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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Friday night, and I need a fight.
  2. Take a little trip, take a little trip, take a little trip eseeeee.
  3. That means we can expect this to be called against us this week.
  4. A tight ship indeed. We modify, maintain and operate four DoD owned Gulfstreams. They are not luxury ships. Outfitted with sensors and comm equipment. Years ago when we begin the contract, we were required to conform to very strict FOD (foreign object debris) and tool control policies. Every last tool had to be inventoried or disposed of. The mechanics have to shadow their boxes so anyone can tell at a glance if anything is out of place, and all tools are accounted for at the end of every shift. I am an engineer. I design the systems that the mechanics are supposed to implement. I do electrical and mechanical systems diagrams/blueprints, among other things. Most mechanics enjoy criticizing engineers every chance they get. Because, you know, engineers are idiots. I am the only engineer in the company who insisted on having my own small set of tools, because I got tired of borrowing things and dealing with contemptible attitudes every time I needed to survey an aircraft. So, when I misplaced my flashlight, I was obligated to report it within two hours. I even suspect that I might have been sabatoged. The result so far has been personal ridicule, managers meetings, policy reviews, forms and paperwork. My god, you would think that I lost plutonium.
  5. Excellent news! It seems that your condition was shared by many. A dose of Peguliagra has lifted all our spirits.
  6. We have been having lots of them the last few years in Oklahoma. Small by comparison, but weird because we never used to get them at all. Structural damage on home foundations, but nothing catastrophic. Yet. Friggin fracking!
  7. Lost my flashlight. Holy jeebus, you wouldn't believe what a shitstorm. All aircraft grounded, all hands memos, DOOM. Everyone stop what they are doing to find it. Lost tools are the ultimate no-no. I set it down on someone's tool box. Took 5 minutes to find it once word got out, but I am going to hear about this for a while. As if mechanics needed another reason to hate engineers.
  8. Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots, and ruined your black tie affair.
  9. FantasyFootballHomerhea. It's embarassing. All the guys laugh at me. This always seems to accompany my bouts of FFHomerhea. Maybe there is a link? Shouldaknownbetteronia gets me in early december. Same medication.
  10. Stick and move. EJ is not a chump. He (by "he", i mean EJ, hackett and th3 rest of the offense) needs to find his rhythm.
  11. So, what do you think their game plan is? I imagine they're spending most of their time this week planning to stop our short game. Hit them where they're not looking, right? Pass on the Texasses! Air it out early.
  12. My mother was a witch.
  13. Not many men run into Bruce and live to tell the tale.
  14. Lol. That depends on whether anyone is there to step in it. No. He owns the Sabres. The NFL forbids any one from playing in a market while owning competing hockey franchises. Duh.
  15. ...and appears to have flipped her lid.
  16. #&@% you I want do what you tell me!
  17. In here its fine, most every night.
  18. Wish you were here. If I knew the way I'd take you home.
  19. ...and the home - of the - brave! Mother, did it need to be so HIGH? The tolling of the iron bell, draws the faithful to their knees, with a softly spoken magic spell.
  20. That makes sense, but on occasion, such as a slippery field, I don't think it would weaken them at all. Especially linemen.
  21. Whiskey gin and brandy.
  22. I came here to say something similar, but then I realized the thread was about muffed Punts, not muffed (v).
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