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Everything posted by BUFFALOKIE

  1. Very creative thinking Chevy!
  2. Thank you. It ain't easy, and I agree that only so much can be taught in that short span and the best thing to teach is How to learn!
  3. I am not disagreeing with you, but, AA now has something lik $10 billion in parked airplanes at Tulsa airport. Multiply that across other cities and other airlines. Airlines operate on razor thin margins. It is extremely expensive to build, fly and maintain those birds.
  4. Niiiiiiice!
  5. Ren and Stimpy, huh? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DX0VTZP-X7Sk&ved=2ahUKEwix3L_s3cXoAhUBCawKHfBECx4QwqsBMAN6BAgHEA0&usg=AOvVaw2h29xyb_P4LN77B7W-glKe
  6. I agree with this article. Bandwagoners welcome here, but dont pretend to be die hard until you've taken the bad with the good! I just cracked another Morning Brew myself ? Chores are (mostly) done , it is a beautiful day, i am still getting a paycheck, ***** COVID19, and GO BILLS 2020!!!!
  7. ...if they can... That is super awesome that your employer CAN do that, and most would agree, those that can should. But... Right on! That is very kind of you. I am trying now just to help my kids, since they are now both out of work.
  8. Painting the south end of the house. I hate painting so I'm sitting here on the board, delaying....
  9. Should I get a dog?
  10. I regularly take a sixer to the dog park, but the damned park is closed now.
  11. Estimated $8-9 Billion in American Airlines jets parked outside my office. They have asked permission to start parking on our ramp. Also had to to the terminal to update my badge. Very very weird being a completely empty airport!
  12. Sorry, I tried searching, but IMO the search function sucks. Where is the "are you starting a garden" thread?
  13. That's what I was thinking, just wasn't sure. Thanks, bro! ?
  14. Okay, can some one please spell his name out phonetically for me?
  15. Nice gesture, truly, but you know they will still charge interest.
  16. Sleep? That is typically why I watch any TV/Video. Except on sundays in the fall!
  17. That is a very interesting link Hap. Thank you. If that tracker is true, oh boy. Really puts some things in perspective. How can the world continue at a 4 births to 1.5 deaths per second rate? I dont predict when, but that ratio will turn eventually, guaranteed.
  18. Since you asked, yes. I missed three days of work three weeks ago tomorrow. Flu like cold sweats, achy body and stomach pain. Low fever. Dad had same and his dr. Said no flu. I didn't go to dr.
  19. Let me know when deaths begin outpacing births. Not that ther is anything wrong with that. You know this has to happen eventually, right?
  20. As of yesterday morning, I counted 34 American Airlines jets parked outside their maintenance facility - that I could see from my office. Could have been double that as I cannot see the far side of their facility.
  21. I would, by far, rather watch reruns of Sponge Bob Squarepants, or almost anything than pro raslin. What a friggin joke.
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