I would like to see Marshawn have a good game...Love that dude. And I love his attitude toward the media. But I think he will be the only shiny skittle in Pete Carrol's bag though. So that's good for Marshawn because, you know, if they win, he would have to do all those interviews and television appearances afterword.
Denver will run well early on, and through three quarters, Manning will spread the ball around to everyone not being covered by an obnoxious loud mouth defensive back. At around the two minute mark, down by six with enough time remaining for Seattle to still win the game, Sherman will fall face first into a big ol' humble pie as he trips over his own feet, leaving a wide open receiver to score the game's final touchdown - putting the nail in Seattle's coffin.
That will be great for everyone, including us fans. Peyton, because you know, he really seams to like speaking on camera. Marshawn, because he doesn't. And, does anyone really want to listen to Richard Sherman if they were to win the game?? Win-win-win! <edit> And it would probably piss off Tom Terrific, and may even settle the "Best Ever" debate!!! That's another win-win!
Donkies 33 - Sea Chickens 20