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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Fireworks on waikiki was a let down last night. We have a better show in jenks oklahoma on the arkansas river.
  2. YES!!! She had me at "rhythmic" Ive been in Hono for a week. All of these japanese cuties are driving me crazee!!!
  3. Patrick Star
  4. I have had a beachy month. My kids and I vacationed in pensacola beach, which was beautiful. Perfect white sugary sand, great for sand castles, and not too crowded at the west end of the barrier island. There were some storms that started a couple of days before our arrival and persisted for our first two days there. The storms really churned up the water which caused it to be quite murky and full of seawead and some trash. By the end of the week though, the water was clear aqua-green again. We really loved it there. Three weeks later, my company sends me to honolulu. I walked waikiki beach yesterday. It is much coarser sand, which I dont think would make very good sandcastles, and there are waaaaayyy too many people, but damn it is beautiful! For asthetics, hawaii definately has florida beat. Its just too crowded though and most of the hotels are a bit of a walk from the beach. We had a beachfront condo in Florida and had plenty of space on the beach. My favorite thing about pensacola beach was the sand bars about 30 feet out from the shore made a nice shallow pool for the little ones to play in safely.
  5. 13 years. I wish I made more money, but I truly enjoy my work most of the time. We are a niche business and havent had much success in our attempts at diversification. No one else in the world does what we do, which is awesome, but it could hurt me if/when I have to hunt for a job in the future.
  6. Hard to believe that Tulsas port is higher. Thats a lot of oil equipment, aircraft parts and cow poop. What are Buffalo's primary exports?
  7. Of all the places she couldve been born, my mom picked Buffalo. That was a long time ago.
  8. I just bought an 09 maxima last week. Today there was an emergency at work and someone was needed to deliver some equipment from ttulsa to Lincoln, NE. We determined I could beat the airlines, so off I went. three hours into the trip, I thought of this tthread. 120 and still accelerating like mad! I photoed tthe speedo but I wont post it. Northern kansas is beautiful! At a pizza pub next to the university now. Drinking fat tires. Awesome calzone! Lotsa college cuties! Nice little downtown scene.
  9. Nitrogen is not toxic or flammable. It comprises 78% of the air we breath. I don't know what nitrogen and chlorine do together, but the nitrogen displaces oxygen, and asphyxiation will kill you as quick as any toxic compound. A guy at my work had a close call once due to a leak in a confined space and he failed to check his O2 meter before entering. A bucket of liquid nitrogen will create a LOT of gaseous nitrogen.
  10. Ask a Redskin about illegal aliens. I have a friend who was on an all native American softball team named the Fighting Whiteys. Cold
  11. Ironically, the fastest I've ever driven a car was in the slowest POS I've ever owned. 1988 Toyota Tercel hatchback - 120MPH (estimated cuz the speedo only went to 110). That was with about a three mile downhill slope and a tailwind LOL. Since then I've had several hi-po cars and a motorcylce capable of 160+ (or so says the speedo). Never been over 100 since the Toyota though. My friends nicnamed it "The Wandering Tokemobile".
  12. She lacks booty. She is certainly stunning above the hips though.
  13. Last year was my first time to ever play in an auction league. I liked it a lot. My first round bid was for CJ for three dollars. Nobody upped me, so I got him for three dollars. Next round I got played hard by the group and wound up overlaying for r. Rice - $30.00, nearly 1/3 of my budget. I was a fool on the rice deal, bit Spiller made up for that mistake.
  14. Cmon man! Have non of you considered.... the BEARD?!?! No way EJ wins that competition this season!
  15. I Always love it when you drop in Rog. Almost anti-Crayonz-esque. In Europe will they call it soccer?
  16. Thanks JJ. That was a fun way to start my Saturday morning with the kids! I'm gonna forward that to both of them so when they check their messages upon waking up, they can start their day with a little silliness too.
  17. Oh, to be young and invincible again. Very cool.
  18. You should watch O brother. Might change your mind about clooney. I'm not his greatest fan or anything, but I loved this movie. And yes, you're right. My personal opinion about super hero movies doesn't agree with the masses. But that's what this thread is about. So, I say again (without cussing this time, sorry) super hero movies are lame
  19. You understand. ;-) great view. Smile!
  20. So, everyone agrees. O brother where art though was good. Super hero movies suck ass. Right? Yeah, I heard you were easy.
  21. Beavis and Butthead do America > Batman The Spongebob Squarepants Move > Spiderman The Rugrats Vegas Vacation > Iron Man Recess The Movie > Whatever other Hokie Super Hero Movie They Can Come Up With I really enjoyed all of these cartoon movies. The Beavis and Butthead movie, in the theater, on the big screen, high, was the funniest thing I have ever seen! Bungholioooo! LMAO! Sponge Bog covering Twisted Sister…Genius.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEdi5g9XHJk
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