado alley. It is on its way toward you.
  5. The gym is bad, mmmkay.
  6. The only thing I know about Carson Daly is that Earl J. Hickey really turned his life around after listening to the show in a morphine stupor. Karma.
  7. Primus made a song about Bodacious, lololol!?@?@?@@@!!!!!! That bull was jacked up on steroids. No doubt about it. I member the good ol days of ESPN.
  8. A buddy of mine at work likes to tell his story of having to drive a similar vintage freezer truck with swinging beef in the back. If you know about old time trucks and Newtons first law of motion. Then you will understand.
  9. Ho Lee Phuc. Thank you. Ima share that with my boss tomorrow. (Hes a wuss).
  10. Now hold up now. That's like a clydesdale shetland pony mix. HTF does that happen?
  11. Mine was named Annie, as in Orphin Annie. Found her in the bushes at a motel, just a few weeks old and near death with mange. Seven years later, that little girl helped me through the toughest period of my life. I miss her.
  12. Or is it just easier to belittle all the idots around you?
  13. Did you make that up, or is that a quote? I dont know who Terry Tate is, but I really like that line. I am trying to burn that one in so it comes out in the right moment. Sounds like a Mr. T quote, lol.
  14. I like every cereal mentioned so far except the few I've never heard of. Captain crunch and Apple Jack's were my faves as a kid. Nowadays, the only cereal we regularly keep in the pantry is Wheaties, and Cinnamon Life. I dont eat it often, but Wheaties with a sliced up banana is still a great midnight snack in my book.
  15. I was gonna say the exact same thing. I guess I'll lay out the whole brunch menu instead. Bacon and biscuits!!! Eggs, creamy gravy, melons on the side. Yummy!
  16. Bad judgement on my part. I sincerely meant no offense. Sorry.
  17. I've heard that battery acid will dissolve coca cola corrosion....
  18. How do you know I havent already?
  19. Yeah, "ni**a this, ni**a that" rap autotuned is the worst. Polite looks like a stud in that video though.
  20. I met a young man from buffalo at BWW in Tulsa this year. Kid rocked his Zubaz every week! He just graduated Spartan College of Aeronautics (I graduated there in '93) so we have more in common than just da bills. He got a good job in Colorado, so I will miss him, his cute GF, and his Zubaz!
  21. Age 13, not 3, but yeah, that is horrible.
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