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Posts posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. How would you have played this one if you ran the FO? I'm just curious?

    What I would do is exactly what the Bills did with Wood and Kyle Williams -- when you see you have a good player you extend him BEFORE his contract year --- both Byrd and Levitre should have been extended much earlier --- the crap that some people on this board suggest that the Bills can't afford to give a guard so much money or a safety that much money, is just that CRAP --- let's all take a step back and look at this FO --- it's been 13 years since a playoff --- we are on rebuilding project #5 in that time span --- until we find ourselves in cap hell --- until we consistently draft talented players that develop and need/want/deserve to get paid -- if you draft a guy that turns out to be a winner --- extend him --- On the positive side, there is room for optimism in the recent drafts --- Dareus is stepping up and looking solid, A Williams looks to have found his position in SS; Glenn, Spiller, Alonzo, Woods, Gilmore and Carrington all look like the real deals --- so don't screw these guys up -- when the time allows for an extension, do it ----

  2. "It’s something that is chronic so it takes a while. So each time you’ve got to see, one day you might feel great and the next day you might have a setback and it might get a little achy on you."


    Sounds like somebody you definitely want to lock up long term.

    I thought the same thing, WHY would he ever describe his injury as CHRONIC ??? . . . .

  3. Same here. That remark caused me to lose a lot of respect for him as a football player. Just not a good team player based on that remark. Especially when you see first hand how decimated that secondary is or when you see, first hand, other players with painful injuries doing their best to get back on the field.


    He broke the code.


    GO BILLS!!!

    Exactly --- we all watched Urbick, Aaron Williams, Spiller, Freddie etc. etc --- limp their way back onto the battlefield . . . . it says a lot about football character . . . with him practicing in full, maybe he felt a little embarrassed, or maybe one of the leaders (Freddie or Kyle) sat down and talked to him --- who knows what's in that mind of his --- I also don't like his statement "I'm ready to play, but it's up to Coach Marrone" --- ****, has he been hiding in a cave these past few weeks, does he not realize that at one point in Sunday's game the Top 5 DB's on this team were not on the field due to injury --- Gilmore, Brooks, A Williams, McKelvin and oh yes, Byrd --- amazing ---

  4. The way I'd handle it if I were the "Boss Bill" (and I'm not) is to put Byrd on IR, make a public announcement that the injury wasn't responding to rehab as expected, and use the roster spot to bring in some CB or Safety or OG. At the end of the year I'd give Byrd and his agent our best and last offer, and let him walk if that's his preferance. IMHO the team and Byrd seem to have crossed the Rubicon as far as "friendly negotiations" go.


    Putting him on IR allows him to "save face" while opening up a roster spot that we could use. I know you all are going to scream that we will be paying him for nothing, and giving in to him ... but face it, we are already paying him for nothing and he's locking up a spot. We will never (nor will the Bills) get to the bottom of ... is he lying about the injury ... could he play ... yada yada yada. It's just time to call this stalemate a stalemate and move on.

    Saying the injury is not responding to rehab and placing him on season ending IR is basically telling the 31 other teams that he has a chronic condition --- it will cut in half his guaranteed money if he becomes a FA and probably knock his base salary down by 25% --- if they go this far, if I were the Bills, also say that "we have decided not to use the franchise tag and will not be offering Byrd a long term contract" ---

  5. I don't think any reporter has the guts to ask this on the record. I think it would be equally fair to ask the Bills if they tried to low ball Byrd and where their offer fell within the spectrum of safeties. Top safety? Top 5? Top 10? No offer? Of course neither the Bills nor Byrd would answer. They should not be expected to answer.


    Parker can't "lose" this. Byrd will end up walking or being traded based on the best interest of Parker. If it also the best interest of Byrd and/or the Bills then fine, but Parker can't afford to lose. It is all about him.

    Agree, similar questions should be posed to Whaley and Brandon, who, like you said, won't answer --- I have to think if the Bills were comfortable with a 1-year and approx. $7M, they would have been okay with that same amount for multiple years --- but it's possible they are not --- As for Parker, his reputation is taking a hit --- GM's talk and I think he overplayed his hand -- after all, Byrd was a non-exclusive franchised player and there wasn't one rumor on any team contacting the Bills to negotiate compensation to work out long term deal --- so, I think Parker told Byrd, he could get Top 5 multi-year money and it's not out there --- and based on Byrd missing at least 4 games, probably at least 5, I suspect his market value will be lower than the point it was last summer --- as for Carrington, I feel for him --- Parker passed on a multi-year offer and told him to play out the last year of his deal --- not sure Bills will re-offer that same money or not -- but I suspect his free market value is limited without any track record as proven starter ---- Agents can afford to play games with their clients as long as they win significantly more than they lose --- their risk is spread over many clients --- the few that lose get burned --- I think Byrd and Carrington might both fall in that category

  6. I don't think you come off that way at all. Frankly, what you're expressing makes sense, and I don't have an issue with any of it. If Byrd is limited beyond where he should be out there, then so be it; terrible timing on the team's part. If not, well, I think most of us agree that that part has been hashed out rather thoroughly in the last 16 pages.

    My BIGGEST issue with what Byrd said is using the word "100%" -- he chose those words carefully and deliberately --- few professional athletes ever are at 100%, especially in football

  7. Has anyone in the Buffalo media tried to pin Byrd down on this injury issue ? --- They could ask the direct question, "are you making more out of this injury to get back at the Bills for the franchise tag ?" --- unlikely --- or go the indirect route --- "Last year, he had a similar injury and played with it by taking shots, why not do the same this year ?" . . . . "You say, you won't play until you are 100%, have you played at less than a 100% in the past ?" --- "Would you play at less than a 100% in the future, for instance, if another teams signs you to a 5-year $45M contract ?" ---

  8. Conspiracy theories are fun


    I'm not sure why fans can't get over this and just move on. Whenever he plays he plays. In the meantime, root for the guys on the field.

    Short answer: It's fun; Longer answer: Having played team sports, it's no different than being in any type of close group of people (i.e. an office, a club, neighborhood etc.); not everybody gets along all the time -- I suspect when you have guys like Spiller / F Jax limping back on the field --- Urbick getting taped up and back on the field, A Williams with multiple injuries in that game getting back on the field, there is no doubt in my mind there is animosity and resentment building between Byrd and some of his teammates --- not all of them, as I'm sure a lot see and understand the business side --- what does it mean for the team (which is all I and others really care about) -- not a whole lot, I'm sure guys on the Ravens hated each other last year and they won the SB --- however, on a young team, trying to create an identity, especially on defense, it could mean more --- in Byrd's case, he was in a position as the best player in the secondary to take on a true leadership role, I suspect that ship has sailed and for him that's unfortunate --- like I've said before, his agent has cost him a lot of money with this ill-conceived strategy --- mark my words, there is no way he gets 5 years and $40M plus next year in FA
  9. Here is how i see it playing out-

    Byrd will come back when Gilmore and McKelvin are back- probably the Cincy game.

    Why? Because i bet Byrd realizes if the Bills have those two starting CBs, plus A. Williams playing good with Leonhard playing decent, the Bills could IR Byrd. Could being the optimal word there.

    The way A Williams is playing and McKelvin was playing, he might also realize he could be part of a potent secondary -- all of a sudden a secondary with Gilmore-McKelvin-A Williams and Byrd looks pretty good --- with Leonard/Searcy/Robey and Brooks spelling them ---- not too shabby, who would have thunk it

  10. I don't know who's to blame, if anyone, or whether it was clean water or not. From what I seen (section 132) it didn't "look" too bad, but it was vile to say the least. Walked into the bathrrom, there was about 3 inches of this stuff on the floor, compared to about an inch or so in the concourse. I left the can when it started to seep through my sneaker. All in all, bottom line is that the stadium only has to be ready for 7 real home games a year and it wasn't. I was pretty sure the health department was going to shut it down, but they didn't.


    I think the real question is, assuming it was just an unforeseeable problem, will the Bills (currently 22 minion under the cap which equals an extra 22 mil in RW's pocket) do anything to give back to the fans. Even a simple gesture like a $10 rebate- ticket was over $100, or something off an upcoming game.


    It would be be a good guesture to say, hey we're sorry for the digusting inconvenience.


    My guess- nothing will be done, we will be told to suck it up and we should be thanking them for keeping the team here.


    btw I would guess about 15- 20 thousand fans effected. Half probably do not have there stub. So you are looking at total cost to RW and the bills of about $100,00 to $150,000. An alturnative that all the fans would perfer is to make Jarius Byrd clean it up. Since he is an employee and cannot perform the task he is paid to do, perhaps a job reassignment would be in order.


    We could only dream, but I think that would heal his feet very quickly, and he would be back to "100%".

    Great idea, I'm surprised fans didn't start a chant, or at least a make shift sign "Make Byrd clean up the Turd"

  11. He's a rookie and he looks bad. I know it's his 3rd game, but he needs to sit for Tuel. Tuel looked great in the preseason and doesn't even need an offensive line(he played behind a backup line all preseason). So I say we sit OR TRADE ej. I know that everyone's not going to agree, but if we trade EJ and CJ to a team that needs a raw rookie QB and a mediocre, undersized luxury pick RB, we might be able to get a good guard and possibly another TE to help Tuel out for the wild card game come January. Trust me, it seems like a rash decision now, but when Tuel throws for his 3,000th yard in december, no one is going to want me to bring this post up, because it will be a huge I TOLD YOU SO.

    Why don't we trade Gilmore for a new trainer while we are at it -- I love sarcastic posts

  12. - Pressure all day

    - Running game is predictable

    - EJ is in bad third downs all day

    - Does Hacket have a CLUE of how to give his ROOKIE QB a safety valve....where where the FB passes to the flat

    - Screens?


    EJ Manuel did not play well today.....did people really think there were not going to be bumps in the road this season? He was sacked what.....7 times? I feel like Hackett had his nose in "The complete idiots guide to offense" and was running it chapter by chapter....since when is it a good idea to play power football with CJ Spiller.....where was the hot read for EJ?


    And what is this moronic "but Geno played well so EJ should have done it to" Were the jets missing their top defensive backs like were? Were the jets missing their top safety like we were? Do you HONESTLY think McKelvin or Gilmore would have been burned all day like Justin Rogers was? Marcel Darius? We were decimated by injuries going into this game and just kept taking more as the game goes on.


    Come on people get grip

    I agree with most (not all) of what you said --- my thoughts -- it IS MORONIC to look at one game, especially game #3 of the rookie year of a QB and try and project forward to a full career and draw any concrete conclusions, so don't wave the RED flag based on that game and start calling for drafting another QB in 2014 --- having said that, what the Jets game told me about EJ, is you better at least wave a YELLOW flag --- while it was one game, it was ONE VERY BAD ONE --- his throws were off the mark, his "presence" in the pocket was weak, his decision making was awkward and his zip on the ball was not good --- most of all, he didn't display the confidence we saw in games 1 and 2 --- so, in the trajectory that will he this 16-game season, EJ regressed --- he was bad and he needs to rebound and get better --- or that yellow flag will soon turn red
  13. Agreed. I'm willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt for now, but I think there has to be contingency plans in place for some of these scrubs, particularly Rogers and Brown. If they continue to see action (for whatever reason, injury, whatever) and continue to be major reasons for games to be lost / progress not made, that is just unacceptable to me.

    This FO deserves nobody's "benefit of the doubt" --- earn a playoff berth once a decade first

  14. He won't play until he's 100%, because if he gets seriously hurt he might not collect a salary next year. Its not about looking good or quality of play. Its about making sure hes healthy and his market value is intact so he can get that long-term deal hes looking for and collect that guaranteed money.

    Keep telling yourself that. Last year he took shots to reduce pain so he could play, implying (at least to me) that it wouldn't make condition any worse, so why not do that this year ?

  15. I think the issue most people have with BTyrd is that when he says "I won't play until I'm 100%". we are all (in my opinion) rightfully interpreting that to mean, "I won't play until I'm 100%, because I will not jeopardize the quality of my play when I am being evaluated for potential long term FA contracts AND I am so pissed off at Russ Brandon's penny pinching crap that I won't give him the satisfaction" --- granted, we don't know what's in his heart / mind --- but last year, I do not recall (please correct me if I'm wrong), with the same injury, he ONCE uttering those words "I won't play until I'm 100%" --- oh, BTW, rarely are players in the NFL 100% ---

  16. "I'm in limbo right now," Levitre told me this afternoon from his home in Northern California. "I don't know what their plan is.


    "Now that Jairus got his franchise tag, there's a week and a half for them to work a deal out with me. But I haven't been offered anything yet. We're waiting around to see if something will pop up."


    "It would be in the Bills' best interests to at least throw me an offer to see if we can get this thing rolling. There's a lot of unknown for me."


    "If the Bills offer me a fair deal, I would love to stay there," Levitre said. "I'm very familiar with the place. I love the people there. My girlfriend's from there. There are a lot of reasons to be there.


    "It would be great to come back, but I understand the business aspect of it. Sometimes, things don't work out. Hopefully, we'll know something soon."



    If what Levitre said back then is even 1/2 true, what an indictment to this FO --- again, Brandon is the problem -- get rid of him and we might have a chance --- isn't 13 years enough misery for one fan base

  17. I agree. But I think what gets lost in the simplicity of these arguments is that the Bills didn't simply have two options: to (1) pay Levitre premium dollar in a talent-starved free agent market, or (2) to let him go. The Bills could have done with Levitre what they did with Eric Wood this year, or with Fitzpatrick two years ago, or with any number of previous veterans that they rightly or wrongly recognized as important fixtures of their roster: they could have negotiated a contract well IN ADVANCE of free agency (likely by a full season, as with Wood), and kept competitors from dictating (or driving up) his value.


    Granted, BOTH sides need to be interested in coming to these agreements early, but most players tend to be willing to trade the possibility of a premium contract for the security of long-term agreement one year before their current contract elapses. The Bills certainly understand this, but while there were some preliminary discussions (if memory serves) with Levitre early last year, they didn't last very long, and there wasn't a lot of interest on the part of the Bills in keeping discussions open-- with Levitre OR Byrd. The Bills instead took a chance, saved money last year, and ended up losing (arguably with both players). I know Whaley wanted to set a precedent-- he didn't want to get kicked around by aggressive negotiations, especially with Wood, Spiller, and others soon to enter contract years-- but the BILLS could have set a far more important one by locking up their core players BEFORE they hit the market. The front office's approach to Eric Wood-- showing loyalty and providing security by extending him early-- set a far more valuable precedent than letting Levitre walk (who did that benefit?) or playing hardball with Byrd.

    Correct --- if you are "forward thinking" FO, you identify talented players BEFORE they hit FA year and extend them --- what is astonishing about Brandon is that he stood up in front of all Bills fans and proclaimed the Bills were going in a new direction to rebuild the tarnished brand, blah, blah, blah . . . . or we should say BS, BS and more BS !!

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