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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. My daughter is a very picky eater. I told the school to go pound sand when they told me not to send PB&J in her lunch. I only had to tell them once.
  2. Go Beastmode!!!
  3. David Copperfield. Treasure Island. The Hobbit. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Green Eggs and Ham.
  4. My daughter is just recovering from a bout with flu. She had a shot in Oct/Nov. I suspect that the shot helped her a little bit since the flu itself wasn't too hard on her. She did end up with ear and sinus infections however as an after-effect and we have had to change antibiotics because the first script didn't cut it.
  5. How awesome would that be for Romo to win a Superbowl as a Buffalo Bill!?!?
  6. Compressed air, and any other gas is warmer. Not colder.
  7. I wanna know what Kiko Alonso thinks about Brady's balls. Would he prefer them breaded or sauteed? What is the Campbells recipe for flat balls and rice? FOOTBAAAALS!!!!!!NOM NOM NOM NOM!!!!
  8. Rex is in a perfect situation. Figure out the O, and IT IS ON! God, I hope they hold D and ST units together cuz this team is STACKED in two out of three! Hurry up opening day 2015!!!! 19 AND 0 BABY!!!! GO BILLS!!!!
  9. Way to go Jimbo!!!
  10. You have a strange way of articulating things. Kinda fun to read your posts though.
  11. I'm with you. CJ is awesome. He will light it up...somewhere...
  12. This is the message I have been getting on my android phone since around lunch time: This webpage is not available Internet cannot reach the website. This is typically caused by network issues, but can also be the result of a misconfigured firewall or proxy server.
  13. Same here, but given a choice, I would prefer a Gulfstream G650. Just as fast (M.925 to X's M.935 or 686 MPh vs 693 MPH), with twice the range (7000 nm vs 3400 nm)
  14. Twitter is dumb.
  15. I'll take a date with a hot chick over watching a bunch of dudes in tights. Dinner and drinks are also affordable, and I like my odds better than the Bills. Besides, Ms. Andrews has already promised me tickets to any game I want!
  16. Wow. That's kinda £$%#ed up. I get it though.
  17. I 2nd this.
  18. I like your style! GO BILLS!!!!!!!
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