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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Almost all day. All most every day. I mix megadeth, the crystal method, the cars, the gorillaz, and Clapton (and many, many others) and I wind up with the perfect station. I freakin love Pandora!
  2. That is a novel idea. Doubt it will happen, but its possible I suppose. Would be a very nice way to commemorate the man. That is a novel idea. Doubt it will happen, but its possible I suppose. Would be a very nice (albeit expensive) way to commemorate the man.
  3. Kiko Alonso doesn't have highlight reels. Highlight reels have Kiko Alonso. FOOTBALLS!!!! NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM.
  4. Can someone explain to me what "El Pegaul", or whatever,is about?
  5. I never received my money. Ralph is cheap!
  6. "Business trip" riiiiight. The girls I was with a couple times weren't Lisbon, but they weren't shy with each other either. I hope you and your wife have a good time. Take it slow, enjoy all of the sights, sample all the flavors and Take lots (and lots) of pictures!
  7. I made the suggestion in the other thread to donate any award you receive to your local orphanage. I bet some of those kids would love to have some nice Bills gear.
  8. Thai Kouandjio Chop! Hooahh!
  9. If Trump actually puts his .oney where his mouth is, and buys the Buffalo Bills, he will instantly become my favorite Billionaire. So long as they stay.
  10. Congratz. Im Jealous. Ive only been to one game. BUT. it was the goal post game against Miami. 1980 I think? I was too young to appreciate it though. Enjoy!!!!
  11. Just curious...are any of you actually bloods? Partial? Related to, married to, friends with, work with, acquainted with, actually spoken to any indigenous folks? I am partial, my children are more than half, I have many fine friends who are 100% "Skins". Most of them that I know are more offended by this entire discussion, than they are by the by some team name. Indian folk I know, for the most part, do not care. Many others like the recognition. But again, most just dont care what Whitey names there team.
  12. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDQQuAIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dfw-XK_X8Rm0&ei=jLiAU5-3N8aSqAaE7IEQ&usg=AFQjCNHk0MDRsplFch880z7VfOhOfzpj4A Happy Memorial Day yall. Thank you all who have served in our armed forces, and deep respect for our fallen soldiers.
  13. While sitting at the bus stop with my daughter this morning, in Jenks America (HS football capital of Oklahoma, BTW), listening to my favorite channel, the lady DJ brings this up..."So Jon Bon Jovi is trying to buy the Buffalo Bills and move them to Canada, apparantly. People in New York are furious about it and are protesting with a boycott of all things Bon Jovi." As she chuckles, Dead or Alive is spooling up in the background. "Not here," she says, "Turn it up!" I quickly changed the station. I guess it was covered on FOX this morning too, so I guess this is as news worthy as most of the the other BS the bubble headed bleach blondes bring us. Kudos to those of you raising NATIONAL awareness! With the exception some of the !@#$ Cowboy fans I'm surrounded by, I think most of football loving America supports Buffalo in this matter. GO BILLS! I would like to see one of you photoshoppers do a herd of Buffalo Bills logos trampeling JBJ.
  14. You're an idiot.
  15. I knew someone would go there. They look pretty close to me.
  16. http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/30/us/oklahoma-botched-execution/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
  17. If I had the resources, I would love to hit them all! They talk about one in Nepal, with a 9,000 ft plunge at the end of the runway as if that is a bad thing. Instant altitiude, dude! Sounds like a blast!!! The only one that would freak me out (in a jumbo) would be Hong-Kong, where not only is there a mountain and skyscrapers, but you must perform a very hard bank right into the final approach. That one was a terrible design from the get-go.
  18. Momma said "Just try not to hurt nobody".
  19. I received those texts (I assume). How do I claim my gift card? I will donate mine to a Buffalo orphanage if I get one. Who's with me?
  20. http://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Dick_Glick.html Dick Glick M.D. a gynecologist, no less.
  21. https://www.google.com/url?q=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DHHoNQrxG_8M&sa=U&ei=NWtUU8fOEOfH8AGlwYDYBw&ved=0CBEQtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNEIHbEfzyVWtmuwskUoQzniWRulYg LMAO. Busey graduated from my high school, and I've always enjoyed his work. He is nuttier than squirrel turds since his motorcycle wreck. Anybody see him and Willie Nelson in Barbarosa?
  22. I speak from experience: Hot tubs and liquor do not mix! Add some poorly lit, narrow stone steps, and you have the makings for a very painful, potentially deadly Friday evening on the patio. Ouch.
  23. Ive never owned a jersey, but I would like to purchase a # 12. Is anyone aware of someone selling them - with profits to charity? That's the only way I would want to do it.
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