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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. It goes like this.... Q: Why are there so many tornados in Oklahoma? A: Because Kansas sucks and Texas blows!
  2. I really enjoy thoughtful and informed posts like this from fans of other teams. Thanks, Zero. Keep on keeping on, and if you want any help upping your voltage, I may be able to help. Good luck in the big game, bro.
  3. THAT was the ONLY thing I liked about Rosen!
  4. Bring it, or leave it.
  5. My bad. LoL I have seen it many times. My head confused Clubber and Apollo. PAIN, is the correct answer!
  6. Pretty sure, MrT. Is who you are thinking of.
  7. Somehow I predicted the responses! But #2 made me spit my beer out for the first time this decade! Happy New Year you bunch of delinquents! CHAMPIONHIP! Ha. LETS GO BUFFALO!
  8. Tired of reading "conservative". So far it has been "fundamentals" and "reducing errors". I can roll with that a little longer.
  9. That is a great point! Standing there flatfooted not looking/moving forward is just as bad, amiright? Gotta catch the ball though!!!
  10. On NYE even. The nerve! For the record, I am only an occasional Sooner fan, and I dislike Mayfield. Please note he is a Texan, not an Okie. And he can piss-off!
  11. When you hit Start on a stop watch, where does it begin?
  12. Bless you Grandpa Lew! I wish I could play Sorry! with my kids, my Sister and Nephew again!
  13. That sounds like a great plan my friend!
  14. Last time I went out on NYE, I woke up with a bloody pillow, and didn't know how I got home. Thanks Andy Dalton! Not tonight.
  15. This will be the first, maybe last college game I will watch this year. Other than Tre White, I really dislike most everything about Louisiana. Add every state east and southeast of Louisiana as well.
  16. Good luck brother. My bet is more personal. I really dislike the Chiefs and this particular fan. He will rub this bet in my face forever if I lose.
  17. Thanks fellas. One game left...I hope Josh hits one for 56 yards in the air this Sunday, preferably in Q1, then immediately sits and rests for the remainder of the game.
  18. I am the only person I know to have ever received a ticket for a moving violation from a cop on horseback. Back in 1990, kids would cruise Memorial here in Tulsa. Everyone had the same turnaround points, and I was in a line of cars rolling through a shopping strip parking lot to get back heading south. I guess the shop owners complained, so there is a friggin Mountie posted. Yeah, he picked my car. "Bypassing a traffic signal" was the ticket. We had contraband in the car so I did not dare to argue.
  19. Love them both, so I abstain. ALL HAIL!
  20. I made many bets during my FF draft back in August. Ten bets to be exact. Allen vs your pick, in FF points. I have 8 bets ($20) locked up. Towards the end I accepted a couple of different bets that I was not prepared for, but had to accept at that point - Allen vs Jackson rushing FF points, and Allen vs Mahomes longest pass completion - yards ball travels in the air. Lost the Jackson bet, obviously. I have google searched, but I need some help with determing the result of my last bet. Can anyone help me out with some links of these two young studs longest throws this year? My birthday is tomorrow, so hook me up. Thanks in advance! GO BILLS!
  21. You may be on to something here. Patriots cheating? What are the possibilities?
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