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Posts posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. So, the Bills just renegotiated Brad Smith's deal, seemingly lowering his contract over next couple years and all but assuring he'll be one of the WR's on the final 53 -- this will now increase the CAP SPACE to over $20M for 2013, or 81% of the CAP --- they are only obligated to spend to 89% of the cap on average over the 4-year period 2013-2016 --- so, are they planning to pocket the difference ?? --- why not extend some guys ? -- or let the Fitz and Anderson dead money hit this year to give them more financial flexibility next year ? --- I don't get it, unless we see extensions for Wood and Spiller ---

  2. Sources said Bills were quietly trying to trade Anderson, with no takers since last OTA -- this is a scheme/performance move -- cap hit is actually worse --- I think it says a lot about new regime that performance matters --- it also says Bills are a lot more comfortable with the new pieces -- Hughes, Lawson -- I also think they wanted DE with more versatility --

  3. Several good comments on how "smart" SF really was . . . .


    They liked Kapernick, but if they were really SOLD on him, they would have made the trade with New England into 1st round and they would not have been so aggressive with Manning after they had Kap on roster . . . . . in the end, drafting is as much luck as it is skill . . . . but you do need skill !! . . . something the Bills have lacked over the past decade


    If you have time, take a look at Mel Kiper's draft guides over the past decade and his "expert" rankings are as wrong as everybody --- if you worship the Pats, look at some of the players they passed on over the past decade . . . . everybody gets it wrong . . . . the skill part of the process helps increase your odds, but all teams will make mistakes and most teams will get gems in later rounds

  4. Thanks "NOSaint", yes, I was meaning explaining the list of inside jokes -- you listed them all, but never told everyone what they all meant ? --- some are easy, others ?? --- F5 ? . . . Chix ? . . . Laying on the tarmac ? ---- I have no idea


    Don't leave me (and others) hanging Chi-town

  5. 1. How would you categorize Fitz as a starting QB? Elite? Above-average? Average? Below-average?

    2. What other current starting QBs is he comparable to?

    3. If you feel that he is above-average, which QBs are better?

    4. If you feel that he is average, which QBs are worse?



    1. Average, with Below-average potential -- that is important since so many of current starters are YOUNG and promising with potential and higher upsides


    2. Cassel


    3. Vast majority of NFL starters are either better (Rodgers, Manning brothers, Brady, Roethlisberger, Brees, Flaaco, Schaub, Romo, Stafford, Ryan, Cutler etc.) -- OR --- are young and offer significantly more potential / upside (Luck, Tannehill, Wilson, RG3, Newton, Dalton, Ponder, Weeden, Locker, Gabbert, Freeman, Bradford etc. ) ---


    4. Not many -- I think you can put Fitz in a discussion with Cassel, Palmer, Rivers (especially the way he's playing this year), Vick, Kolb and maybe one other


    QB's fit into a few categories:


    1- Elite (The Top 10-12)

    2- Potential (1-2 year starters -- right now that's 10-12)

    3- Solid, but not elite (another 5-6 guys)

    4- Everyone else --- less than solid, not much potential



    Whatever the final number, FItz is in the last category ---

  6. I don't buy "less wear and tear argument" completely, but there is some merit -- nothing compares to NFL in terms of hitting --- I think Fred's agent is smart enough to know the leverage is minimal and if Fred hits open market after this season, he will only get "some" interest --- given his age -- just look at lack of interest in other players after age 30 --- The Bills should give him 3 year extension with an obvious out after year 2 -----

  7. Keep in mind, cap for 2012 is now essentially done; so Bills know (within a few dollars) how much they will spend on their picks --- I don't think there is a key FA lurking --- I also agree it's interesting how calmer Freddie is now then last year --- there MUST have been some strong assurances from Nix --- last point -- Nix said on GR that he didn't want to see new contracts or extensions drag out like with Stevie -- I say this gets done before end of May

  8. I think Nix needs to address a contract extension for Fred Jackson over the next 30-60 days and lock Fred up as a "Happy" Bill for the next few years. This serves several purposes, not the least of which are rewarding his performance, making one of our best players happy and securing him beyond next year. But it also speaks to the rest of the roster that he is indeed a man of his word and someone who does what he says. Fred was at camp last week and didn't complain or make any Osi-statements about the GM. It's time to reward Fred with a 3-year extension at $6M+.year.

  9. Do I want Polian back in Buffalo ??


    Do I want sunshine, money, happiness, health --- YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!


    This is easy -- in the past 50 years there was only one sustained period of success in Buffalo -- when Polian was running the football operations


    He is one of very few GM's that has one EVERYWHERE he has been --- even in BUFFALO !! --- even in INDY !!


    Some of these posts are ridiculous -- this team hasn't made the playoffs in 12 years and your complaining he's MEAN ?? ---- unbelievable

  10. Again, this isn't just about concerts/music --- this is about creating and pursuing opportunities that help create value and create financial stability --- it could be concerts at the stadium; events at the Fieldhouse; exhibits; fan experiences; family friendly events etc. etc.


    It's not our jobs to do this; what is the so-called marketing guru Brandon doing ? --- what about Littman and Overdorf -- why is noone (in the media) asking these types of questions


    What's remarkable is some of the thoughts about the potential renovations to RWS and people saying "we shouldn't spend so much money when the economy is suffering" -- I'm sorry, in this case, you better spend some money --


    Go to http://www.packers.com/lambeau-field/index.html

    take a look at what Green Bay did to Lambeau Field --- AMAZING


    I was there last year --- atrium, HoF, restaurants, stadium tours, huge gift store, host weddings/receptions etc -- they've create a year round destination


    Don't give me location --- take a look at Foxboro and what they've created around the new stadium ---


    Get your collective heads out of the sand and wake up Buffalo or the Bills will disappear

  11. I think the larger point is for the community (of Bills fans) to "rise up" and compell the politicians to take action and force the media to hold them accountable to that end.


    It seems the collective community in Western New York is sitting back, waiting for Ralph to pass away and then hope/pray the team isn't sold


    In the meantime, why not act to make the team MORE viable financially in WNY ?


    Why not look at things like Gridiron, or a Bills HoF or strongly back stadium improvements that are significant (like the ones at Lambeau ?) ---

  12. Totally agree.


    Local poiticians and the media is asleep at the wheel and let me point the finger directly at people on this board (probably the most passionate Bills fans on Earth); why aren't you calling your local politician, the radio, the newspaper and demanding some pro-active action to get these idiots off their collective butts and doing something to improve the financial viability of the team ? The Buffalo Bills are one of the most important assets this community has and WE the people of this community should take action NOW instead of waiting for Ralph to pass away and then wishing for the best.


    The Gridiron Stadium Network is one example of the local leaders being asleep at the wheel and all of us fans letting it happen.


    I hate to tell everybody, but the proverbial bus we are all on is headed for a tree !!!!!!!

  13. Both these guys went to work in the offseason to get bigger and stronger -- they'll both be solid starters or key rotational players ---


    Carrington has gotten great push on the pocket when he's played and will eventually be they every down DE when they are in 4-man fronts -- might even have pushed Edwards if he wasn't playing so good --


    Troup hasn't seen field enough due to injury -- he looked very good at camp before hurting his hand --


    Both will pan out to be solid picks --

  14. An objective journalist would have pointed out the money situation with Evans -- but would have also put equal credence on the fact that Nix wants team to get BIGGER (Evans is 5'10") -- Nix wants WR's that play over the middle (Evans does not) and the fact that during past 2 years, Evans was a non-factor, while other guys Stevie, Nelson, Parrish, Jones were --- it's tiring that they always gravitate to bubble bursting ---

  15. I think the bottom line, is that the Buffalo media has become so negative on the Bills in general over the last 10 years, they are no longer objective --- but they biased against rather than being biased for the team --


    Usually with LOCAL media you get unjustified bias FOR a team -- in our case we get the oppostite -- led by Sully and the GR afternoon crew ---


    Last night they were still on the "a good team would never have traded Evans, they would have kept him as a backup" -- when are they going to let this go --- Evans DOES NOT fit this offense --- Nix/Gailey want big receivers that block and go over the middle

  16. Sully and all the haters will say "it's only one game" or they will talk about how KC was never as good as people thought -- or like Schopp and BullDog they'll deny making those negative comments and cry "journalistic integrity" was the reason they were so balanced --


    I for one, am sick of the negativity -- for one day or one week let's feel good about being 1-0 without the party poopers raining on the parade

  17. So, why aren't the Bills taking serious look at Matt Roth, Kirk Morrison or Lofa Tatupu or for that matter any other NFL teams ?? --- they are all decent LB's at reasonable cost --


    I have to think all would be upgrades for Bills or provide great transition with younger guys

  18. I just don't see it -- watched him on EVERY play he was in last year and not once did it appear he was even close to "getting it" -- looked awkward, out of place, no football instinct -- and maybe worst of all OVER MATCHED physically ---


    He's told to add strength and he reports to camp SMALLER


    Cut his a$$ -- let's end this nigthmare

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