I have not made it al the way through this thread yet, but I must first say that it is the best, most intelligently argued (for and against OP) I have read here in a long long time.
Second: heck yeah Shaw66, I am always optomistic! And you are inspirational!
Third: personal note: I freaking love my job and the company I work for. Since I started there in 2001, with 58 employees, one aircraft and one big contract, we have now 250+ employees, x aircraft, and x BIG contracts, and are now considered a model contractor for all of our customers. That was because of "continual improvement" inspired by everyone from the top leadership down to rookies (at the time) like me. We still have excellent leadership and dedicated folks like myself who have been willing to mentor the next generation.
That is the process. If you don't get it, you don't last at my place of employment.
Can you come speak for us sometime, LOL!