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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. This happened to me recently. Big new project, I was named the design lead, until they brought in someone younger and "better educated" (I have no degree, but I am a badass at the same joint for 18.5 years). Five months later, youngin is still making more money, but I am the visionary that 15 other engineers still consult for every critical decision. I am okay with it. Less stress on me.
  2. You must be new around thes parts.
  3. That right there is why I am in a Maxima. I am 6'1" (all legs) and I can fully extend my legs in my Maxima. I liked several other cars, but the leg room was key. Not to mention Nissan's KILLER soundsystem and very very nice interior styling. Front wheel drive and super low pro tires is my only complaint. 300 HP is too much for front wheel drive and potholes have caused a lot of of tire/wheel problems.
  4. 191222. 2009 Maxima. I am sitting in my car now watching Cesnas at the flight school.
  5. Wind farms on the other hand, which are plentiful nowadays across the southern plains, seem very effective. No exotic, toxic materials required.
  6. I am faced with a similar conundrum. I NEED to replace both HVAC systems in my home -the upstairs unit quit three years ago and the downstairs unit is hanging by a thread. $17,000 for a pair of lower end systems. Double that at a minimum for the highest efficiency systems. I have installed window units in the meantime and I need one more window unit to completely negate the NEED for central air conditioning. (It is Hot as Hades here in the summer, BTW). $17,000 to save $100-$150 per month is a hard pill to swallow now, but I will have to replace it all before I sell the home, whenever that may be, and if I wait until I sell I will have received zero benefit from the purchase. Solar panels are BS in my opinion, for now. The GREEN cost to manufacture in terms of GREEN energy far outweigh their benefit to mother earth, not to mention the economic comparison to my situation above.
  7. I expect to see some Poncho Billa love in the draft tonight!
  8. I love Marshawn, for many reasons, but no, not on our wall. Maybe Seattles wall. The Beastquake run is a play that will live in NFL lore forever!
  9. I dont know you Ezra, but if you read this, know that I have you in my heart brother!
  10. So, break it down. Is there a play clock or an overall game clock, or what? Both players had relatively long pauses.
  11. I got my bell, I'm gonna take you to hell I'm gonna get you, Satan get you Hell's bells…
  12. Shreveport uhmm. There is just no polite way to describe it, so I will just say that Tre White is the ONLY thing I have EVER liked about Shreveport. That goes for most if the rest of Lowsyanna. If you like the smell of urine, Nawlins is kinda cool, I guess.
  13. I am color indifferent. Black, white, yellow, brown or red, I dig. Never had a green chick....yet. it's all pink in the middle!!!!!!
  14. Probably a dumb question: What is the purpose of the timer? I am a Backgammon man. I havent played chess in years, though I may see if dad would like to play. Between the drink and smoke, that will take a while. Certainly slower than that seven year old!
  15. Street Outlaws is cool.
  16. No. BTW, Where you from, Bro. I havent seen many"yall"s on this board, thats Okie slang!
  17. Eat well, my friend! You're not alone in your aloneness. GO BILLS!
  18. That does sound delish.
  19. Smoked bologna is the shizznit.
  20. I do love sweet potato casserole! I've never served it in individual ramekins though. I wish I had seen this sooner. Ima bring a lemon pie.
  21. Nice article. Cool dude.
  22. Yuck. A box of blunts would be more accepted by the crowd;-)
  23. It is kind of an Okie thing, I think. All BBQ restaurants here serve it, and it is delectable. We are smoking a 5lb block along with the ribs.
  24. I love food threads on OTW, so I am wondering what yall have planned for your Easter. We are going to Moms house and my Step Dad is smoking ribs and bologna. I am wondering what to bring as a side...something holiday specific that goes well with the main entree. Any suggestions?
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