I remember the last time I partied that hard.
Woke up with a blood soaked pillow. Huge gash above right eye. New Years Eve. Old HS Buddy. Twin Peaks. BILLS WIN......BENGALS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!! Some crowded bar. Mexican Mafioso type family. Lights Out!
Andy Dalton.
Actually, I remember very little.
First vist to AA.
This is my first, and likely last visit to PPP on TBD. I picked the shortest/newest thread to say one thing...
***** TRUMP!!!!
Okay, two things....
Third thing...
Just read the Dyngus Day Wiki.
That is just bizzare!!!! WTF?
I assume that boys are not still stealing girls from bed to throw into the river?
Weird. Weird, weird.
As an ex-Brandy fiance, I disagree with the second half of your second sentence. But yeah, she was "fine" in many physically desireable ways.
Edit: my Okie Brandi was hotter than this Okie Brandie, by an Okie mile.
I am a puss who cannot deal with the cold. Sunny and 42 currently, but windy and still damp. I am gonna clean the kitchen today instead of the yard (and I am a yard guy)
I love FREDEX.
Interesting observation: at approx 3:30 mark in that video, we switched from red helmets to white helmets, then back to red. I've always been led to believe that that was not an option to switch helmets during a season.
What gives?