I talked with pops on the phone last night. The KC game was broadcast locally, so he got to see the whoopin the Bills dished out. Dad and I don't talk much on the phone, but reminiscing about the Superbills, and discussing the optimism, hope, and comraderie surround the team right now...it was a good moment for me.
I usually feel pretty peppy on pay Fridays, but this is in between paydays. The end of summer, and the large summer entertainment credit card bill has brought me down a little bit the last couple of weeks too.
So, I credit the Buffalo Bills for that little extra cheer in my coffee this morning; for giving Dad and me something to bond over last night, and for giving me something to look forward to this weekend. Dad's coming over on Sunday, and I'm gonna do wings and nachos and have a few cold brews.
Have a great weekend everyone. Cherish the time spent with loved ones, and tell them as much.