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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Holy shiz, that was a long read (and I skipped some). This has turned into one hu-mun-gus shout box! PLEEEZ UNPINNIT! I. CANT. STOP. Dr. D...love your insight! You are the best speculator around, LOL! GO BILLS! Cheers.
  2. Chan Hailey OWNED the Chiefs! Thanks Coach! Best wishes!
  3. At least we would beat Dallas out of the number one most despised douche bag team owner (GM?). Donald Is Cheap!
  4. "You see one set of breasts...you wanna see em all" - Ron White I love that line. Haha!
  5. My GF.
  6. The Bills kickoff the "easy' part of their schedule with a 37 - 3 win. ...and win out the rest of the season. 10-6 baby! (there are not nearly enough Senator posts for my liking)
  7. I agree. I camt stand the nooge. But Stranglehold is in my top five coolest muthafuggin rock and roll songs EVER!
  8. Have a great weekend! Talk to ya Monday!
  9. Cut down an old tree. Help the neighbor remove some dead wood. Hauled it all to the landfill. Took a nice nap while watching Miami's backup stomp the jests. Yeah of coarse I subbed the jets in ft because of the Houston bye. Its been a nice Sunday!
  10. Here, here! I would guess that 99% of NFL fans root for their team because of the city they play in, except maybe raiders fans. I'm 1500 miles away. I've never lived in Buffalo. But if the Bills relocate, the NFL is dead to me. How many of you would continue to root for this franchise if they moved?
  11. LOL! We really have sunken to a new level of delirium, haven't we? If you find it hard to laugh at yourself, I would be happy to do it for you - Groucho Marx GROUND UP AND IN THE FREEZERRRRRR!!!!!!
  12. / That's like 175 in dog years. I've been meaning to ask. Who/what is stevestojan? I've seen people use it in posts to supplant some other prohibited words. Is it an inside joke, or do they just not like you?
  13. Ground up and in the freezer.
  14. Sounds like a tough month man. I can relate. too bad that the old saying "there's plenty of other fish on the sea" doesn't apply to sports fandom. At least when you find a new girl, you wont be considered a bandwagoner. Keep your head up brother!
  15. Does it make you guys feel better calling them names? I ain't happy with the way the Bills have played, but it has gotten utterly rediculous on this board. You guys deserve a ****ty team. C ya.
  16. Since the Pink Thread is locked... Anyone notice? Not a shred of pink anywhere except a small ribbon on the helmets?
  17. I love pulled pork too. And cheeseburgers. And I'm especially fond of hot chicks. But you put em altogether, eh kinda gross. Guess I'm weird. I didn't find the BBQ sauce dripping down her lip and breast very appetizing in any sense of the word. Ewe, i bet they smelled like mesquite. Now, if those two Cuties would like to each serve me two different sandwiches that would be nice but they had better hit the shower after working the pit.
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