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Posts posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. Fans need to stop rationalizing all the dumb FO moves and face facts -- Bills are under spending to the cap and not one of you Kool Aid drinkers has offered a legitimate reason for it --- not one --- let's face it, if they were trying to win THIS YEAR, they would have spent on FA's, Levitre and Byrd -- if they were trying to win NEXT YEAR they would restructure contracts and move dollars into this year to free up cap room next year --- they are doing neither -- WHY ? -- because Brandon wants to manage the team to make money --- does he want to win, absolutely, but first, he needs to make the team profitable --- as long as #1 is profit and #2 is winning --- we will get inferior players, coaches and continue to lose --- UNLESS, we strike GOLD, like they did in early 90's when Ralph found a young genius named Polian, who had a few great drafts and found a franchise QB, RB, WR, DE, etc. etc. --- not sure if lightning will strike again, but, as a Bills fan, that's all we can hope for under the existing ownership, afterall, Russ is a younger version of Ralh

  2. When did the Bills front office say that?


    Isn't it obvious they made a decision to keep Wood over Levitre since they realistically couldn't resign both with an extrnsion for Glenn on the horizon in the next few years?


    The problem wasnt letting Levitre walk it was not finding a suitable replacement

    Not true, Bills have cap space for both, check the cap calculations --- they made a calculated decision that they could go cheap on LG and it isn't working, hindsight is always 20/20 ---- at some point Bills will get squeezed on cap space if they develop a talented roster and win games, right now, they are not even close to maxing out on cap -- they have over $20M in room this year alone ---

  3. My wife bought a roast beef the other day. I saw it and wanted beef on weck soooo bad. But, to my knowledge, you cannot buy the rolls here (Utica).


    So I found a kimmelweck recipe online (link) and made some up last night. I don't usually bake, so I followed the directions exactly. They look like they came from WNY. House smelled awesome. If you are an out-of-towner like me, and want some beef on weck (and you have about 3 hours) go for it.


    I was happy to see this thread because I was thinking about sharing it, but did not want ppl to think I was trying to turn this into pinterest.


    GO BILLS!!!!!

    Are you kidding ?, share away --- if you can find a link on how to make Sahlen's hot dogs send that as well and I'll build you a statute --- hot dogs in Texas suck

  4. Of courses it was possible to keep him. But maybe this is easier for you to understand: The Bills simply disagree with your assessment that Levitre was worth keeping at the price he got from the Titans. They also disagree with your assessment that he's a dominant player at his position.


    Levitre was NEVER GOING TO SIGN PRIOR TO FREE AGENCY. It would have been stupid for the Bills to negotiate against themselves in that regard and once the Titans offer was in, they weren't going to match it.


    Can't keep them all even when it's possible CAP WISE, to do so.


    GO BILLS!!!

    K-9 and the Bandit27, a question for both of you, what would you do with the $20M in cap space the Bills find themselves with given that the absolute cap number won't be much higher next year ? --- you obviously are comfortable not signing Levitre, Byrd or FA's --- should the Bills just bring it to the bottom line as profit ? ---- I would propose, if they didn't resign Byrd or Levitre, why not restructure and move other players $$ into 2013 to relieve cap pressure in 2014 and 2015 --- what would you guys do if you were Brandon ??

  5. Well for all the interest in re-signing Byrd, we not only have to think about CJ's future with the Bills but we also have a big decision on Dareus to make at the end of the season. His contract has a club option for the 5th year, but it has to be exercised at the end of the 3rd year(this season), and he would get transition money in the 5th year, which right now would be 6.9 million. Plus Carrington will be up in 2014 too. Not sure from an analytics standpoint I would be willing to give 7 million to Dareus in 2015, who has never sniffed a pro-bowl.


    Plus correct me if Im wrong but dont we have a bigger Fitz dead money in 2014 than this year. Why the geniuses in the Bills front office wouldnt of taken the bigger hit this year, with us well under the cap, is moronic.


    But in the end, if the Bills are half mill a year or a million a year apart with Byrd, its not to hard to find that money(say 5 million more tops and probably less) if you want. You cut Brad Smith and Freddie next off -season, replace them with 2 rookies and you retain Byrd. Reading the post on Byrd, i can see his frustration. He's seen guys like Fitz, Mark Anderson, Merriman, Kelsay make nice money, journeymen and injury prone past their prime types. Meanwhile he's on the one Bill who has made a real probowl. We dont have big money in QBs like really good teams, there has to be money for Byrd.

    I've been making the same point on the cap management with Brandon & company --- Bills FO needs to plan ahead and pull as much money into this year as they can with contract restructuring --- for example, take Kyle Williams, he has salaries in 2013, 2014 and 2015 of approx. $4M/each --- and 2016 of $7M (which he'll never see) -- restructure his and make 2013: $8M, 2014: $2M and 2015: $2M -- you add $4M against 2013 and save $2M each on 2014 and 2015 --- do this with 3 more players and you add $16M against cap into 2013 and lower cap in 2014 by $8M and cap in 2015 by $8M to go sign FA's and extend others --- do same with Fitz dead money --- right now $3M in 2013 and $7M in 2014 --- move it all to 2013 --- do that and (versus current cap) --- you spend $23M more in 2013 and lower cap by $15M and the 2015 cap by $8M ---- or some version like that ---- Bills FO needs to be as aggressive with cap management as their OC and DC want to be on the field

  6. Last year was the hardest year in a LONG time, that's saying a lot since it's been 13 years since playoffs --- expectations were so high --- what a let down -- It's crazy that we let the Bills FO reset every 3 years and buy themselves another couple years of patience, but we have no choice but to be patient with these coaches and especially EJ -- my goal this year is for EJ to demonstrate during the course of the year that he is capable of being that franchise QB that we've been searching for since Jim Kelly retired --- #2, I want to see that we've found the right scheme on defense that strikes some fear into opposing offenses -- on the surface, Pettine's scheme is the one most fans would want to see (attack, attack, attack) -- #3 I want to see the emergence of a deeper WR core --- Looking ahead, and assuming QB, WR and Front 7 of defense play well --- we will more than likely still have holes at CB and OG heading into next off-season --- let's hope FO, does what they should and frees as much cap space NEXT YEAR by restructuring contracts and putting more money into this year (with $24M to spend) and has a good 2014 draft ---

  7. Byrd really has no leverage in these negotiations --- for sake of argument, let's say he has the best intentions and wants to play and is really hurt --- what does it say to other teams that he CAN'T play because of an injury, that ALL EXPERTS say heals with rest, when he spent last 8 months RESTING ?? --- now let's say, he doesn't have best intentions, that he is "orchestrating" a trade through an exaggerated injury and being a pain in the a$$, how does not playing and performing on the field play to the other 31 NFL teams ? ---- this guy is between a rock and a hardplace -- if he (and his agent) are smart, their best course of action is performing ON THE FIELD --- I've read that Parker normally tells his clients just that, "take care of your business, and I'll do the rest" -- we might all be making more of this than we should -- maybe we should wait and see how he performs on Sunday and then react

  8. I've been extremely critical of Bills FO, especially in light of them having over $24M in cap space and not resigning Byrd and Levitre. However, what Byrd is trying to pull, and, please make no mistake about it, he is exaggerating this injury to make a point, any of you who feel otherwise are just being naïve. The fact that he's "rested" the injury for 8 months, means it more than likely is significantly better or healed --- if not, he is telegraphing to the other 31 NFL teams (those he is looking for a long term contract) that he has a chronic condition. Let's face it, those 31 teams know what he is doing and so do the Bills. Having said that, I'm siding with the Bills on this one, Byrd is part of the union that agreed to the franchise tag rules, he should come in and give 100% and shut his mouth. If he wants to pout, do it in private, if he wants to cry, lock himself in the bathroom by himself and cry, but when he is with his teammates, be a teammate, when he is on the field (for practice or games), give it 100%. If not, he'll hurt the Bills, but he'll hurt himself a lot more. The 31 other NFL teams will be leery at giving him $9M/year --- let's face it, they were leery before all of this

  9. So is it possible the Bills FO might actually be smarter than some TBD posters?



    It's not US they need to be smarter than, it's the other 31 NFL teams -- right now, that does not look like the case -- past 13 years is evidence of that ! --- let's hope Whaley / Marrone / Hackett and Pettine are the right mix -- otherwise, we'll be hitting the reset button again in 2016

  10. The isn't out of line with how they have behaved all training camp.


    Consider: Under Gailey and definitely under Jauron, we had 90 on the roster at all times. We signed 1, we cut 1, over and over. There was never a time when we didn't have at least 88 guys on the roster right up until the 75 deadline.


    Under Marrone: We cut guys and didn't replace them. We only had to cut 6 at the 75 deadline. Signing the 2 O lineman we did, did not mean some other poor schmuck loses his spot by default. No. He played himself off the team, rather than being a "numbers cut".


    It speaks to the mentality Marrone has established. He's not gonna treat players like assets to be managed. I would much rather have him tell me I wasn't gonna make it right away, and cut me, rather than keep me around for 5 more days, busting my ass, just so I can fill out his drills. There's a chance I can get picked up by another team, try out, etc., while camp is still going on.


    Another part: less players means more practice time for the people we are keeping.


    Finally, as I said elsewhere, it seems to me that this is about a standard being set. If only 50 guys meet that standard, then why are we keeping the other 3? Just to have them? I would have no problem going into a season with 50 guys on a roster, if all of them belong there, and they know each other belong there.

    Finally, an explanation that makes some sense -- let's hope it is holding guys to a standard


    Manufactured outrage. Gotta love it!

    How asking a legitimate question is outrage is beyond me ?

  11. Is this a real question? Teams routinely cut below the maximum to give themselves some roster flexibility to add players later. I can guarantee Whaley and Co. have been burning up the phone lines trying to bring in guys to fill those extra spots. But it's a two way street as some of those guys are eligible to sign with any team out there. Of all the things to question the FO about, this shouldn't even be on the list.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Of course it's a legitimate question---- They could have kept 53 on roster and when and if they find and sign someone better from FA's or waiver wire, then cut a person from the roster at that time --- it struck me as odd that they would cut below ahead of adding any FA's, that's all --- BTW, it's okay to question the FO, you seem awful sensitive

  12. If it WAS the straw which broke the back you would not be on this board other than changing name to TXNONBILLSFAN


    Maybe it was not a straw but just a twig up your a$$ using your substitution.

    I've been fortunate to live in several other NFL cities and when you "live with the enemy" your resolve and loyalty is strengthened, not weakened it -- what I find astonishing is how much Ru$$ and the Bills FO can get away with in Buffalo, that would never fly in other cities --- Look, I was born and raised in WNY and my heart will always be a Bills fan (unless they move, of course). Venting on the board is therapeutic. I don't like when I read things that make it sound like fans are rationalizing some of the ineptness --- I use to do that -- I also don't want to come across as a "hater"; I'm not one --- I pluck down my money every year for a new jersey (EJ this year, Dareus last year), the Sunday ticket and at least one trip up north for a game --- I'm not a hater, but I can't get past Ru$$ lying to our collective faces on how he was going to repair the tarnished reputation --- it's wrong -- he should go, not me.

  13. Because the people on here can do nothing but complain. gets old huh?

    It's been 13 years since this team made the playoffs --- THAT'S GETTING OLD -- the fact that Ru$$ is still in charge is an embarrassment -- the fact that Bills fans sit and take it is sad. I've been a fan my entire life and constantly have defended the FO to friends and fellow Bills fans --- the proverbial straw broke this camel's back when I saw a post of this message board a couple weeks ago with a link to the salary cap space site --- the fact that the Bills have $25M and chose to let Levitre walk, not to sign FA CB's or ILB's is just wrong --- it's not about being a hater or complaining, it's about WAKING UP and trying to do the same to the inept FO that we fans have been stuck with. We (Bills fan) deserve better and we need to hold Ru$$ accountable to his words

  14. Is Wood's signing bonus included in that?

    That's before Wood's extension, but also before yesterday's cuts and more than likely injury settlements for Br Smith and Kolb -- I suspect, we'll be right around $23M when season starts, barring something unusual


    What do you mean? Don't you know about the "Toronto Initiative?


    That anyone still buys a ticket after that annual slap in the face is beyond me. I sure won't. But they keep selling out so the man's an obvious genius.

    --- It's amazing how fear (fear of losing the team) AND love (western New Yorkers have more true love for their team than virtually EVERY other NFL city) can motivate people to "look the other way" and continue to buy seats --- great fans, horrible front office and sad to see Ru$$ take advantage of them (us)


    I believe you're right about Burton. He was on the active roster for 10 games in 2011 which gives him 1 year of accrued service and would be ineligible for the practice squad.




    Who would you have them sign? You do realize there aren't stars still sitting in free agency?

    --- Here's a short list of 2013 FA's that the Bills DID NOT sign, pulled these from an old post back in March --- they aren't available now, I guess you snooze you lose, or you pinch pennies, you get to draft high every year -- 1. Brent Grimes, Atlanta Falcons

    2. Sean Smith, Miami Dolphins (UPDATE: Agreed to terms with the Kansas City Chiefs)

    3. Aqib Talib, New England Patriots (UPDATE: Agreed to deal with the New England Patriots.)

    4. Chris Houston, Detroit Lions (UPDATE: Agreed to re-sign with the Detroit Lions)

    5. Antoine Winfield, Minnesota Vikings

    6. Keenan Lewis, Pittsburgh Steelers (UPDATE: Signed with the New Orleans Saints)7. Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, Philadelphia Eagles (UPDATE: Rodgers-Cromartie and the Denver Broncos agreed to a one-year deal on Wednesday night, according to NFL.com's Ian Rapoport.

    8. Nnamdi Asomugha, Philadelphia Eagles

    9. Bradley Fletcher, St. Louis Rams (UPDATE: Agreed to terms with the Philadelphia Eagles)

    10. Derek Cox, Jacksonville Jaguars (UPDATE: Cox agreed to a four-year congtract with the San Diego Chargers late Wednesday, U-T San Diego reported).

    11. Cary Williams, Baltimore Ravens (UPDATE: Agreed to terms with the Philadelphia Eagles)

    12. Dunta Robinson, Atlanta Falcons (UPDATE: Signed with the Kansas City Chiefs)

    13. Greg Toler, Arizona Cardinals (UPDATE: Agreed to terms with the Indianapolis Colts) ==== I guess Ru$$ was too busy remaking the Bills brand to let Whaley spend the money

  15. I doubt we will find any waiver pick-ups that would help immediately, particularly since they would need time to learn the scheme and playbook to be effective (assuming they are good enough to contribute).


    Kind of shocking to me to go into the season with this group of CBs. With Gilmore out, could be the worst group I have ever seen on an NFL team. I hope Byrd is back for game one, because the safeties have not looked good either.

    Especially shocking considering this past season's FA CB's and the fact the Bills are sitting $24.7M UNDER the CAP.

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