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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Due to corporate rules, I cannot take pictures of my actual office, but bystanders often do, and post them on the interweb....Third window back.
  2. Not much of a breakdown really. Sponge Bob is a hard worker. A team player. Mr Krabs likes money. He's a steeler. Patrick sleeps under a rock. Don't know how he sleeps there without suffocating. Squidward looks like the white guy with a big nose who has his cheeks full of a hot dog. I was hoping to hear something a little more insightful than that. What a let down. I don't think CJ has much of a future as a movie critic.
  3. It vents some around the lid. I don't know about the creosote. Its sealed off, so the lack of oxygen would not allow any flame inside. Besides, the creosote just adds to the flavor, no? J/k I clean it occasionally with oven cleaner.
  4. Don't know. Check it out here . It works exactly like they say. I totally understand those who enjoy the traditional process, but this is very convenient, and it makes awesome BBQ. My fave is smoked chicken. You can do three at a time on the Orion, and its nearly impossible to screw up so long as you watch the timer. I save teh left over smoked chicken for a number of other dishes. Damn, Im hungry now. There are four different people that I know of here at work who've bought one. Everyone that I know swears by it. It's quality stainless steel, easy to assemble and made in America. I paid $149 three years ago at Lowes. EDIT: I will say that cleaning the drip pan can be quite disgusting if you let it sit for a few days or months :-(
  5. The Orion is awesome. Convection, steam, smoke. Can do six racks and a baloney in 1:15. Follow the cook times in the recipe book, and don't crack the seal till the time is up. We did a large Turkey a couple of years ago in under two hours. Very good, very Smokey flavor. For me though, It doesn't leave enough bark on the ribs so ill finish off in an oven or on a grill. It is truly a "set it and forget it" cooker. Its small enough to take camping too. It would work great at a tailgate. I haven't used mine yet this year. Might have to hit the meat market after work today!
  6. I've had a Char-Broiler for about five years and have used it a lot. I love it. Everything about it is heavy duty. It has more cooking space, more side-shelf prep space, the lid is attached, has adjustable coal height, and seems sturdier than the three legged kettle grill. The heavy cast iron grate is a must - I'll never own a chrome wire grill again! I paid $99 for mine, but I think they run closer to $150 now. I'm sure the Weber is lighter if you plan to bring it tailgaiting, though.
  7. Goodbye Mr. Fitzgibbons. Rots-a-ruck.
  8. That's my fantasy football name! Turftoe, that is. Except I rock all caps LOL. Sorry, I have nothing intelligent to add. Ever.
  9. I am slowly becomming my father. Why does it have to change? I understood things before. I was comfortable with things the way they were. I don't want to learn something new.
  10. Then you may be the problem. You gotta hang on to that thing ma,n! And use tp for gods sake! Do you button your pants before or after you you step out of the comfort room? Do you leave the faucet running?
  11. Dozens of spacecraft, all approximately the size of Earth. Were fooked.
  12. Carol Burnett is funnier than Lucy to me. Momma's Family makes the list and since I'm picking lady stars, Reba is a good comedies that you can watch with the whole family. My number one? Carol Burnett and Friends.
  13. Bowe. And Welker. Along with Stevie, that'd be a pretty sick combi for Fitz.
  14. That's some funny stuff! Egg roll. I wish I had a breeze running down my leg. Ha!
  15. Clowney eould have some big shoes to fill! (I can't believe none of y'all beat me to it)
  16. I second this motion. Can't get any simpler than that.
  17. Will the Flutie curse end? 13 seasons later? I guess we'll know the answer to that if Houston wins it all? GO TEXANS!?
  18. Permission grantted. Its in an update at the bottom of the PFT article.
  19. One of the players tweeted to lay on the tarmac or close the airport...Kyle Williams I think. Would ya?
  20. Played college ball, and coached high school right here in T-Town. I did not know that.
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