Thanks jboyst, I think. I am happy to have my kids in the model school district of our neck of the woods. (Jenks America)
Have I ever told yall the story of my trip to the Wagoner, OK (where this story took place) Walmart for a fishing license, New Years morning at 05:30, and the old man in drag at the sporting goods counter, also there to get his fishing license? Oh. My. God. Funniest F'ing thing I have ever seen.
It's about an hour southeast of Tulsa, so my buddy and I were nice and red eyed.
About 6'3", about 75 years old, dolly Parton wig, dolly Parton breasts, ugly ass flowery dress, mud boots, and rolled on lipstick and makeup. Caught him out of the corner of my eye standing next to me and totally lost it. I looked for my buddy, but he had already seen him and ran down the aisle trying to hold back his laughter.
Hallelujah, Holy shiz. Where's the tylenol?!?!
I don't even remember if we caught any fish.
Good times.