In high school, I dated a girl and attended an Assembly of God church with her and her family (i know right?). The speaking in tongues thing really freaked me out. I never really bought any of it, but, whatever. I always thought it was strange that it was always the same handful of older wives who were routinely touched by the voice of God. Really, really weird, but, whatever.
Then one day, two different women stood up at the same time and began speaking in tongues. Both were surprised by the other, both paused a moment, then, thinking that the other had stopped, both began again in earnest at the same time. The less senior of the two finally quit and quickly sat down, while the other finished her hibbity-jibbity-dralla-blanto-lacka-lacka for anther minute.
So, my point is: If God can cross his wires, and accidentally speak through two people sitting three pews away from each other, I'm sure that he might accidentally smite more than one New York Giant at the same time, since you know, they were standing so close to one another.
BTW: I never went back to that church, my girls family stopped liking me, and we were boke up a short time later. Man, that place gave me the creeps big time. Weird I tell ya, weird.