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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I've never seen Tom Hanks do any kind of stand up/improv. That was pretty funny. "Honey, go set up some hey bales in the back yard".
  2. CJ SPILLER will lead the league in yards from scrimmage this year. I'm getting my "bold prediction" out early.
  3. (Manning goes to saints for low salary + part ownership)(release Brees)= (lowered cap + keeping hope alive) I dont even know if that is legal, but that's the only equation i can think of in which Brees becomes available.
  4. Bwaaahhhhaaaahaaaa! Excellent!
  5. This is a very wise Ancient Chinese secret! Works every time! I want to say I think that I first heard about this from Robin Williams? Write that down TRBJ!
  6. How romantic!!! My girl would like this a lot. I'm just giving her a tootsy pop this year.
  7. After further reading, I stand corrected. 100 ma is enough to cause death. It takes voltage to create that current though. 5 vdc is not enough to overcome the resistance of a body, even a wet one. I am admittedly ignorant to the physiology here. This story just doesn't pass my sniff test. A wet body = approx 1000 ohms resistance. 5vdc/1000ohms=.005amps Not lethal. Unless, the phone charger was plugged into an extension cord, and the cord actually entered the water.
  8. Woohoo! Gonna get laid this weekend! And I'm getting my carpet cleaned. Who doesn't like a clean rug?!?!
  9. Every one of them we're fuggin awesome, but, none of them could possibly improve on the original. Not f n possible. Definitely enjoyable though! The original: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=_oPeVKtsg7bIBIDTgfgJ&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DQFDsx1LV3TE&ved=0CB0Q3ywwAA&usg=AFQjCNGa4LEHq2qBmSZpsGasWpkbjO6sPQ The better version: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=ZoTeVOemPIT1yASWs4L4CA&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DrXQ4tRlYgM0&ved=0CCEQuAIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNEU8Rnn32-obkkv-JfkxeLjJTeuZg Thorogood has a bunch of em.
  10. The original: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=0n3eVIWeGYykNuq8hJAB&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DT8Rfb1Jtmic&ved=0CB4Q3ywwAA&usg=AFQjCNGtTILwFTUZxTapgdpfAyuMcmrnDw The far better version: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=P37eVPy-C4LsgwSQ8YKICQ&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dmgndm6FTERk&ved=0CB0Q3ywwAA&usg=AFQjCNEVCxCjFCmq6FE5OIbvKu4GwriQEw
  11. Mallett. hammer-time.
  12. I did. Atop Hueco Tanks in far western Texas. Out in the great wide open. Nice warm breeze, nice view. We also liked realtors open house days too ;-) http://tpwd.texas.gov/state-parks/hueco-tanks
  13. 1) The iPhone charger will only output 1/2 amp @ 5 volts DC 2) The conductors in a phone charging cable are not big enough to carry the amount of electrical current necessary to kill a human being - at any voltage. 3) Yes (pre death)
  14. ^ Dogs are amazing. I have a story like that, though it is much too long and dramatic for typing on my phone. Short version, my girlfriends female boxer-pit traveled over twenty miles, over the coarse of a two week record setting heat wave, from a place she had never been, dragging a six foot leash, and finally turned up at a friend of my GFs house where she had been only once before. Sightings every couple of days by searchers,law officers, and random folks, as well as many other odd details, made this one very dramatic reunion between the dog and her master.
  15. I only made it about 10 seconds through that. I must declare though, the fist time I saw Beck live was one of the greatest performances I have ever been to He was at Cains Ballroom with The Flaming Lips http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cain%27s_Ballroomwhich is a historic landmark in Tulsa. Great venue! Great show! Great sound! Great music!
  16. Just finished episode one and two. Thank you Jim in Alaska and Buffalo Brute!!!! ;-)
  17. I missed last week's opener. No cable I will find someplace to watch it from here-on-out. Is there anyway to catch the premier on the internet????
  18. Last Post. What's my prize?
  19. I miss MGD. Drank that stuff a lot when I was young.
  20. DC Tom. The end.
  21. Wrong thread. Go to What Did You do Today?
  22. I have mostly rock exterior. The outside turned out to be the easy part. I would love to slap whoever painted the interior last though. Paint on every door hinge and handle, and latex paint over oil based stain on all the trim with no primer. You could peel it off easily with your fingernails.I may have been better off just replacing most of the trim.
  23. Finished. Painting. My friggin house. YES!!! I bought my house in Nov 2010. The following spring, I made all the necessary repairs, applied 100+ tube of caulk, and applied 2-3 good coats of paint on the entire exterior in about two months. I began the interior in the winter of 2012. I worked seemingly every weekend that winter, but came no where close to completing the job. The following winter, I picked up where I left off, and by springtime 2014, I had completed every inch of trim, kitchen cabinets, three bathroom cabinets/closets, laundry room cabinets, and all of the doors. This winter all i had left was the walls. Oh what the heck, I said to myself, I should do the ceilings before starting on the walls. Ugh. Anyway, I pretty much finished up on the Saturday before superbowl. 2400 square feet done, every square inch, inside and out!!! Yesterday and today were some final touch ups. God bless it, i never want to move so I will hopefully never have to go through all of that again. Sad thing is, I probably need to start thinking about doing the exterior again soon. Cheers to me! Yipeee!!!!
  24. Lo and behold, praise Je3bus, Kaka Mitchell ain't around.
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