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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Fork th porpoises!
  2. Funny, i feel like goung to bed early.
  3. Hateful eight
  4. Its not broadcast in Tulsa. I have had a bad sinus issue since Thursday. I feel like *****. And i have to go sit in unconfortable ass BWW chairs, eat ***** foid and try to bribe somebody for the audio because the chiefs fans can go home and watch the game.
  5. Jersey Mikes is better than anything I could come up with at home. And, it's just me so the cost and time comparison for one sandwich seals the deal.
  6. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Ddr9dOmzcc-U&ved=2ahUKEwif3r7qwKaCAxWmlWoFHdYvAGsQ78AJegQIIBAB&usg=AOvVaw1T4EmYlIElqnFvKJgUTtiO
  7. Appears clear all week in NE OK.
  8. Those damn blue collar teakers.
  9. I did not see it and I intntionally looked away for the replay.
  10. Have you considered amputation?
  11. Not always, no. Would it make you feel better if you knew I was smiling when i typed it? Bro, I love flowers. I just think it is a dumb new saying in regards to football.
  12. Calmer rhan you, Dude. No offence intended. Just a new catch phrase that i dislike.
  13. I braved the biggest Raiders bar in Oklahoma today. They were very cool. Very loud, for the first quarter, then very subdued.
  14. Popeye LoonyTunes Flintstones Tom and Jerry Woody Woodpecker Yogi
  15. Now your just making stuff up.
  16. Yes. I played for many years and became quite good. Shoulder and elbow problems ended it for me a couple of years ago. I do miss it.
  17. I was tight with Mikey Burnett up until I got married. He was/is a madman and a funny MFer. Lost a controversial decision from becomming the first UFC welterweight champ. I actually called him a couple of weeks ago. Man it was fun to reminisce about the crazy ***** we did. He was also a founding player on The Ultimate Fighter https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikey_Burnett
  18. Natural Born Killers.
  19. Funny story. I work at a high security DoD facility. There is another large building across the street that was formerly an oil and gas geological reseach facility. That company moved to a new facility and the building sat empty for a couple of years. Eventually, we started seeing a small number of apparent employees coming and going. Then one day, BOOM, the pungent skunky aroma of reefer filled the air! It has never left since. It is a giant indoor grow op. It is histerical listening to my unexperienced coworkers complain about the smell. We are at the airport, and the zoo is one mile to the north. Depending on atmospheric conditions and wind, we are usually subjected to the smells of jet exhaust, kind bud, or elephant *****, LOL. I like two of those three odors.
  20. Yeah, no thanks.
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