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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. A nice 2-3 lb healthy bass is my favorite.
  2. He mentioned both in the same scene... Saul: No, no, no, no, no it was Ignacio, he's the one Jessie: Shutup Saul: Lalo sent you? De Lalo?
  3. Isn't Milano the uber minimalist, with like a fridge, mattress, chair, and tv and not much else in his home?
  4. I'm a taller guy, and I have no problem with the person in front of me reclining. I mean, I already have no legroom, and the reclined seat changes nothing. And hell yes, I recline too.
  5. How do you know I haven't already?
  6. Wasn't me.
  7. I got ridiculed for even suggesting this, but I believe El Pugaul will throw his ginormous junk on the table, pay for it all, receive all the benefits and glory, and, as Captain Kirk Cousins said, say "YOU LIKE THAT?" I dont believe that Mr and Mrs Pegula are the type to take their money to the grave.
  8. Well, let me tell ya. Years ago I deep fried something or another, turned off the fry daddy and fed my kids dinner. As I washed dishes I saw my son flicking water into the still hot oil for the popping effect. Evidently, he continued this until the oil had cooled and continued putting more and more water in. I am guessing that an ounce or three wound up settling in the bottom when the oil finally cooled. Next day: I am at work, kids are at school, and my mom who lived with us briefly decided to fry something using the oil from last night... The water which had settled to the bottom of the fryer (obviously, she nor me realized), became super heated to 350+ degrees, and just as she dropped in her French fries, or whatever, the whole mess frigging EXPLODED! She was wearing a night gown and wound up with some serious burns on her neck, chest, arms and tops of her bare feet. The entire kitchen, including the ceiling were coated in oil. The foot tracks in the carpet to the bathroom were still there when we moved out. My son still hates to hear this story.
  9. Good luck, bro. I wish you eternal marital bliss. I am very very jealous of those rare happy and successful marriages. Truly.
  11. MENS ROOM, where is it?
  12. Am I the only person who expects El Pugaul to slap his dick on the table, alongside a cool Bill(ion), pay for a new stadium himself, and say "bring it *****!" The man would become a legend, and that precedent would change the sporting world. Day drinking and doing laundry.
  13. I saved a fortune cookie fortune many years ago, stuck to my garage fridge with a Bills magnet that says "Fate favors the fearless"! Love it! Further context: Right next to that is a magnet with a cool mad-men style dude holding a hand of cards that says "BLUFFING. A Pair of Balls Beats Everyting."
  14. I am gonna make pepperolis. Think cinnamon rolls, except with pizza ingredients. Maybe some Rotel cheese sausage dip. I am adopting a new dog and cannot pick her up till 3:00, so I have to keep things streamlined tomorrow.
  15. I really cannot remember ever disliking a Buffalo Bill's player while they were on the squad, except mabey S. Gilmore, and I definitely gave him my benefit of doubt after his sour puss draft night.
  16. I loved Kiko in Buffalo. THE KIKO MONSTER was strong. FOOTBALLS!!!NOM NOM NOM NOM. Kiko Alonso once punched a horse in the chin. Now we have giraffes.
  17. I dont have a favorite in this matchup. I have reasons to both like and dislike both teams. So, if I had to bet.... KC 40 SF 33
  18. Nothing says "were about to be run over, or get out of the way" on third down, like an effing train horn.
  19. My Junior high shop teacher had "Mr. Ash". It was a friggin Louisville Slugger that he planed down into a paddle. He had broken/crackedit at least once, so the business end was wrapped in fiber glass. That dude was a dick, but also kind of a cool mofo. He did teach us all to crush the other man's hand when you shake hands. We were going to some wood skills event, and he wanted us to shake hands with one other teacher there, I guess to show how tough his kids were.
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