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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I read somewhere that he is relatively frugal.
  2. As a 25+ year habitual marijuana smoker, with a damn good job and a lot to lose if I ever got busted, I will say that it is pretty damn difficult to quit if it is readily available. I am 6 months clean now, only because all of my connections slowly became more and more scarce over the last five years, until the point I was dealing with strangers. I cannot say how many times that i decided to give it up over the years, only to run out and pick up a bag the next day. I dont know how many times i tried to convince myself that i would save it for the weekend, or special occasions, or whatever, only to blaze through it morning, noon and night till it was all gone. I would characterize myself as addicted for a long time. Not chemically dependent, but certainly emotionally dependent. The stuff is a hell of a lot more powerful nowadays than it used to be too, and I do believe it can, and does affect ones ability to safely negotiate a car. ...just a little personal insight into the addictive/not addictive debate. Not all addictions are the same. Having said all that... LEGALIZE IT!
  3. ... and buy more merchandise... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/07/24/get-em-while-theyre-hot-buy-your-ladies-ray-rice-gear/
  4. Bickering Bills
  5. Read the friggin article peeps. OP is a joke. Stem cells, grow a nose on your back....
  6. I would not crown him King Bill yet. I like the way you (OP) worded it though. He certainly stepped up and took his place at the table.
  7. After further review, I think you are correct. At first glance, to me, it looked like crown to face mask. But actually it was more of a glancing blow. I still think that helmets collided, but not a blatant heat shot. Mostly squared up shoulder pad to shoulder pad side of helmet to side of helmet. Probably still would have resulted in a fine though.
  8. That's a $25K fine now, amiright? Bad things man. It was more fun to watch, but that play alone gives a lot of credence to the strict helmet to helmet rules of today's game. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=kOTOU7qzGo6p8QHe2oCYCA&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DzrB1Yjeixr8&cd=1&ved=0CCAQuAIwAA&usg=AFQjCNEMriBOTKav_VDrgnqiGPj9_PdG_w
  9. As I mentioned earlier, I started the series again for the third time. I was totally into it through the first season. The second season, with Jane, I noticed myself beginning to pick at some of the details. For instance, of course Jessie gets a young hot drug addict for a landlord. I thought Hank was a little the the top. Etc, etc. So I quit watching. I do t want to ruin it by over analyzing. Spooge getting spooged under the ATM though...LOLOL SKANK SKANK SKANK SHANK SKANK!
  10. Ohh, I was drinking, I'm sure. Twas a rainy day. I bet you've seen even bigger dum mies than me. We were downstream - Had about 45 minute wait. Was a great day, actually.
  11. Hmmm. I thought I mentioned that in one of your threads. Furthest inland port in the states, I think. Kerr-McGee. I've been through the locks in my fishn boat. Bout got run over by a barge when the engine wouldn't fire.
  12. Same here (Tulsa). Well, more like 4 hours. This is unquestionably, the coolest summer of my lifetime. I went to my tomato garden to do some pruning at about 6:00 this morning, and after a couple of minutes, I had to go back inside for a long sleeve shirt. We hat 60-65 degree weather all week. And two summers ago, Oklahoma set the all time record for the hottest month anywhere (avg daytime high -night time low). Unreal. I ain't complaining though!!!
  13. Cincinnati Bengals - superbowl champs. I think Andy Dalton has IT. And he proves IT this year.
  14. Dude. Don't go there. Bad deal. I hope she recovers on every level.
  15. The OP is like the hot chick telling her not-so-hot friends that it's not easy being beautiful. GTFO! J/K
  16. ...my macaroni and cheese is the CHEEZIEST!
  17. Friggin fracking. We've been having a lot of earthquakes here in Oklahoma. No kidding. I don't remember a single earthquake in 35 years, but over the last five years we seem to have several every month. Nothing major, mind you, but they are becoming increasingly frequent. Holy hell! Twenty-some-odd earthquakes in the last seven days alone. http://www.okgeosurvey1.gov/pages/earthquakes/recent-earthquakes.php
  18. Yes, I had heard that before, but F-THAT!!! So, your average Joe, making $65K, is expected to cough up $16,250? Whatever! Great strategy on your part BTW!
  19. Three months salary? Seriously? F that! Guess that's why I'm single (again).
  20. http://www.magic925.com/jaggerandkristi/prince-original-live-recording-of-purple-rain/
  21. Very cool set of photos IMO. Very tastefully done.
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