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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. GTFO. Go back and watch the first quarter of the Denver game. Spiller ran well.
  2. That is a very crafty idea. Unfortunately, I would probably end up with another 378 movie channels to compete with football.
  3. That would kick @$$. Serious question: Have there been any Okies on the team since Thurman? You're doing it wrong
  4. Billy Madison
  5. I had all-but-quit watching pro ball since the second ass whippin by the Cowboys in our last Superbowl. Those four games definately sucked me back in. I don't think I've gone a day since without watching, reading, talking, thinking 'Buffalo Bills'.
  6. Give me a break. No one said optimists are greater fans than pessimists - not the OP anyway. We are all Bills here. And Bills fans are the best. Simple as that.
  7. Is there an end? Everytime I think I've reached it, bang - another page of posts. This baby's got legs. Seriously, 420+++ posts in 4 hours. That's gotta be a record.
  8. I wonder what percentage of Mr. Pixies web traffic these links account for?
  9. Don't be too hard on yourself. I've never got anyone in my family to watch more than 30 seconds of football. Southpark is far more respectable than the the BS my son watches on NickTeen/TeenNick. And don't give up hope. Even though I played ball as a teen, I never watched any sports on TV until the Kelly era. Those were some very good bonding years for me and pops. Sigh.
  10. It will give us a little more time to hit the head and grab a fresh beer, since there is no point in hurrying back to your seat to watch the kickoff. For that reason, I predict that the post-touchdown commercial air time will become less valuable, therefore the kickoff will be moved back next season.
  11. Sorry to beleager this, but....Hottest month of any state, ever Awesome, we broke our own friggin record!
  12. There is always a silver lining...but, I'll still be unhappy if this happens during a game. And ST To Go doesn't help for any other lost programming. Just curious whether or not I should waste my breath calling in if (when) this happens. I can usually count on at least three or four days a month with outages lasting anywhere from five minutes to a couple of hours.
  13. Have any of you ever been compensated for missing a game, portion of a game, or any other programming, due to weather outages? Due to the crazy weather down here, and the satellite outages that come with it, when I recently moved I chose to go with AT&T Uverse. Uverse sucked due to the distance between my house and the terminal though. That, along with the looming prospect of no SundayTicket/no Bills, led me to sign back up with DTV. I am always pissed when we have weather outages though. In my area, this occurs more often in the spring and fall. I imagine that, in Buffalo, you have a lot of outages during the football season due to snow or heavy cloud cover. Any of you ever experience this? And have you ever been credited for the undelivered service?
  14. I guess that depends on how many current Patriots get into a grave accident on the way to the game.
  15. Rich metroman Eisen
  16. Just the basics... FF lineup____________________________check TV room clean and cozy_______________check Plushies to throw at TV______________check (kidding) Cooler/fridge full o refreshment_____check Munchies_____________________________check Kids & girlfriend attended to________check FF lineup____________________________double check Stadium Wall_________________________ Cerveza numero uno___________________ Kickoff!!!!!!!!______________________ Life is good
  17. Need a hand?
  18. I called and got something like a $150 discount last year. At that time, I had already fulfilled my two-year contract. Then I moved in November and I canceled DTV all together. Today I resigned another two year contract, and got the sunday ticket for free as advertised. Installation is scheduled for this Friday. What I am wondering is, whether or not the fact that you have already fulfilled your contract plays a role in these negotiations? If you cannot cancel, without incurring early cancellation fees, it seems that you really dont have much leverage. Of you guys who received a substantial discount this year, how many of you are still under the contract, and those of you who did not receive the discount, what is your contract status?
  19. There is a mechanic here at work who, no kidding, built a lawnmower out of a geo metro. He is out of town right now, else I'd post a pic.
  20. Johnny seems like another well grounded, high character, hard working, talented young man with many wonderful opportunities on his doorstep. Good for him. I hope that everything works out for him and his family. Now, will someone please help that man pick out a suit.
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