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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Love it!!!
  2. Holy Buffalo Wings Batman! Is that for real? Gotta be Photoshop. If it's real, that is pretty miraculous! Regardless, this is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it! LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!!
  3. No doubt. I'm not willing to relocate, so I stay. I wasn't complaining, really, just contrasting the "life ain't fair for rookies", with "life ain't always fair for veterans". Life isn't always fair for anyone. I'm okay with that. As you pointed out, most of us have a choice in regards to employment. That's America.
  4. Or, you know, the opposite. It kinda passes me off to see guys with 20 years less experience come in making essentially the same wages. Football is kinda like real life in that sense. loyalty doesn't pay. Plenty of guys in my field move from company to company, getting a pay boost with every move, while guys like me carry the biggest load, and receive 1.5% annual increases.
  5. 0 oh say can you see?
  6. You have Buffalo Wild Wings. I didn't get Sunday ticket this year, so that's where I'll be on Sundays. I get there early enough to request which TV I want (the big one over the bar) and they even give me the sound. If they don't cooperate, remind them that without the Buffalo Bills, they wouldn't have a damn restaurant.
  7. That's it, pretty much. Been divorced for ten years now, and I have closer relationship with them than she does. They have helped me out quite a bit with the children over the years. They actually supported me through the divorce to ensure that I got sole custody of the kids. Good people. Love em.
  8. So, you think you can tell Heaven from Hell?
  9. That was the only Bills game I have ever been to. Sadly, I don't remember it. I was 8 years old. The only thing I remember is the cold. It probably wasn't cold at all to the locals, but to a skinny kid from the south...it was frigid.
  10. I'm screwed if this Peterson child abuse claim has legs.
  11. 64-0 field goal blocked! 19 and ohhhhhh baby!
  12. Looks like she is sipping a beer bong. I would love to see those eyes looking up at me.
  13. Squish the squishy fish Squishy squishy squishy squish FISH GONNA GET SQUISHED
  14. I left Oklahoma, drivin in a Pontiac, just about to lose my mind. Them boys from Oklahoma roll their joints all wrong.
  15. Ohhhhhhklahoma!
  16. The one I just made up in my head, I guess. I just checked. That line doesn't come till halfway through the song. My bad. I'm not crazy!
  17. All I wanted was a Pepsi!
  18. Welcome to the Jungle.
  19. Where they played ball last year means nothing. Every year, it takes time to acclimate. As a southerner, personally speaking, the first 90 degree day of summer can be miserable. By the time September gets here, 90 degrees is relatively comfortable. Varied with humid vs arid days, and it's a whole new equation. Had they just been through training camp in 100 degree weather in Boston? My point is, just because those guys have played in those conditions in the past does not mean they are prepared for it now.
  20. Toronto is the most ethnically and culturally diverse city I have ever been to, besides Paris...maybe. Seems like they would support soccer. Do they have a MLS team?
  21. If Roger were to resign/be fired, how will this affect the October meeting and Pegula confirmation vote?
  22. Ha! I was wondering how soon you would show up.
  23. Left. Right. Check.
  24. Maybe they are the same guy?
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