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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. The OL did him no favors on that play. Watch the video again. The OL did not provide him ANY gap. AT ALL! He smashed into TWO defenders at the LOS, bounced right and smashed through ANOTHER defender at the LOS, broke three more tackles in the defensive backfield, B word SLAPPED a D-back and slipped right through two more. The downfield blocking was great, but the O-Line had very little to do with that TOUCHDOWN. Beastmode proved worthy of the name on that play and we will see it on highlight reels from now on.
  2. +1 Traveling from T-Town Haven't been to a game since 1980. I was planning on the KC game on Halloween last year, but the purchase of a new home overruled. This is my OUR year. Gonna bring Pops and my Son. I'll PM you and the OP. Man, I hope they play a full season! GO BILLS!!!
  3. Kim Jelly Mi KY Jell Thank you. I'll be here all week.
  4. Buffalo Bills: Ball Buff Oils I Buff Lo Balls A Blob Fulfils ieatcrayonz: Zany Erotica Ryan Fitzpatrick: A Panty Friz Trick I Track Panty Friz Marcell Dareus: Cram Us All Deer Guess this one: Darn Wet Terds
  5. Sperical Jam - AWESOME! CJ Spiller - Crisp Jell
  6. Those are sweet!
  7. What does anything on this board "accomplish"? Should we just stick to posting 'how the team should draft, coach, play, what uniforms to wear, etc'. Does that accomplish something?
  8. "Plain Jane | $6.25 Two Large Eggs Any Style" Those must be some damn good eggs! Sheesh.
  9. What are you still doing at your desk?!?! You're supposed to go outside to look at the sky!
  10. We survived High and dry! Hallelujah! I began drawing up plans this morning for digging a shelter under the garage floor! I am sick and tired of hunkering down in the bathroom for reasons other than was intended. It's futile anyway. Did you see those freakin pictures? Mother nature hates Oklahoma! Seriously, did you know, on Feb 10, 2011, it got down to -31 degrees F just to the north of Tulsa? It was a balmy -23 at the south pole that day! -31 in the winter. +115 in the summer. Severe droughts one year. Severe flodding the next. Hail repairs to the car and roof two years in a row. Ice storms and wildfires that flatten forests. There have been so many new weather related state records here for the past two years it is impossible not to believe the all of the climate change hype.
  11. ...crouches slightly to one side, cups ear with one hand while waving 'bring it on' with the other, slowly rotates...
  12. Charisma - Good looking. Smart. Humble. Funny. Loyal. The media is eating up his personality, as are many fans. If he continues to progress on the football field, he's golden.
  13. Stevie will be a star one way or another. Let's hope, for now, its because of his play on the football field. This is a very close knit team. They have become a family. My link Sorry if this is old news, but I had not seen this video.
  14. Vince Neil. But Motley Crue kicks ass nonetheless.
  15. I can't find a link, but two teens died recently in southern Oklahoma from a "bath salt" overdose. The 19 year old who supplied the party is now on trial for murder, even though he obtained the legal substance via a legal online distributer. Always makes me wonder, who thought of chopping it up and snorting it the first time?
  16. The older you get, the more rules they are going to try and get you to follow. You just gotta keep on livin', man. L-I-V-I-N.
  17. I am planning taking my Dad and my son to the KC game. Here is a link to another thread with some insight to your ticket question. I'd love to meet up if everything works out. You know how to reach me. GO BILLS!!!
  18. Yes, I think Oklahoma is a better sports STATE than Washington from the standpoint of a passionate fan base (exponentially moreso to football). No, Oklahoma City did not build a new stadium to entice the Sonics either. That arena was completed in 2002. The Thunder rolled in in 2008. FWIW, Tulsa also has a state-of-the-art facility of equal size. A basketball arena is small change compared to a football stadium. It is nice that our new team has remained a contender through the transition too.
  19. Dazed and Confused
  20. Heads - I win. Tails - you lose. Brilliant!
  21. Wow So you eat crayons too, huh?
  22. I think I spotted the part where you got confused....These guys aint journalists. Hell, most journalists aint journalists no more neither (thats a triple negative - you like that?). They're just some good lookin guys that talk well, up there giving their (oftentimes ignorant) opinion, which is given credence because they used to play ball.
  23. +1 Of the five players listed whom the author believes played their best game against the Bills, there were two HBs in the top 15 - Peterson & Charles. So, they were at peak performance running right over the third best player in the league. That is a bit contradictory. The author is just throwin us a bone. No one on our DL performed well enough to make top 20 on any list. I'm not knocking Kyle Williams though. He definately put in work. With the new additions around him, 2011 could be a very, very big year for Meat.
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