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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Thanks jboyst, I think. I am happy to have my kids in the model school district of our neck of the woods. (Jenks America) Have I ever told yall the story of my trip to the Wagoner, OK (where this story took place) Walmart for a fishing license, New Years morning at 05:30, and the old man in drag at the sporting goods counter, also there to get his fishing license? Oh. My. God. Funniest F'ing thing I have ever seen. It's about an hour southeast of Tulsa, so my buddy and I were nice and red eyed. About 6'3", about 75 years old, dolly Parton wig, dolly Parton breasts, ugly ass flowery dress, mud boots, and rolled on lipstick and makeup. Caught him out of the corner of my eye standing next to me and totally lost it. I looked for my buddy, but he had already seen him and ran down the aisle trying to hold back his laughter. Hallelujah, Holy shiz. Where's the tylenol?!?! I don't even remember if we caught any fish. Good times.
  2. I like the original version better ;-) but OMG I would marry that woman!LOL And I never even saw her face. Head banging chick's are the best!
  3. I raise your AC/DC banjo with SLAYER banjo! LOL https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=eD7iU4yVD5Gm8QHug4DABw&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DnZ2ucr74YNk&cd=1&ved=0CB0QuAIwAA&usg=AFQjCNGCaIfRwcOl2lpUwFHwQ4c7ViWOhg And I will double down with MOTORHEAD -ACE OF SPADES! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=ekDiU_S9EsrM8AHb3ICYDg&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DcYJUywl7CFw&cd=1&ved=0CB0Q3ywwAA&usg=AFQjCNEeZO68f4EGILXBY8NLWQwI3lQGUQ
  4. Dig it. Almost as cool as that Tom Sawyer on the ukelele. Edit: mandolin.
  5. Lolololol! Nice one Tom! Next, you'll say you're ambidextrous, right?
  6. Nope. Not just you. I laughed a couple of times. Sounded like a bunch of third string reporters asking stupid ass questions. The coach should not be required to do a press conference after a friggin practice. I loved his attitude. Ask a dumb question, you get a dumb answer.
  7. On a typical day, 5-10 minutes in the morning;-) 45 minutes at lunch, and anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple hours after work. Sometimes a few minutes at bed time.
  8. Damn man. I'm disappointed in Jerry. I've never held the ill will toward this man that so many people seem to, but this is shameful. I hope it is not as seems.
  9. And big too.
  10. Everyone wants a big D. Everyone also wants the big O. We will give you both. Often.
  11. I called it in the pre-preseason prediction thread. Bengals in the Superbowl. This year. Dalton is b'dass.
  12. Good call. Bread Fan is kickass. Another by Metallica - Stone Cold Crazy - Freddy Mercury did it first, but worst.
  14. Thanks for the link to the video! The toss and catch from 12 to 83 at the end was touching. 83 was a huge part of the greatest nfl team ever! I did not realize Lofton is in the hall.
  15. Attended a huge bike rally at the tulsa drag strip today. 30,000 motorcycles. Lots of really cool people. Last weekend was a big drag boat race on the river. Fun stuff! Edit. News just reported 55,000 bikes. Wow!
  16. Funny. At work just the other day, a couple of guys, my boss and myself were BS'ing, and someone said I was crazy. I started into "All I wanted was a Pepsi...and "I'm not crazy! You're the one that's crazy!" They didn't get it, and I think it just solidified their opinion of me. It's fun to be considered the wild child at work ;-)
  17. I've heard of ICP for many years. I've seen their photos. I've read about the Juggalos, and FBI investigations. I have never listened to any of their music till just now. Holy shiz! Six YouTube videos in a row, and I am hooked! Good stuff!!
  18. Not "best ever" but pretty good. http://www.myvideo.de/watch/2805894/Foo_Fighters_feat_Cee_Lo_Darling_Nikki And I love this one. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=8_bbU_HVFc2MyAS70YHYBg&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DnU1VfYYKMDk&cd=1&ved=0CBwQtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNFYiiUldfS9AIV8cZGrxIf9HFf4qQ
  19. Only three bidders...Of course there will be three "finalists".
  20. So, you are pro-TJ, anti CJ? Ohhhkaaaay.
  21. You definitely need to have a Kiko jersey on hand. And some place to recline....for your best man of course. That is a really cool idea!
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