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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Never have been.
  2. I think I guessed 11-5 several months back. I'll stick with that, even though I like the Senator's prediction much, much more.
  3. Over the summer, there were actually "fans" on this board, openly hoping to tank the season this year, so we could get #1 overall. We need to find them, rub there noses in it, tar and feather them, then pin a special thread just to put their lame-ass loser-loving posts on display for all!!!
  4. Until someone else wins the division, the AFCE DOES belong to the Patriots. The Jets ARE standing in our way. Those are facts. I Billieve we will whip the Jets, and we will take the division away from the Patriots, but as of right now, you cannot argue with that part of the quote.
  5. Week 1: Patriots Week 2: Steelers Week 3: Chargers Week 4: Bills
  6. Once I saw one womem nekkid, I wanted to see the rest of them nekkid...Ron White So yeah, I clicked the link.
  7. Soldier Field was extremely loud the one time I visited. Of course it was a Dead concert, and I had kaleidescope eyes.
  8. How to spot a counterfit jersey
  9. I don't remember which game, or whether or not it was a game saver, but I remember Moorman making a good tackle and hitting the return man pretty dadgum hard in the process once last season. I don't care who you are, it's football. You tackle the guy with the ball. Period.
  10. So, the lady in the stands was a grabbin' where your dads ol lady was a lookin'...
  11. My link I came across this while looking at the celebration videos. I'm sorry, but I had to post it.
  12. Then you are a wuss too.
  13. Well played my man.
  14. My my my. Amazing.
  15. Brady had the chance to tackle Florence on the pick six, but decided against it. Deion totally called him out and even went so far as to call him a WUSS! So true. Fitzgibbons would have gone for the tackle for sure.
  16. I believe it was the Green Bay CB in his superbowl peptalk "1 Heart, 1 mind, 1 goal" 1 Heart: Advantage BILLS 1 Mind: Advantage PATRIOTS 1 Goal: Advantage BILLS BILLS 24 PATRIOTS 17
  17. I bet that is a beautiful sight. BTW: That is actually an outstanding haiku. From WIKI: The essence of haiku is "cutting". This is often represented by the juxtaposition of two images (RECEIVER ) or ideas and a kireji ("cutting word") between them (SLOT ), a kind of verbal punctuation mark which signals the moment of separation (GISELLE ) and colours the manner in which the juxtaposed elements are related.
  18. Someone else here has mentioned it before, but Chris Brown's questions are always soooo long winded. He'll start the question, interrupt himself by throwing out qualifiers, ask the question again, then answer his own question using examples that support his qualifier statements. It's annoying. You can see the player is ready to answer the question way, way before Brown ever finishes asking the question.
  19. In high school, I dated a girl and attended an Assembly of God church with her and her family (i know right?). The speaking in tongues thing really freaked me out. I never really bought any of it, but, whatever. I always thought it was strange that it was always the same handful of older wives who were routinely touched by the voice of God. Really, really weird, but, whatever. Then one day, two different women stood up at the same time and began speaking in tongues. Both were surprised by the other, both paused a moment, then, thinking that the other had stopped, both began again in earnest at the same time. The less senior of the two finally quit and quickly sat down, while the other finished her hibbity-jibbity-dralla-blanto-lacka-lacka for anther minute. So, my point is: If God can cross his wires, and accidentally speak through two people sitting three pews away from each other, I'm sure that he might accidentally smite more than one New York Giant at the same time, since you know, they were standing so close to one another. BTW: I never went back to that church, my girls family stopped liking me, and we were boke up a short time later. Man, that place gave me the creeps big time. Weird I tell ya, weird.
  20. You know, Tom Brady told me a funny story the other day - about how he would laugh at your nut job sister struggling with her underpants in a straight jacket. He said he used to con her into getting neked by saying that her clothes have ghosts in them. Then he'd pull out his winky, and tell her it was a strawberry ice cream cone.
  21. I'll raise you: lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, bug-eyed, and stiff-legged...
  22. Week 1: Patriots Week 2: Steelers Week 3: Chargers
  23. I'll have what he's having. No, seriously. Give em hell puss!
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