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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. I have two kids. I am not all that confident that they will even be able to take care of themselves. :-/ My penniless dad just moved in with me and I have two teenagers, a bigger house than I can afford, and no spouse to help out. My company just moved 20 miles further from my house so my gasoline bill doubled. Daughter is getting braces next week. And a needy girlfriend with two children of her own.I ain't saving chit at the moment. Edit: the GF may be out of the picture soon. I got a "we need to talk" text message today. So, I got that going for me, which is nice.
  2. I'm open! Throw me the damned ball!!!
  3. I see a pretty young lady in a pretty dress. Nothing inappropriate at all. Maybe ther is more to the story than the photo we see?
  4. You seek the attention of anonymous men on a football fan site. Like, too much.
  5. All of it! Except for ketchup on my dog.
  6. KC for me. I am trying to get to the home opener as well. Can't friggin wait!!! I haven't been to a game since 1980. It's time.
  7. True dat. I am living proof.
  8. Opportunity knocks. Be ready for whatever.
  9. Of course. I now grow my own from seed. They're planted right next to the mashed potato and gravy patch.
  10. When I was little, my aunt refused to take me to KFC because the chickens were grown on a plant in inhumane conditions. I Literally thought that chickens were growing on a plant like cucumbers or something! Inhumane!? I didn't know what that meant but it sounded frankensteinish!!! I believed this for quite a while as I remember.
  11. The score, at the end of the game...It doesn't mean anything.
  12. Would ya? Doh! Missed it by that much!
  13. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=WsYpVfHzOoGJgwS7qoKoAQ&url=http://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DS1i5coU-0_Q&ved=0CCAQtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNHXqdcHt8deylokUhF6AWmAxNzGnw
  14. Give the penetrating oil a little more time. Maybe another shot or two also.
  15. I already told you. See Pilsner's avatar. Very close resemblance but probably 15 years older.
  16. I use the smoker all winter, and occasionally grill if it isnt windy or wet outside. We grilled a mess of drumsticks a couple of weeks ago. My girlfriend just rented a house with a plumbed in gas grill we had brats last weekend. I hadn't planned on anything this weekend, but a nice charbroiled burger sounds awfully good right now!!!
  17. She's not my wife yet. No offense taken. She tastes as good as she looks. But you're just gonna have to take my word on that. (See Pilsner's avatar)
  18. Yeah.but that's not what it said on the menu. Mead107 is way better than mead106.
  19. Chef Jim was my favorite of all the lunch ladies in elementary school. Those deep fried burritos were great!
  20. You're aawesome. Thanks fergy. I think. Btw. It's THE KIKO MONSTER. Get it right.
  21. I like your name. Buftex= me. Mom from buffalo, dad from texas. Me, somewhere in between. I love you man! Edit. Oh shiz. I guess that makes me an okie. I missed it by a mile. I still like Buftex.
  22. If you can't follow simple instructions, then don't friggin post people!
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