I feel ya. It has been cool in NE Ok this week too. 50's and very damo with a little wind is very uncomfortable for me, but my coats and jackets are retired for the year!
Wow. Emmitt is untouchable! I dont think his record will ever be broken. Even the next four too rushing records seem unlikely to ever be broken! AD and Shady would be next in line, and neither one of them are even close. Beyond that, nobody is even sniffing Frank Gore's jock!
Edit to say that AD could conceivably achieve top 5 all time. He is getting close.
My father has ALWAYS been the guy with a chip on his shoulder just daring you to knock it off, cuz he will kick you and your three buddies asses if you do (so the legend goes).
So, it is a good cliche, but definately over used and inappropriate for most.
Pops is 69 and lives with me now so I have heard the tales 2000 times lol. Angry SOB wanted to throw down with some young bucks over his fishing spot last weekend!
I was pretty damn smart in high school and I am an engineer as well. I also thought very deeply while listening to heavy metal and/or psychadelic rock in "enhanced" states of mind while driving, but damned if I ever caused a wreck with anything other than a mail box, Hah.
Cool story though. I defimately relate to your friend and glad to know he made good for himself.
Life, it seems, will fade awayDrifting further, every dayGetting lost within myselfNothing matters, no one elseI have lost the will to liveSimply nothing more to giveThere is nothing more for meNeed the end to set me free
So far, pork is bu far my favorite sous vide meat! Delectable! I like the beef too, but I seem to never get it quite right trying to please everyone else. I need to give chicken another go, and stay away from tacky textured breasts.
Anyone listening that closely to trippy music....lets just say there might have been other influences involved, LOL. I have no idea what that is like ?
I hope everyone came out of the accident okay.
Edit: Look how dialated happy emoji's pupils are, bruh!
I know Maynards lyrics are very, very deep. I've always known. But if someone can put some logic to 46 and 2, I would appreciate it. There is more to that song than i understand, and i have tried!
We need a Prinus thread custom PRIMUS SUCKS!