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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. She freakin loved me! Of course, most old ladies have always loved me! I have a certain southern charm, and I truly love old folks too. My grandma, bless her heart, still pines for my conversation every day. My six other (younger) cousins, all rib me about being granny's favorite. Nothing wrong with making lil ol ladies happy!!!
  2. I do not remember his name, but he is the Grandfather of my son's friend from years ago. Fullback, early sixties. Fred, I think. I met him once when dropping my son off at their house. I was better acquainted with his wife, as I was a single dad, and she was a grandma raising her grandkids. We were just around the corner from each other. Still just a half mile away now. She and I actually got kinda schnokkered on white Russians once. She gave me a pair of ol' Fred's snow boots, which I still have.
  3. I didn't draft Josh Allen last year, but I did make several side bets on draft day: Josh Allen vs any rookie QB in overall fantasy points... I had takers for Rosen and Darnold (two each), no one picked Mayfield, so I won a few extra bucks ($10.00 per). I did pick Allen up late in the season, and nearly won, but I did not play him in the final two weeks, doh! I wound up second place in the league. IIRC, I would have won if I did.
  4. In my humble prediction, Pegula will throw his dick on the table, along with the entire cost of a new/refurbished stadium, and say "suck it". I see that level of no phux given. That is what a badadlss would do, no? T&K P are badasses, so this is what I expect. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DVqbk9cDX0l0&ved=0ahUKEwiA2uD1oKPjAhXQVs0KHQ1oDLwQo7QBCB4wAA&usg=AOvVaw2ubwj1euVwZK9tuaM7YNTU
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DBd8_vO5zrjo&ved=2ahUKEwiqrLz88Z7jAhULj54KHRAiAlcQwqsBMAB6BAgGEAU&usg=AOvVaw2uq9uT3flx37hcS4iVrlCF Midway, from the Japanes perspective.
  6. Like a bowtie and cut off sleeves? Niiice.
  7. Yes. Retesting should be required...with every traffic citation you receive, or something to that effect. Idjut drivers everywhere!!!! My passengers laugh at me for driving the limit in the right lane.
  8. You are doing this wrong.
  9. I already named my no.1 and no. 2. No. 3: Appetite for Destruction. I know every single word to every song on that album. This is not a favorites question. But if it was...I'd say Master of Puppets and Dark Side of the Moon. It is impossible though for me to name a favorite band, album, artist, etc...I get super amped when I here Quiet Riot on the radio! Many other songs/bands too! Have a Drink on Me nearly blows my speakers every time!
  10. Kill Em All, or Master of Puppets. No way to know which I wore out the most, but probably Kill em All.
  11. Nice. The article did not give Kenny's last name, so I will: Kenny Moore. I never heard of him before but he is a man that this world needs more of. Stay well Max and Chica!!!
  12. How do you know I haven't already? BTW: Suberbia south Tulsa, particularly my town of Jenks, Myanmar and Bangladesh ex pats are arriving in droves. It cracked me up the other day to see a young lady "edging" her yard with a machete! They are generally nice people but very standoffish. They also seem to have several generations per household. IDK, so long as they keep up the appearance of the neighborhood, which they do. My kids in high school do not like the Asian clique, though.
  13. Signed up and read three articles: Josh Allen, The Athletics 1 yrs anniversary, and Frank Reich's journey. All excellently written, and if I don't read another piece, I will still not be unsatisfied. Glad this opportunity came. Worth the price of admission, to me. WTF else am I gonna read? Mike F'n Florio?
  14. Well, I signed up. Created a user account with my email and password. Downloaded the app and it wants my to create an account too but says that my email is already used, duh. I click on content on the main page and it keeps prompting me to create an account. Cant seem to make it recognize the account I already created and paid for. FFS! I checked my account. It shows my subscription and payment, along with my team preferences, so I know the account is setup but every article I click gives me the same message.."almost complete, create an account to continue" Any help? Okay, uninstalled the app. That worked.
  15. Sorry for your loss.
  16. How do you know I haven't already?
  17. We are sciencing here. Put on your PPE and stand back.
  18. My opinion: water is good. Ask me again in 100 years. I think global warming is a true threat, but I don't think one to five year anomalys prove it. We have had, here in NE Oklahoma, unusually mild winters and summers for the last several years. Mostly comfortable, even. The extreme monsoons in the spring, and terrible drought in the fall have become predictable too (from a layman's pespective). Averages seem to average out.
  19. Yes. I remember booty calls.
  20. My long time crew (15 yrs strong) of three leagues has an online draft, but our Keeper and especially the Auction league (live in person drafts) are where the prestige is. I love the auction leage draft! ***** talking all day long!
  21. Did I ever tell yall the story about a young Okie boy on his first business trip winding up in a seedy part of Torontopolis trying to score a dime bag? Yeah man, those homies didn't trust me one bit. Paid 25.00 for a nickel. Was thankful to get back to my room.
  22. Yeah, no. Sorry for your pain, but just wait for the one you marry. That c*** will make this minor pain very forgettable. I don't care to share my heartbreaking experience(s) nor the time to type them up with my thumbs, but I do promise that I have been as ***** over by a woman that I dedicated my soul to for many years as any man I ever met. I recovered enough to become a man ***** for a few years, finally settled back down for a couple of years with the best lay in town....yeah that didn't end well either. Now celibate for 3 1/2 years. My heart is withered and cold. But hey, I got to raise two children on my own! ? On the positive side: The Buffalo Bills ***** results are trivial.
  23. There is is this one dude at work...not so much his face (he is actually kinda handsome) as his smirk when he tells everyone else what dumb ***** we are. No one in my group is anything close to a dumb *****. We are struggling with a new CAD system, which this guy was hired for to be our expert and to train us. GD I have wanted to backhand that prick. Funny though, most of the time I am the only one to ask him questions. Everyone else refuses to interact with this guy, and asks me instead because I have thick enough skin to get the information out of this DB. If drinking with or around around this dude, I would have already clocked him. I just made 18 years, so he ain't worth it.
  24. Blood clots were the major problem. I am foggy on the series of events, but mom red-lined during two different surgeries. Before the third (maybe fourth) the surgeon approached me and Step Dad and said essentially "lose her leg, or lose her life". Ironically, the new knee went in the trash with the rest of her leg. This was three years ago. She was two months from retiring and otherwise the strongest, hardest working woman any of us ever met. Now she has more or less given up on using her prosthetic and spends all of her time on the couch in depression. Addiction to Oxy has not helped. Even more ironic: Mom worked for the largest, most prestigious orthopedic clinic in our region. And the lead Dr. Did the surgery. Even more ironic than that: The chronic pain she had in her knee may not have been the joint, but the clots instead. They knew the scans/whatever did not justify a knee replacement. They ran every other kind of test they could think of, but never detected the blood clots that were a major problem, if not THE major problem. Many, many folks recommended a lawsuit, but Mom does not want to sue. Sorry if I used "ironic" incorrectly. Tragic is more like it.
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