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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I just woke up, came to the garage for a smoke and opened this thread on my phone. It sparked a memory of the dream I just had. Really... First play of the game - Brady's pass deflects off the ceiling fan. Belechick and two fans tumble down a long concrete stairway and into a water fountain while wrestling for the ball. Jeff tuel comes up with it and strolls back up the stairs while Belicheck begins lecturing the children to stay out of the pool and he shows everyone the scrapes on his legs and elbows. Me and my two kids hop in a conoe and float away down the river while someone else lights off a string of firecrackers. Great dream. LOL. I have no idea who wins. GO BILLS!!!
  2. Wait a second. That didnt sound right at all! Lol!!! Damn. I must be getting better. You phukkers have made me laugh two days in a row! Feels great! Especially to laugh at myself!! G
  3. I tried Hector Salamanca's Ding Ding last year but it was too long.
  4. Yup. My tenth grade english teacher was a blatant tramp. Shoulda, coulda, woulda.... And she was a hot mofoin 40 sumthin.
  5. Ha! Seriously, thanks man...havnt laughed in a while. Another divorce. I gotta lotta mess on my hands! GO BILLS!
  6. I like the way you think! Giddyup!
  7. Punt it on first down! They'll never know what hit em!
  8. Its my gilfriend. Mods said no more cleavage or rumps, so I zoomed in on her other most attractive asset.
  9. Buffalo burgers for everyone! ....Hiccup...
  10. Think he took his money back too? Good for the lady to report it.
  11. Holy shnikees! Four- grand for a california king!?!?
  12. You guys are obsessd with one another. Give it up already. Jeez.
  13. Class of 1991 here. We had a pre-reunion party the night before our twentyieth at some trendy downtown bar. Pretty much only singles showed up that night, and I left my girl at home, so I had a very good time. It was a bit awkword the next night for a few of us though ;-). The reunion was at a hotel, and luckily for me, my girlfriend drank heavily and went back to our room early. So one of the ladys from the night before and I picked up right where we left off. What a bunch of sluts my classmates turned into! I was actually pleasantly surprised at how well a lot of them have held up.
  14. Worst. Pizza. Ever.
  15. I have truly amazing, long and dramatc story about a dog named Hazel. Too long to share typing on my phone. The short version - this most wonderful dog was lost last year in the most brutally hot oklahoma summer on record, for two months. She traveled 25 miles and found her own way home. Hazel is a survi vor. Lord, please bless little Hazel . May she be healed completely. Amen.
  16. I did it back in HS. I also once actually climbed from one moving vehicle to another. Yes, I was a total dumbass. Those many acts of stupidy are a small part of why im sooo freakin thankful to be alive and relatively successful in my career and as a parent. Thank god my son is nothing like I was as a teenager!!!
  17. Do go on...easiest dessert in the world to make...
  18. Sorry brah. Other than the pretty palm trees and cute japanese girls, Waikiki aint that great. If I had some money to spend I might thi k otherwise. I cant wait to get home!!! Edit: the weather has oklahoma beat though, no doubt about it!
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