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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Dang, looks like I showed up lait to da parte. Here, let me fiks dat fer ya
  2. I come here to read/discuss Bills related issues. So why are you here? EDIT: Oh now I see. You have become a disgruntles employee.
  3. Great topic! I was at Buffalo Wild Wings, surrounded by Steelers fans, and was feeling the beer (the extra time in the 5th quarter tends to put me over the limit) We were all hootin and hollerin on every good/bad play. The ball was in the air. Stevie was wide open. The ball lands perfectly in his hands....I jumped up fists in the air, yelling YES! YES ! YES! I thought we had just one the game. Then my Steeler buddy notified me that Stevie dropped it. I spun back around toward the tv so fast that my hat flew off my head. I fell to my knees, in the middle of a crowded restaurant (bar area actually). Luckily, no children were in the area, because much cursing and swearing ensued. It was wide right all over again for me. Damned exiting game though. GO BILLS. KILL THE VIKES!!!!!
  4. Thanks! I've been waiting and waiting for someone to answer my question from this thread:My link stony, on 04 November 2010 - 02:18 PM, said: Well said. Jim Rome called us the best 0-7 team of all-time. Buffalokie That's some funny stuff. So, if we win Sunday, will that make us the best 1-7 team of all time? Or, do we have to keep losing close ones to keep such a distintion?
  5. I was all for giving Edwards another shot this year, but you cannot be serious
  6. HA HA HA. Keeping with the theme, would anyone care to discuss the various types of raincoats NFL'ers wear???
  7. I totally agree with you, but I like that helmet a lot.
  8. Remember when there were only 7 words we couldn't use? FAG isn't on the list! Ahhh......those were the days!
  9. I think T.O. is authentic with his words - whether we agree with him or not, he says what he means. But, perhaps some of the graciousness stems from the realizization that he doesn't have very many bridges left. How long is his Cincinnati contract?
  10. Testes, testes, 1, 2
  11. I'd give up our first pick for Romo in a heartbeat. He is a great QB, and a pretty cool dude IMO. He might be better off on another team at this point too. I have some doubts about his toughness though.
  12. This may be the last Bills game I get to watch this season . I am moving on Friday, and I'm not taking DirecTV with me. I'm gonna leave a TV, a recliner, and a cooler behind in the old house, just for this one game. Just me, screaming at the TV in an empty house. After that I'll have to find a sports bar willing to play a Bills game. That should be easier to do, now that the Cowboys have **** the bed. Bills 27, Lions 13. GO BILLS!!!
  13. I'm glad we don't play them. I would rather face a good Dallas team, than the possible embarrasment of losing to this circus sideshow.
  14. OTHER: They will get up, dust themselves off, and hustle back to the huddle.
  15. The poster I was responding to, mistakenly I presume, asked if "she had my permission to post her photo". I believe what he meant to say was "did I have her permission to post her photo?". I never claimed that I shot the picture, I was just playing on his words. I also conceded that his argument was a valid point, but irrelavent to the original post. edited to refrain from cussing at the illiterate child
  16. Yes, she has my permission, but for some reason, I don't think that is what you meant to say. I do get the distinct impression that she likes to be looked at. I understand what you're getting at and agree to a point, but the topic is about battery, not voyerism. My avatar is intended to highlight my beloved state. The eye candy serves to draw attention to the shirt she is wearing, and depicts the two places I prefer to rest my head at night.
  17. The Barons are in OKC. In Tulsa we have the Oilers, a Colorado Avalance feeder and charter member of the CHL. Not a very popular sport down here. Granted, it is 100x more interesting to watch than soccer, but still not my cup of tea. Funny thing is, we get some hellacious ice storms every year, and we could easily play hockey in the middle of the street at times. That would be pretty fun actually.
  18. Huck Fockey.[/b] Sorry, just the Okie coming out in me.
  19. Here, here! Welcome to Buffalo Shawn! Now go kick some !!!!
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