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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Yeah but, that uniform is hideous. I had no idea how ugly it was until I saw the new ones. The pose is perfect, but you have to use the new unis. I beg you. Please.
  2. I adamently disagree. You don't show this to your team. If they go watch it for themselves, fine. That was a different team, with a different coach. I see nothing good from rehashing that painfull loss, and throwing Leodis under the bus would be the worst thing Chan could do. THE WINDS HAVE CHANGED!!! WE ARE MARCHING FORWARD!!! DONT LOOK BACK BUFFALO!!!! GO BILLS!!!
  3. Fitz doesn't just cause girls' panties to fall off, their hoo-hoo's actually cheer him on. The look on her face is the best part.
  4. Valuable life lesson. Good on you!
  5. Sounds like a great day with your sons! I spent the day with my pops, and he couldnt watch the last Oakland posession either. He had to go outside to get some fresh air. These nailbiter endings have gotta be tough on some of our older comrades.
  6. Wow. I also have Jamaal Charles and Aaron Hernandez. Sucks for us. I'm 2-0 right now, and I have Scott Chandler on deck, but I have only Spiller to back up Charles....and I'm already starting Freddie. Me thinks I need an RB.
  7. Brady will not put up 450 yards again. Not three games in a row. I'm pretty sure he is human. Stay at home in the middle of the field. Cover deep. Hard hitting corner blitzes. Smack the doo-doo outta those TEs.
  8. Florio had us at 13 last week. I think it should be about the same this week.
  9. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  11. Really? It sure didn't come through on my television. I'll take their word for it though. Good job Bills fans!!!
  12. Great Game! I had Dad over to watch the game. He couldn't watch the last two plays HaHa. Glad your family enjoyed it!
  13. Yeah but, Emmit is cool. Not many Cowboys I Respect, but Emmit is a respectful and humble person.
  14. One question; Where's the noise. Sounds like more raiders fan there than hardF@#$ncore Bills fans to me.
  15. Not sure if you were serious for the bolded part, but if the chickens are smaller in California, I would hazard a guess that they have regulations against the hormones and steroids fed to most of the chicken the rest of us get. Just a WAG.
  16. I never would have expected that we would see more intelligent and mature posts from a Raider fan named Chronic, than what we saw from the ever so classy Chiefs fans last week. Thanks for dropping by Raiderjoe and Chronic. I learned quite a bit about your team this week. Enjoy your wings recipe, and remember, wings can be reheated in the oven. I really like them reheated because the first coating of sauce gets soaked up and a bit charred. Add a new coating of sauce, and you have a late night snack to die for. I'll start cutting up my wings after I leave work today. That's the only difficulty in cooking wings. Oh yeah, you know that you need celery and blue cheese on the side, right? Bills 31 - Raiders 13 GO BILLS!!!
  17. I talked with pops on the phone last night. The KC game was broadcast locally, so he got to see the whoopin the Bills dished out. Dad and I don't talk much on the phone, but reminiscing about the Superbills, and discussing the optimism, hope, and comraderie surround the team right now...it was a good moment for me. I usually feel pretty peppy on pay Fridays, but this is in between paydays. The end of summer, and the large summer entertainment credit card bill has brought me down a little bit the last couple of weeks too. So, I credit the Buffalo Bills for that little extra cheer in my coffee this morning; for giving Dad and me something to bond over last night, and for giving me something to look forward to this weekend. Dad's coming over on Sunday, and I'm gonna do wings and nachos and have a few cold brews. Have a great weekend everyone. Cherish the time spent with loved ones, and tell them as much. GO BILLS!!!
  18. So you'll be there Saturday night I take it.
  19. You trying to pick a fight? Mods, can you please send this guy a clue? just kidding, friend GO BILLS!!!
  20. Hence, the request to keep the trannys away.
  21. Not quite. I say Jets lose. Bills#1 after week 2, which allows our guys to relax a little, keep emotions in check, and focus on business against the inferior Patsies.
  22. Bring it! If the gayders call up Willy and request their usual Saturday night specials again, then by-god, Willy's gonna send them.
  23. Bills 31 - Raiders 13 Patriots 30 - Chargers 33 Jets 10 - Jaguars 17 Dolphins 14 - Texans 27
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