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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Now, hold up now! I can assure you that Bud is very drinkable....too GD drinkable for me! F budlite though, or any light beer. Bud is still king, you better check yo-self!!! ?
  2. Nooooo! I want the Chargers in OKC (preferably, but unrealistically Tulsa). Thunder bolts and Lightning, very, very frightening!!!!! PS: I would still be a mother ***** Bill's fan till the day I die!
  3. Dang it! I am literally one county away, according to the map.
  4. I remember that night. I was the guy with the cowboy hat. You never looked me in the eyes, yet we were facing her from opposite directions. Just kidding, I wasn't wearing a hat.
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DrT4UmxqoFt4&ved=2ahUKEwiY9bDm48LlAhVnmK0KHfRkACAQwqsBMAB6BAgDEAU&usg=AOvVaw2ZIDu5WryKhYkgOOg5iOq2
  6. ....and a strong kick to the huevos.
  7. Velociraptor was a mid-sized dromaeosaurid, with adults measuring up to 2.07 m (6.8 ft) long, 0.5 m (1.6 ft) high at the hip, and weighing up to 15 kg (33 lb), though there is a higher estimate of 19.7 kg (43 lb) That's a big phuggin chicken!
  8. I'm not on my phone. My driveshaft is ***** up and I've had other recent large expenses so I'm driving no faster than 60 until I can fix it. I do stay in the right lane.
  9. Happened to me this morning. Last night I Googled Syd Barret on my phone after watching the Wish you Were Here. Documentary on youtube. This morning, on my very secure work PC, first time I used Google, before I even started typing, Syd Barret showed up. Creepy.
  10. Been outta TP for a couple of days. Plenty of cheap paper towels. A bit uncomfortable back there.
  11. Liquor spiked coffee is absolutely my least favorite alcoholic beverage (besides flat beer, of course that is even worse). Terrible. Gross. Horrible. Yucky.
  12. Well Kansas sucks and Texas blows already, so that is why our weather always heads your direction.
  13. The good news is the beautiful weather we now have today will probably be there by Monday.
  14. Been raining, windy and cold for two full days here in NEOK. This time of year, yall get our leftovers.
  15. Cool pic! Is that he contrails left by the ball that Josh Allen threw out of the stadium on Tuesday?
  16. I had to look it up, LOL. Yeah, wrong word.
  17. Yeah, well, who am I to believe? A 90's model computer, or a veteran pilot??? J/K, I dont doubt you, but the sim allowed it. Lol.
  18. Agreed Sherpa, ridiculous, but a 777 can fly up side down and hold altitu *so says the sim Try it next time you are simming.
  19. I swear. That one time in the simulator Twas awesome! I had hundreds of nights in the sims
  20. Flight Safety Simulator Systems DIvision Broken Arrow OK. That was the first 777 simulator. (1995) She was a hangar queen for at least the three three years while I was there. 777 can maintain altitude inverted, and according to 1997 software.......that was fun! The Bell 412 helicopter was even more fun.!!!!! I got fired, for having too much fun.
  21. Tardigrades!
  22. Yeah man, I'd like to party with JG. Ima JG too.
  23. I hope for this opportunity every time I board. Damn straight i can land this pig! I have hundreds of hours of simulator time (real airline full motion simulators) - even smoothly landing a 777 on its roof. Simulators dont lie. Man that was a fun job!!! Spent more time ***** off pretending to fly than actually working.
  24. Cool. I now want some Martian and Moon soil to ammend my tomato plots! What they're missing is organics, i.e. compost of other previously living organisms. They need to make earthworms flourish along with plants.
  25. Especially with other d***s (you) trying to block them. I give idiot drivers all the room they need. When hanging out in my garage, I pee in a large beer stine then dump it on the rock garden which is guarded by a shrub. Because. I. Can. And the toilet is like 40 steps away.
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