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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. So, that's one vote that, yes, he is a better football player at his position than we have now. Who fuggin cares that he beat up a ferrari? Better than beating up a woman. I like crazy football players!
  2. All over again. Win now! .
  3. Fair enough! Haha. There is a reason I am not an NFL GM. But, is Richie a better football player than what we have now at his position?
  4. No biggy. He's driving a Ford now. I like crazy football players.
  5. Yup. The nastier the better. The crap in Miami was soon overblown. That is if he is a better player than what we have now. I don't know that.
  6. I would like to believe that you are right. Plus, I think it would serve the NFL well to have a feel good story in Buffalo this year.
  7. Question. Why did my last post embed the YouTube video, but none of my others did? I posted them all from my phone. Same procedure - copy url link, paste.
  8. The NFL wants a new stadium in Buffalo. No new news here. But in response to the notion that a new stadium would "improve the fan experience", someone else here on TSW said it first, and I think it bears (bares?) Repeating: the best way to improve the fan experience is to keep ticket prices low. I don't go to games, so I'm talking out of my rear a bit, but am I wrong? Are you ticket holders so disappointed by the stadium amenities that you would consider not going? I think I know the answer. GO BILLS!!! On a different note, they have been playing the $#!+ out of Bon Blow-me for the last month on my favorite classic rock station. That twerp sure has gotten a lot of exposure over this.
  9. Quite a few butter heads there. While some were nice, big booties don't do it for me.
  10. I wish he would. I damn sure wouldn't marry him before takin half though.
  11. Pics of Iberico Ham? She sounds tasty.
  12. Dang. So pretty. I absolutely hate seeing women fight. And, no thanks. I've had my fair share of ass whippins. I don't need a a chick to finish me off.
  13. I had no idea that this was a cover song. End of contest. Best metal remake of all time!
  14. I like to party too, so he and I have something in common. I also have a soft spot for the Browns, so I hope they do well.
  15. That's awesome! I love this thread!
  16. Yes. Yes she does. My ex wife was here to pick up one of the kids, and she came out while I was watching this video. Tool and A Perfect Circle are her favorite bands. She also has beautiful long dark hair and a gorgeous smile. And she plays guitar. :-( too bad drugs ruined her life. She is supposedly clean at the moment, and lookin pretty good.
  17. I've been saving my 1000th for something special. Everyone, all of you, Go %selves! Man, that felt good! #haveaniceday
  18. I am a huge Metallica fan, but please no. They just don't have it anymore. Hetfields vocal cords are shredded. And I know they have already "sold out", but the superbowl halftime show!? C'mon maan!
  19. It sucks that I can't pick any of them for my FF teams, but I like smash mouth football and i love a good ground and pound game, so I am happy to keep all of them. Shoulda kept Tashard.
  20. U callin me a dildo? It's a tough job....
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