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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. What if the league does not reach 99%?
  2. Don't get a mulching blade. Make sure the drink holder will accomodate your koozie. Buy American.
  3. ...and it aint no fun
  4. Twitner honed his skills the best tweeter on the team san fran needs more twats
  5. Take your mind off of peckers for a moment and read his post again.
  6. Good point. Donte's Twitter messages don't bother me because I do not follow Twitter. Come on home Donte! and leave the iphone at your moms house. Twitter is dumb. I had never really known anyone who was into Twitter, until one night I noticed my brother-in-law checking in on his Hollywood celebreties. A beautiful Saturday night, poolside, music, drinks, friends, hot wives - and there he is thumbing away for half an hour on his iphone. Lame.
  7. I rarely make it through a Monday night game without falling asleep. Sunday afternoon games too, for that matter. Regarding the MNF shedule: Every team on our schedule, except Cinci and Tenni, play on a Monday this year.
  8. Well, the google images indicate that she is definately well armed. ( V )
  9. WITH HER breasts!!!
  10. Its so hot...even the trees are getting naked Can anyone else cite another example of a 145 degree temperature swing from February to July in the same year? #%@&-me
  11. I predict many more predictions.
  12. ...and bang goes that theory...-study-pot-use-not-linked-with-long-term-cognitive-impairment
  13. Three weeks of this... with no end in sight. Last week was worse actually at 105-108 (114 unofficially at my house). So, why, you might ask, am I leaving this afternoon for a place that is even ? Because it is sooo . Have a great weekend and stay cool yall! GO BILLS!!!
  14. BS. There was no name calling till the "negative nancy" post, and the rest of you militantly "civil" oxymorons hijacked this thread. BE NICE - OR ELSE!!!! LOL Someone, anyone we need some more boob stories, QUICK!!!
  15. "My godfather hates crabgrass. Hates it," Dareus said. "I'm going to buy him the best crabgrass killer money can buy." LOVE IT!!!
  16. "I think that they're just afraid that some of us might be having just too good a time."
  17. Overreact much?
  18. Poz? Flo? Donte?
  19. Awesome story!
  20. %!$$ off!!! (Just Kidding) Pictures??? (Seriously) I always miss the flashers - dammit! We party at the lake a lot, and it happens at least once per year
  21. Senator, please set these guys straight...
  22. shefter via PFT "all first-round picks will be signed to four-year contracts, with an option for the fifth year. As to the first 10 picks, the fifth-year salary, if the team exercises the option, will equate to the average of the 10 highest-paid players at the same position. As to the next 22 picks in round one, the fifth-year salary will reflect the average of the third to 25th highest-paid players at the position" So, what about the first four years of the contract? Did I miss something? I would make a terrible lawyer. I had to read that three times to understand.
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