A former coworker of mine had a step son who turned out to be a sociopath. Same grade as my son and they went to the same school. The first time I met the boy, on back to school / meet the teacher night, I could tell in an instant that the kid wasn't right. My son said the same.
For several years after, my coworker would share the stories of the boy, junior high age, getting in all sorts of trouble. He was in and out of juvie and therapy. It came to the point that my coworker installed locks on the rest of the familys bedroom doors because he constantly stole from his family Nd they were scared of him.
Two years ago, his freshman year, at 15 years old, this kid broke into a home just a few blocks away from his own home to burglarized the place. This is a nice middle class suburb. The homeowners adult daughter was in town for a visit and she arrived home while this kid was ransacking the place. He had come across a 22 rifle. He shot the woman four times. Dead. Then continued to scout for more valuables. This happened in the middle of the day while he was supposed to be in school. Afterword, he walked home and acted like it was just a normal day.
I dont remember how he got caught, but they linked him to the crime in just a few hours. He is locked up now. During his trial, there arose jail house videos and interviews of the kid laughing it off with the other kids, and just basically showing no remorse whatsoever.
The time I met him, I could just tell that this boy was completely disengaged from the world. He wasn't rude, or disrespectful, but he never looked you in the eyes. Even when he spoke, his eyes and his thoughts darted from one place to the next. He was the most emotionless young person I ever met. Sad. If he ever gets out of jail, I won't be a bit surprised if he continues doing the same bad stuff.