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Posts posted by GA BILLS FAN



    This argument just makes no sense. They re-sign the people that they feel are good values. Wood, Urbik, Stevie, Freddie, Chandler, Kyle, etc. all got new deals under this regime. They also sign UFAs that they feel can make an impact, you can't argue that they haven't done well with Mario and Manny Lawson.


    Yes, they have $20M in unused cap space now. As has been hashed out on here, that space is going to get eaten up quickly with Wood's new deal and some of the other players that they need to sign after this season (Chandler & Carrington will be UFAs, Dareus will be in the last year of his deal, etc.), along with being active in the UFA market.


    That $20M in cap space is perishable -- don't spend it this year and it disappears --- stop trying to rationalize that which is not rational --- Brandon-Overdorf-Littman -- should move Fitz dead money into 2013 NOW -- that would free the $10M from next year -- they should restructure Kyle Williams and sign A Williams to front loaded extension NOW --- while I agree they can pick and choose who to sign, they can't argue with simple math --- they have $20M they can spend now to lock up some of the players you mention or manipulate the future years cap hits -- they are doing neither

  2. Agree that there are a lot of positives --- most notable to me is the last draft and the way the coaching staff has seemingly improved the play of several struggling prior draft picks that were consistently panned prior to this year --- Carrington, A Williams, Searcy and McKelvin of note ---


    But, sorry there is a but, in this case 2 buts --


    1- Jury is out on Manuel and we all know with a franchise QB, this team is 4-2 or maybe 5-1 -- it means that much ---

    2- This is the BIG ONE --- Brandon-Overdorf-Littman -- as long as the 3 stooges are in charge we'll need HoF GM and HoF coaches to win -- they continue to hamstring the organization with their penny pinching ways --- I know I sound like a broken record, but $20M in unspent cap space does not make sense

  3. In all fairness, who was available in Week 2 that wanted to or could have come in to start for us at any of the positions named? Who was scooped up off the street at that time by another team and has been lights out for said other team?

    I don't have a name -- my main point is that the Bills roster management was not good --- they made decision to not IR Brooks, Byrd and Gilmore, knowing they all were at least several games away -- I get that --- but, why not add a DB and IR Hopkins at that point ? --- did it burn them, IDK who they would have added -- but the idea that they were willing to stress the secondary to the max instead of putting Hopkins on IR doesn't add up --- again, in grand scheme, did it cost them a game, probably not, but it doesn't add up --- IMHO

  4. This has been explained and re-explained. Like it or not, they were handcuffed with roster limitations with all the DB injuries and carrying 2 kickers and coudn't have 3 QBs on the active roster. At the time, they didn't feel it was needed to flip Tuel to the PS and Lewis to the 53. They learned the hard way. That said, we have no idea what Lewis woud have done in the Browns game but since he used to be on the Browns for 2 years, we can surmise he would have been had more success against the defense.

    I'll preface this comment as follows, I didn't expect this team to compete for playoffs THIS year, however, they did mismanage the roster and your giving them a lame excuse -- the fact is, they should have never been carrying 2 kickers for 5 weeks ! --- after week 2, it was clear Carpenter was competent --- heck, he was competent in Miami for a few years --- I was mad they didn't add more DB's and was willing to look the other way on the 2 rookie QB's since they had Lewis on PS --- but, 2 kickers for 5 weeks when you had a rash of injuries in defensive backfield, a horrible OG issue and 2 rookie QB's --- mistake --- in the end, not a huge one, but a mistake

  5. While I like the move, I find it curious this GM/coach that was comfortable with 2 rookie QB's and nothing else on active 53, now finds itself with 4 QB's --- I suspect once Flynn can familiarize himself with playbook or we have another injury, we'll see Tuel kicked to the curb and eventually on PS -- I doubt there is any team willing to sign him to their active 53 after the deer in the headlights performance against Cleveland --- will be interesting to see what Marrone say this afternoon at his PC

  6. Yep. The vast majority of the "front office" is exactly the same. Wilson, Brandon, Littmann, and Overdorf- who have presided over seasons of fiscal savvy and on-field ineptitude- remain on the team.


    Ralph's goal is to minimize his estate tax liability and ensure that his heirs receive as much as they can, which is well within his right, though public subsidies of football mean that he has some obligation to put a solid product on the field. Nothing will change until Ralph's front-office puppets have zero say in player expenditure and the G.M. has full control of player operations. There is no defending the team for some of the decisions they have made, like cutting Fitzpatrick and wasting the one-time cap savings. None. The team is run for profit with football success as an ancillary goal. People need to realize that. Things may be improved, but until we have an owner, like Arthur Blank, Steve Bisciotti, or Mikhail Prokhorov, who wants to win at all costs, the team will never be 100% committed to a Super Bowl title.

    Agree 100% --- forgot to throw in Littman and Overdorf --- until we have a new owner, players, coaches and GM's that are hired, signed and drafted will be fighting with one arm tied behind their back because of the jacka$$es that are really calling the shots

  7. A pass?????? How about some credit for once!


    Man, these bash the front office threads are annoying...I start one highlighting the good things they have done since the start of the offseason, and it gets locked. Someone else starts one to complain...not locked. Priceless.


    First off, this front office has:


    Traded Sheppard for Hughes = grade A: Sheppard is worthless and Hughes is giving us production on the field

    Signed Lawson and Leonard = grade A: Based on value, these were two very quality signings

    Did not OVER pay Levitre = grade A: You dont over pay for guards, just ask the Titans as they have wasted money twice now doing it (Levitre, Hutchinson)

    Traded essentially Tavon Austin for EJ and Kiko and some change = grade A+: This was a steal

    Draft grade overall = A: When your first four picks are EJ, Woods, Kiko, and Goodwin you earn an A for the draft. No way the old regime would EVER draft Kiko...this one did because it saw talent and did their due diligence...the old FO would not have even had him on their draft board (see Vontaze Burfict who I think would have been drafted by this regime)

    Traded for Thad = grade A: Considering what we gave to get a QB who proved to be capable of being a quality backup and a guy who can win a game, thats an A\

    Hired Marrone = grade B: I like Marrone, I think this was a good hire and he was a hot candidate for other teams and our guys signed him.

    Hired Pettine = grade A: This guy has made a big difference on this defense, especially considering the insane amount of injuries we have had to withstand from KEY players on defense.

    Hired Hacket = grade C-: This guy called a better game today and is getting better. And this is more on Marrone than the FO anyway as he was his guy.


    Negatives: Not bringing in more help at Guard for depth at the very least, and not keeping T Jax. T Jax is negated by the pick up of Thad, who as far as I am concerned is pretty comparable to T Jax anyway.


    I find it comical that people just think an entire football team is rebuilt in one off season, including QB and the Skill positions. This FO has done a pretty good job in its first season together and I love the direction of this team.


    WE ARE LITERALLY 4 or 5 plays from being either 6-0 or at least 5-1. This is a young team who has been hit very hard by injuries (Starting QB, both RB's, backup QB, #1 WR, #4WR, #1 DB, #2 DB, #3 DB, Pro Bowl S, starting DE, starting LG, starting K) who has battled EVERY week til the very end.


    This team is headed in the right direction. There is a lot of promise and potential with the team the FO put together...and for once, this team has something exciting about it and reason for hope. Hate towards the FO is soooooooo misguided right now that it is not even funny.

    I agree for the most part if you are grading how well Whaley has done since taking over --- BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, the FRONT OFFICE is Russ Brandon and no way does that clown get anything but an F for Failure -- he has been with Bills since 1997 and in top level position since 2006 -- that's over 7 years --- he was key decision maker and should not be running this franchise, IMHO --- only key FO person who is more worthless is Darcy

  8. Said this elsewhere and I'll say it here:




    That is NOT true --- you can IR any player that will be out multiple weeks (6 to be exact) -- that's why you hear so many teams IR a guy that will be out 6 or more weeks, because they can't afford to tie up a roster spot and there is only 1 IR spot that you can designate for return during year --- The Bills should have IR'd Hopkins once they got comfortable with Carpenter (after game 2) -- and used spot, NOT for QB --- but for CB ! --- or maybe OG ---- not having 3rd QB didn't hurt them per se, because that 3rd QB would have most likely been Lewis and they still have him
  9. I think Freeman looked at Minnesota as a better long term option and a team that actually might resign him --- vs. Buffalo which would have provided him 5 or 6 starts and then a backup role --- can't blame him, although, Freeman won't start immediately (from reports) and if Ponder or Cassel play well, might never --- s for White, if he tried to "negotiate" a ridiculous salary (anything above vet minimum); he's stupid --- he should have signed for minimum and for exposure alone

  10. It's not Brandon We paid Williams 100m. It's the past that is hurting. Give the new group three years and see. Than complain. Have to agree a backup QB plan was not in place. Now we need to address our new needs. Vet QB to steady the ship for afew games and a punter. Did we forget about the punter? Lick our wounds and suck it up.

    I know we paid Williams $100M, but why didn't we spend the other $20M that is available this year ?? -- if not on new players, extend existing players to free cap space up next year ? --- if not extensions, how about restructurings to free cap space up next year and year after ? -- again, it's playing with one hand tied behind your back -- can you win that way, of course, except, it's much harder
  11. I hate to sound like a broken record, but, when your team consistently spends UNDER the CAP, they are playing with one hand tied behind their backs for no reason. As long as profit is #1 and winning is #2 you are making winning much harder. Money doesn't guarantee a winner, you need smart drafting and strong pro player personnel decisions and a little luck --- but why an organization would not spend to the cap on a consistent basis is beyond me.


    Let me ask all of you this question "If the NFL passed a rule tomorrow and said the other 31 NFL teams have a $120M cap and Buffalo has a $100M cap, would you be mad ?, outraged ? incensed ?" Of course you would. So, why do the Bills do it to themselves. Makes no sense and that is why Russ Brandon has to go.

  12. It seems like most of this thread is oriented around the assumption that EJ Manuel is unquestionably the long term answer to our QB concerns:

    -Worries about whether the guy we bring in will somehow ruin him if he's not a good example of what a QB should be (btw who's his "example" now?)

    -assertions that the decision is not that big a deal because we'll only need this guy for a few weeks this year

    -suggestions that this is a rebuilding year where wins don't matter


    The problem I see with that assumption: Manuel hasn't really proven anything yet, as far as long term capability as a franchise QB. Granted he gets the benefit of the doubt as he's a rookie and learning, but more importantly,he has not come close to proving that he will have the durability for that role. For those reasons it would seem prudent to consider that we need a backup QB that MIGHT be an alternative answer as a starter. I think that was the thinking all along with Kolb, but it didn't pan out. It damn sure isn't Tuel. Freeman (or maybe even Young) at least give us the plausible potential of being a starter. You can't immediately write off either, as both have "extenuating circumstances" in their histories.

    Good point and that is one of the biggest issues with Manuel being hurt and out for any extended period --- I said from day one, I wanted the assessment on EJ to be clear cut -- either he stinks or he's great, so if it's the former the Bills will know to go after another QB in the next draft that is QB-deep --- I'm guessing most fans think he's shown enough and I'm certain coaches and FO think same - in my opinion, it's not clear just yet --- he has the poise, maturity, decision making and arm strength -- he still has questionable accuracy and inconsistency --- would love to see those two show improvement --- that's why, in my mind, if Freeman is signed and plays next 6 games --- and you still want EJ as the long term answer, you need to give him the team back for last 4-5 games so he can show that improvement
  13. I think you owe it to the other 52 guys on the roster, the coaching staff to find a QB that is capable of winning in the NFL -- I also think the Bills offenses needs to grow and mature as a unit as does Hackett --- without a decent QB at the helm, that won't happen --


    When Bills say a few weeks, I don't think it means 3 weeks --- if it was 2-3 weeks, Marrone would have said a couple of weeks, maybe 3 --- I think it's more like 4-5 weeks -- that puts Manuel's return Nov 10th against Pitt -- any delay on that schedule, and the Bills would hold him out until after the bye and he'd play 12/1 vs. Atlanta --- that would give him 8 weeks ---


    I think the Bills have RG3's injury in the back of their minds and do not want to be stupid ---


    Having said all that, I think the only QB that makes sense is Josh Freeman -- I don't buy that he's a cancer or a "me guy" --- and even if he is, he would be the biggest fool, not only to JUMP, but to LEAP at the chance to join Bills and be a model citizen --- if I'm Whaley, I'm telling Freeman this -- "son, you are damaged goods. you will never get a long term contract in this league because your former employer has painted you as a cancer, an uncoachable selfish player who is looking out for himself and nonone else. Your body of work over the last 12 months is marginal at best, your best option is to come to Buffalo, start the next 4-5 games, play your a$$ off, be a model citizen then assume the backup role when EJ is ready, and show the other 31 teams that you would be an asset to them as a starter or backup" ---


    I see it as a win-win -- for both sides ---

  14. I agree. You gotta have better talent backing you up. No Way Levitre should have walked. No Way Byrd shouldn't have signed a long term deal. These 2 situations were avoidable. I blame the front office for not having the foresight to tie up these 2 long term.


    Back Up QB is hard though. They were going through major changes this offseason at the Position. Tuel was not Ideal, I don't know who else was available so I reserve judgement other than, they should again have the foresight to get someone better than "Tuel"

    Brandon is the JOKE. He is the guy who is hoarding the $20M in cap space and tying the hands of the GM, which in turn puts the coaching staff in a tough spot --- and makes the success of this team high risk --- if there truly was a LONG TERM plan to this madness, Brandon would be resigning and extending and shifting money from out years to this year --- I would shut up and feel better if Brandon said they are taking Fitz entire cap hit this year -- and that they restructured Kyle Williams contact to lower his out years etc. etc --- instead, Brandon is doing what he has done for the past decade --- and we know how that's gone ---

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