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Posts posted by GA BILLS FAN

  1. Very odd OP ?? . . . . that's like me saying if the score was Atlanta 34 and Buffalo 31, the Falcons would have won if it was in RWS. The point us "anti-Toronto Series" folks are trying to make is that the Bills opponents would NOT be able to accomplish what they accomplish in Toronto if game was in RWS. This game as much as any, Atlanta is a dome team and plays 3 road games a year in NO, Carolina and TB that are good weather cities (or dome) --- they as a team are not used to the elements --- but more importantly CROWD noise --- it kills opposing offenses and BTW, helps Bills defense and offense ---

  2. Looks like we'll be drafting near the top 10 in 2014.


    Positional needs:




    QB: I'm quite fine going into next season with 1. EJ; 2. Thad; 3. Tuel. Thad is more than capable to come in and be serviceable for 1-2 games..IMO.


    RB: Spiller/Freddy are set. Bring in a younger RB than Choice considering both CJ and Freddy are banged up quite often. I wouuldn't mind drafting a RB really late in the draft like 6th round and taking a chance on a guy who's from a small school but with big upside.


    My pick: Antonio Andrews - Wester Kentucky. Beastly. 6th round.


    WR: I'm OK with Stevie/Woods/Goodwin as the main starters. BUT, this is only if we draft an elite TE high. Maybe draft a WR in the 4th round for depth/potential sleeper.


    TE: Chandler is a free agent in 2014 I believe. Seems like a great guy, but this is the ONE position we can make a huge splash in this draft and it'll have the biggest impact on this offense IMO. If we finish near top 10 in draft I would simply trade down to around 13 - 17 and pick up an extra second round pick. I don't care what player is near the top 10. If we can find a trading partner, trade down b/c the only player I care about for us in the 1st round is Jace Amaro.


    My pick: Jace Amaro - Texas Tech. Godly. Big and fast. Phenomenal receiving TE. Exactly what EJ needs to complete this offense. Our 1st round pick in 2014.


    OL: Woods/Glenn/Urbik are fine IMO. Even Pears is "OK". Nothing special..but not a real liability. Hopefully Hairston can make it back healthy next season. But for the draft, our second biggest need (IMO) is LG, and our first second round pick should be used to upgrade this position.


    My pick: Xavier Su'a Filo - UCLA. If he comes out (which he prob will since he's a bit older anyway) he's instantly an upgrade over Legursky (IMO).





    DL: Though coming off of yesterday's game, it's not as easy to say this, I think we're absolutely set on the DL with Dareus, KW, MW, Bryant, Hughes. IMO, i would resign Branch and bring back Carrington (he's a FA no?) and this DL is set.


    LB: Kiko has been a monster and Lawson has been solid as well. Bradham/Moats are below average and shouldn't see the field much. Our second second round pick should be used to sure up the LB corps.


    My pick: Chris Borland - Wisconsin. This guy doesn't have the NFL "size" (5'11 240s) causing him to drop a bit. But anyone who sees this guy play on the field will admit that he's everywhere, always. Phenomenal instincts.


    CB: You can never have enough CB right? LOL. McKelvin has been playing better this season (finally) and Gilmore has not been living up to his high draft pick. Lets hope next year Gilmore will turn around much like mcKelvin has this season. We need another CB though in the first 3 rounds. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH CB. LOL.


    My pick: Aaron Colvin - Oklahoma. Good size and aggressive. Many say he's a bit overrated so I'm hoping he drops to the 3rd round, at which point he'd be a steal (IMO).



    S: A. Williams has made strides at safety this season. I like him there. Lets resign Byrd. Draft a safety in the 5th for depth.


    K: I actually like Carpenter and wouldn't mind if he came back. Very reliable.


    P: I wouldn't be opposed to drafting a punter in the 7th round.


    So as of December 2013, our best scenario for the 2014 draft would be:


    Round 1: Jace Amaro - TE

    Round 2: Xavier Su'a Filo - LG

    Round 2: Chris Borland - LB

    Round 3: Aaron Colvin - CB


    Round 4: WR

    Round 5: S

    Round 6: Antonio Andrews - RB

    Round 7: Punter





    When did the Bills get a 2nd, 2nd round pick ?

  3. This is our sixth new coaching regime since Levy. We usually hate the hiring because it's not a household name coach, but they say enough things that we eventually come around (except for maybe Jauron). We're starting to put together a new tradition. It goes as follows:


    1. Fire old coach

    2. Hate new coach

    3. Buy into new coach

    4. Question new coach

    5. Have hope for new coach when they get close to a run

    6. Want the head of new coach till he becomes old coach


    I think right now is the quintessential step 4. Between now and next season, we're all going to have our Marrone doubts. Inevitably, there will be one moment between now and his token three years, where we all have a little faith. There seems to be one moment all these coaches get where there is actual hope:


    Wade Philips - Actually led us to the playoffs

    Gregg Williams - Had that first Beldsoe season

    Mike Mularky - Had that last Bledsoe season (infamous Steelers third stringer loss)

    Dick Jauron - Had that improbable 5-1 start in 2008

    Chan Gailey - Comeback wins against OAK, NE and 4-1 start


    Here's what is on all of our minds right now:


    Do you think Marrone has what it takes to buck tradition? Or, do you think when he gets his little glimmer of hope (be it next year or the year after) will he choke like the rest?

    Coaching is NOT the issue ! . . . GM is NOT the issue ! . . . the issue is Russ Brandon !! ---- leaving $20M in unspent cap in 2013 is criminal -- renewing the Toronto series is criminal . . . . the fact that he self-proclaims himself to be a "marketing genius" and gets others to use that label is a joke !! ----- you want real change for this franchise, focus on WINNING and not PROFITS --- that is at the root of every evil --- I actually think we have decent coaches and a up and coming GM --- but they will get their a$$es handed to them in this league when they are working for a president that puts profits ahead of winning ----

  4. nice post!


    Luckily it looks like the core of this team (which is primarily young), will still be intact. Kolb really needs to retire for his sake and ours.


    Also, Eric Decker is a Free Agent next year. Probably going to be tough to get, but he's the type of receiver we need. Big, physical, makes tough catches.

    CALL Russ Brandon and tell him to start spending the $20M in unspent cap money this year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --- he's killing any chance this team has of building a sustainable winner ---

  5. Agree 1,000% !! . . I hate the Toronto series. At best the games are on neutral field, usually they are more like road games. No way, this team starts that way at The Ralph and loses that type of game. The margin of difference between NFL teams is usually very small and crowd factors into many games, especially with this team at this point. Maybe if we were Denver, New England, New Orleans or some other Top 5 team it wouldn't, but right now, it does. This is all part of the Russ Brandon "marketing genius", show a profit by under spending the cap (that is as criminal as this) and selling a home game to a fan base that doesn't want it --- it sucks for the fans, players and coaches --- Brandon is the problem and he must go before this team can build a sustainable winner

  6. I agree with many here on this new GM/Coach tandem -- it does feel different --- if only Brandon would give them some money to flesh out the roster over the off-season --- we need a couple FA's and another good draft and EJ to be good (doesn't have to be great) --- this could be a legit playoff team with upside in future years --- again --- Brandon HAS TO give them the money ---- otherwise, we'll be watching our talent leave ----

  7. Here's what I'd do: (1) Maximize my CAP space in 2014 and 2015 by; moving Fitz's $10M in dead money from 2014 back into 2013; restructure Kyle and Mario Williams, Fred Jackson and move more money into 2013 and out of 2014 and 2015 --- extend Aaron Williams --- in other words, spend every cent of the cap space I have in 2013 and free up as much space as I can for 2014, 2015 -- I want and need financial flexibility in those years to add pieces ---- (2) In FA and draft I'd target upgrades to RG, TE, LB and CB --- I don't know Hairston prognosis, if it is bleak, I'd add OT to that list --- I would look for another RB in mid-round of draft ---- I would leave WR alone for this off-season, I just spent a 2nd and 3rd on two very talented guys -- I'd rather look for a diamond in the rough than spend high pick or precious FA $$ on another WR ---- (3) as for Byrd, I'd be willing to go Top 5 deal (average of top 5 safety contracts) -- I would not got to highest paid -- if that keeps him in Buffalo, great -- if not, I assess what I have with Searcy, Meeks, A Williams and D Williams and decide if I need to go after another safety in draft --- ----------------- ----- what's amazing is with coaching and one very good offseason the holes on this team have largely gone away --- think about it --- A Williams and McKelvin are now solid in secondary (COACHING) ---- one trade (Hughes) gives us legitimate depth at pass rush --- a couple decent FA's (Branch, Bryant) one very good UFA (Robey) and we are okay on D-Line and secondary is very close ------ one very good draft --- gives us 2 legitimate WR's --- Woods and Goodwin --- yes, we don't have a true #1 --- but he might have 3 legitimate #2's --- I'll take it ---- same draft gives us potential Pro Bowl and playmaking MLB (Kiko) ---- EJ remains a big question mark --- if he plays like the Pittsburgh game --- OUCH !! -- I'm drafting a QB in round 1 --- if he plays like he did against Jets --- I'm steering clear of drafting a QB and thinking of adding a veteran QB to help with mentoring ---- ---- Bills had a very good offseason in 2013 --- if they can replicate that again in 2014 with solid draft, one or two key FA's and find another diamond in the rough UFA --- we should be able to fill or upgrade the remaining holes --- again, A LOT -- I mean A LOT depends on QB and Manuel being "the guy" --- if he is not, we will be back to square one --- QB is that important ---

  8. What this says more than anything is that the Bills are not satisfied with Legursky's play --- they'll kick the tires on this guy and probably give him an opportunity if he does well in practice --- bottom line, we are definitely drafting a OG in 1st or 2nd or going after one in FA ---- only issue is that Brandon has completely screwed our cap up for next year by sending $10M of Fitz's dead money !! -- that would have bought a pretty nice OG!!

  9. I think this will be the story of the upcoming off season for Bills fans. The guy has taken a putrid defense and turned it into a top-10 squad (if you believe Football Outsiders, anyway) with pretty much the same personnel on the field.


    But is Buffalo merely a stepping stone into a head coaching job? Like most years in the modern NFL, multiple teams will be searching for a new coach. Vikings, Bucs, Titans, Texans, Cowboys in all likelihood. Turning the Bills around has been a great opportunity for Pettine to prove that he wasn't just a stooge for Rex Ryan.


    On the other hand, it's hard to miss how much the defense has gelled under his tutelage. And it's a reality that not EVERY coordinator desires a HC job. In fact, that promotion has proven time and time again to be a career setback if the first opportunity isn't a good one.


    Personally I think he stays.

    Like others, I think we'll get 2 years and then he'll get his shot and if he continues the trajectory this defense is on, we should all thank him and wish him well --- I think it's amazing the difference he has created, with largely the same personnel -- sure, we added the Legend, Branch and Hughes --- but the turnaround in the play of McKelvin and Aaron Williams is stark --- the D-line is playing to their potential and most of all, he has created a mindset --- I think this Defense is Top 1/2 right now --- but moving up -- I see no reason, assuming the secondary continues to mature, becomes a Top 10 or even Top 5 defense next year --- if that happens, watch for Pettine to get interest from teams that are looking for a defense first coach
  10. Ok --- an unproductive morning --- I went through all the remaining games and see a very plausible scenario where Bills end up tied with NY Jets -- that would include tie breakers, AFC record, common opponents and of course head to head -- it would come down to strength of victory -- which I don't know what that is --- probably "margin of victory, i.e. Pts for minus Pts against ? --- Buffalo leads in that right now



    What "sucks" is to be disappointed that your favorite football team has a chance, although slim, to end a long playoff drought, and all you're thinking about is not getting a high enough draft pick.


    Feel free to post elsewhere if this thread disappoints you too much.

    Agree 100% -- when I click on this thread, the proverbial glass "is half full" !!

  12. At the risk of jumping the proverbial gun, perhaps this thread may be pinned until either the Bills clinch a spot or are mathematically eliminated from playoff contention?


    Following week 11 action (one game pending) the Bills (4-7) sit at 14th in the AFC, yet are only 1.5 games behind the final Wild Card leaders at 5-5 (NYJ, MIA).


    Teams #8-13 (OAK, TEN, PIT, BAL, SD, CLE) have identical 4-6 records.


    Next week there are some big games that will shake things up a bit, while the Bills sit home and get healthy:


    SD @ KC (Go Chefs)

    CAR @ MIA (Go Panthers)

    PIT @ CLE (Bills lost to both, but I think we root for the Browns here)

    NYJ @ BAL (Go Ravens)

    TEN @ OAK (Raiders have the better conference record, so go Titans)


    Bottom line -- if the Jets and Fish both lose next week, no matter what else happens Buffalo is one stinking game out of a playoff spot with five to go.

    If Bills win out --- I think Baltimore and Tennessee are strongest teams to watch, based on their play and their schedules --- took quick look and Oakland, Miami, Cleveland and San Diego will all fade based on play and tougher schedules ---- Pitt and NY Jets have easier schedules, but not sure on their play

  13. I think Buddy Nix hiring Marrone and drafting EJ then stepping down was a very calculated move. I think it was Billick who said a GM becomes tied to the QB he selects and lives and dies by him. In the Bills case, Nix made his choices, then fell on his sword. While he may have had input, Whaley technically was not responsible for Marrone and EJ and could emerge unscathed if the current iteration of the Bills doesn't work out.

    Let's not start this again -- this was Whaley's draft -- EJ is Whaley's pick -- to be honest, a 1st round QB is an organizational pick -- so, it's Marrone, Whaley and Brandon --- Buddy had input, but final decision was Whaley and with a 1st round QB -- it requires consensus --- this has been stated by several current and ex-GM's --


    As for Manuel --- I agree with a lot of the posts -- here's my take:


    Positives (+): Composure, Character, Quick release, Arm strength, Mobility/Athleticism and Confidence

    Negatives (-1): Inconsistent Accuracy (I see this on ALL throws right now, short, medium and long) AND Decision Making (I think his failure to make the deeper throws and check down is a sign of poor decision making as much as anything)


    Outlook: Uncertain. If he can't significantly improve accuracy he will wash out. I think decision making will come with more playing time, accuracy, I'm not as confident

  14. Great thread !


    I moved away from Buffalo about 15 years ago -- my son, who is 15, became a diehard Bills fan, in large part because of me, but also because of aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents back in Buffalo who are fans --- my wife always complains, why did you make your son a Bills fan ? --- why not Colts (I then remind her where the Colts were pre-Peyton) --- anyway, I digres


    For me, it comes down to not wanting to quit on the team and the city where I was raised -- for those of you who have spent your entire lives in WNY, I've actually found my love for the city / team has increased with distance --- I feel a responsibility to defend it, champion it and celebrate it -- especially as I encounter cocky Dallas fans ---


    So, in the end, to me, it's who I am --- and (unfortunately) who my son is

  15. If not Ralph, who do YOU blame for 13+ years of LOSING ?


    Most currently, Ralph is responsible for turning over control to Brandon, who, like Ralph in the past, is more concerned with PROFIT than winning --- yes, he wants to win, but not enough to spend to the cap !! ---


    Again, who do YOU hold accountable ? --- successful companies hold people accountable and create performance based cultures -- there are FOUR commons to the misery that has been the Bills the past 13+ year -- Ralph, Brandon, Overdorf and Littman -- to me, they are all to blame and all interchangeable


  16. I think some of these running QB's, run because they cannot be as effective as a pocket only QB --- e.g. look at RG3, his game overall is diminished because he isn't running (or can't run, yet) -- he's not as effective of a QB --- I think OC's are taking good passers and trying to make them great QB's by adding a run dimension to their game --- we all know how critical the QB position is in the NFL, the new wave OC's have found an added wrinkle that takes a good passer that can run and make them a great QB -- I think that's what you saw last year with RG3 (and this year's version of a non-running RG3 isn't pretty!); Kaepernick, Wilson and Vick. If you have a QB that is a great passer, you would be foolish as an OC to have them run --- case in point is Andrew Luck -- he is becoming a great passer -- he will run only when it's a safe option or to avoid the rush --- same with Rodgers ---- with Manuel, the issue might be that he will never be a great passer and the only way for the Bills to make him a great QB is to allow him to run as a part of his game ---- maybe he can develop into a great passer, but if he can't, he might have to run to be a successful franchise QB -- there are only so many great passers

  17. Why are folks thinking it's out of the question for EJ to be back next week? As of today he is 5 1/2 weeks post injury -- an injury with a 4-6 week timeline for return. He has been rehabbing and began throwing last week. Even Dierdorf mentioned during the broadcast yesterday he wouldn't be surprised to see EJ in the lineup at Pittsburgh. No, he doesn't have "inside information" but he was talking with players and coaches as a part of his preparation to do the game.

    The 4-6 week timeline was at time of the announcement, Oct 21st, which would be NY Jets game (4 weeks) or Atlanta (6 weeks) --- Marrone was asked about EJ postgame and said "not close" --- I've also read reports that he is going full speed on sidelines --- I suspect, the issue at this point isn't his ability to perform it's the concern he will reinjure himself with any hit -- i.e. the knee can't take another hit, yet

  18. I know there is no way Bills with draft another QB in 1st or 2nd round --- they might look for another project in 3rd or later depending on their feelings on Tuel, Lewis Flynn and Kolb --- what I am saying, if Bills had a true franchise QB, they'd be 7-2 or 8-1 right now -- it is that important to success of NFL team --- this defense is close to being very good -- we have very good RB's and an adequate O-line --- we need a franchise QB --- is EJ the guy, the honest answer is "I DON'T KNOW" --- if that's the honest answer after he plays another 5 or 6 games this year, I would draft another QB in 1st round ---- it's that important --- we should keep drafting them until we get one --- it's that important ---- did I mention it's important enough for everyone to understand ??? --- Look around --- look at the consensus top NFL teams over the past decade, the correlation between very good QB and winning / playoff records is very high --- all together "IT'S THAT IMPORTANT !!!" --- I hope everyday that EJ is that guy --- but if we aren't sure after this year --- draft a QB

  19. You have to take into account that this might be the deepest QB draft EVER --- I know it's early, but you might have 5 or 6 legitimate 1st round talents --- watch, you will see teams taking QB's in 1st round that have an established starter --- the only upside for Bills, assuming they don't draft another QB, you will see quality position players drop ----

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