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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Nothing foolish about hope.
  2. LoL!! true story... I met two dudes at BWW, week one, who are Bills fans. Odds in Tulsa, OK - 1 in 1000. Became friends and found five other folks who are Bills fans and who actually started up a Bills Backer club. Odds in Tulsa, OK - 1 in 1000000. One dude is ex army with a hot little Thai wife, trying to hook me up with her even hotter (yet older) friend three weeks ago.....odds - 100% I hit that ass!!!!! She hardly speaks english, otherwise I would have already asked this lady to marry me. Her food is horrible, but daaaaaamn!!!! hahaha. So, I'm telling you, we have a chance!!!
  3. Yup. His legs still work. Don't send him up the middle though.
  4. If there was a poll for the stupidest poll ever, this one would not even make the top 25. Laugh a little, would ya.
  5. Maybe they would let us borrow him for a few hours?
  6. What is Arthur Moates up to nowadays? Maybe we should call him up and ask for the Favre special.
  7. Thanks! Can you get the free games on PS3 too by subscribing/paying $50/year. The price of individual games blew me away. $50 per year for free games sounds like a good deal considering the price of buying games separately (that may or may not even get played). Thanks again!
  8. I know zip about game consoles… My daughter (11) has specifically asked for the PS3 – not PS4, because she can play with her cousins over the internet for free, and with PS4 there is a fee. Is this true? How much of a fee is it if you use the PS4? Should I get the PS4 anyway if the PS3 is at its end of life cycle? Is support available for the PS3? I haven’t shopped around yet, is there a big price difference between PS3 and PS4? Thanks for the help! I friggin hate shopping, and I hate being ignorant. Being an ignorant shopper is a total nightmare!
  9. You can add Smith, Vick, and Hoyer to the list (injured egos).
  10. Yes. Earlier this year. Verbatim.
  11. Other than the first paragraph, that article is repeated verbatim from an article earlier this year. It's. Good read, but C'mon man!
  12. Let's hope for a good game with no injuries. Winner sweeps the inter conference matchup.
  13. Shouldn't this place become OBD by default?
  14. !@#$ YEAH! The playoff calculator is fun. Several, not terribly unrealistic scenarios get us to the playoffs, even with one more loss. Other, extremely unrealistic scenarios put us in the number one seed, with New England* and Denver not even getting dates to the dance.
  15. Rex knew we were going to run up the middle too. I am kinda fond of this approach (when it works). 'We are gonna run the ball, and you're not'.
  16. Factoryofsadness.com?
  17. I took the blowout win(s) against the Jests just like I take every Buffalo Bills win...With a celebratory shot of Crown. I took it early this week. And then another, ant then...
  18. I was hoping for someone to make a snow angel in the endzone. It would've been a penalty, but very worth it.
  19. Glass/plexi/polycarbonate roof would be pretty sweet. Make the entire stadium a giant sunroom. Some giant doors/windows to let air in on nice days. Natural lighting. Real grass. Signature look.
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