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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. The Masochists.
  2. You got that backwards.
  3. Pretty dick move IMO.
  4. I do it, as do the guys in the cubicles around me. All of our mechanics do it - it's almost a safety issue for them. What's the big deal? So long you contain the shards. Put your headphones on if the sound bothers you.
  5. Someone here once said something to the effect, "Quit circling the damn wagons! Form a wedge and CHARGE!!!!" Someone should send this to Berman. I bet he could make it catchier.
  6. Wasn't his deal the largest rookie contract in history? 5 years $50 million? That kinda money buys a lot of patience.
  7. Well, I would claim the reverse. I found her FIRST dagnabbit, without a major television network!!! Was she good on the show?
  8. Not exactly.... http://politicalhumor.about.com/library/blbushism-foolme.htm
  9. You know ol boy is strutting right about now.
  10. Agreed. On the bright side, she didn't marry him.
  11. Bunch of drunk masochist spending every Sunday idolizing a team of sadistic animals?
  12. I found some cool banjo metal, and some rockin school kids covering Tool, in one of the "best of remakes" here on OTW. What do you think of Lindsay Sterling? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=ZOP3U5eVOsKU8QHW5IHwBg&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DJGCsyshUU-A&cd=3&ved=0CCQQuAIwAg&usg=AFQjCNEnvIg2KKlSyonzcvm7phzpev1_QQ I found her on Pandora.
  13. Love that show!. I haven't had cable in a while so I've not seen the last season or two. I've actually been running through all the old episodes on Netflix at bedtime lately. Kari is my dream girl!
  14. Ditto. I would like to get some 200-1 action. I got a buck.
  15. Cutting bait and casting again is not stupid. That is called trying.
  16. Seriously. Start carpet bombing the middle east with joints and matches. And Missouri. Pronto. And while you're at it - Jenks, OK.
  17. Toilets. Where else?
  18. I normally do not like the throwbacks, but in honor of Ralph (presumably), I think that the season opener is a great time to don the grazing buffalo.
  19. They are running out of material. But The R Wilson bit and PEYTON GOD DAMN MANNING bit never get old.
  20. Well, Cutler isn't on the list, because he is getting decapitated in week one.
  21. A new stadium is not "needed", nor will it put more butts in the seats. Keep the ticket prices low. Keep the merchandise sales high. Put a winning team on the television. That's how to succeed in a small market. IMHO.
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